The instructions that came with my pump said that I should only adjust my basal for exercise of more than 45 minutes' duration. Since I never exercise for that length of time, the only exercise for which I adjust my basal is swimming, because I have to take the pump off.
Over the past few months I have started cycling to work (4 miles each way, started off taking 30 minutes but is now down to 22 minutes one way and 24 return as it's uphill) and have been having more hypos than I would like, despite adjusting my bolus doses.
Question is would others carry on reducing boluses, or would you reduce basal as well?
Over the past few months I have started cycling to work (4 miles each way, started off taking 30 minutes but is now down to 22 minutes one way and 24 return as it's uphill) and have been having more hypos than I would like, despite adjusting my bolus doses.
Question is would others carry on reducing boluses, or would you reduce basal as well?