Accu-chek Combo or Insight

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I have confirmed with my clinic I will be going with the Accu Chek Combo after all! I was almost swayed by the insight but in reality a change in insulin AND getting a pump would probably be too much to handle!

Thank you all for your input and advice. Trophywench I was realised intrigued to see your post with figures - who knew it was that much! That reminds me I have to look into insurance too 🙂 Wow!
Hopefully you have normal Household Contents cover already? - if so just ring em and ask them to cover it - value is £3,000 still I believe.

Our insurer (RSA) do it free!
I have confirmed with my clinic I will be going with the Accu Chek Combo after all! I was almost swayed by the insight but in reality a change in insulin AND getting a pump would probably be too much to handle!

Thank you all for your input and advice. Trophywench I was realised intrigued to see your post with figures - who knew it was that much! That reminds me I have to look into insurance too 🙂 Wow!
Good luck Liz, let us know how you get on with the new pump! 🙂
The Combo is great and there are loads of us on here using them, so just ask if you need help.
I have confirmed with my clinic I will be going with the Accu Chek Combo after all! I was almost swayed by the insight but in reality a change in insulin AND getting a pump would probably be too much to handle!

Thank you all for your input and advice. Trophywench I was realised intrigued to see your post with figures - who knew it was that much! That reminds me I have to look into insurance too 🙂 Wow!

I think you've made a good choice. While @curlygirl and others do love the Insight, I have seen quite a lot of teeth grinding about various things to do with it, and for all its sleek looking glossiness I think you have probably made the right choice to stick with the insulin you know. 4 years goes by surprisingly quickly, and who knows what pumps will be on offer when you next get to pick one!
I have had the Insight for 18 months now and would go back to the Combo immediately. For all the reasons listed above. As a big Insulin user, I have to change my cartridge every 24-36 hours.....the biggest downer for me.
This thread has been so helpful. I had a discussion two weeks ago about updating my pump and was so glad that I was informed enought to choose the Combo again rather than the Insight.
This thread has been so helpful. I had a discussion two weeks ago about updating my pump and was so glad that I was informed enought to choose the Combo again rather than the Insight.
You're lucky you got the choice!
Bring back my Combo!!
Unfortunately it's not all great because my clinic won't replace my pump until it breaks which could mean several days without a pump - very scary with how quickly my BGs jump in the middle of the night when on MDI due to the gastroparesis.
Unfortunately it's not all great because my clinic won't replace my pump until it breaks which could mean several days without a pump - very scary with how quickly my BGs jump in the middle of the night when on MDI due to the gastroparesis.
Surely that's unsafe practice? Allowing (effectively forcing) you to use a pump beyond its guaranteed limit? I'd be tempted to question the legality of that! 😱 :(
I'm now wondering if I made the right choice in asking for the insight as my upgrade - main reason was the prefilled cartridges as air bubbles arte the bane of my life! In the time I've been waiting and my DSN keeps cancelling appointments, 4 mths have gone by and stupidly I just discovered I hadn't bothered ordering my usual supplies i.e. the rapid D-link, tails and spirit cartridges :( Tonight, when I was trying to change pump sites with a flexlink (that I asked Roche for) I realised they had sent me flexlink plus instead of flexlink so they are not compatible with my combo. Panic. I shall have to ring first thing in the morning again and order an emergency pack and hope it gets here asap. I feel a lack of support from my DSN and team and wonder if and how I could see another DSN?
I used flexlink plus for a while with my Combo. They use different tubing but they definitely work. I hope that you get sorted and supplies arrive in good time.
thanks, I finally got the flexlink and spare D-Links in case I don't get the hang of the flex link. Thank goodness Parcelforce delivered today as it was cutting it a bit fine! I had to use an 8mm rapid d link during the night when I got high and ran out of spares (usually I use 4mm but had an old box of some 8mm I tried once) Am hoping the flexlinks can be used with an inserter. Will have a look through the boxes of spares tomorrow
The piston rewind also takes longer with the Insight than it did with the Combo. It isn't touch screen like anything else you've ever had BTW - you have to stab at it hard - I find that hitting it smartly with a fingernail works best for me.

Yes the Combo reservoir has a max capacity of 315u - but if you don't need 315u in 6 days - then just fill what you actually need! ie TDD x 6, plus a bit, plus 2 or 3 cannula primes (only last 2 days on me, poor absorption) and probably 2 tube primes on top 'just in case'.

Changing a cannula takes about 30 seconds and the only time you touch either pump - is to prime the cannula once you've detached from the old un and reattached. Changing the reservoir does of course take longer with the Combo - cos you have to fill it in the first place.

There are absolutely NO advantages with the Insight over the Combo other than simply that. I don't see anything better about the menu functions frankly. It certainly isn't intuitive - and the Combo is. If you ask me the Insight is a bit too clever for its own good. Frankly if I need to change a basal rate, I doubt VERY much if I would ever be able to identify the timing of where I need the adjustment, down to the exact 15 minutes. (I know, I'll increase my basal by 0.05u/hr between 21.45 and 22.15 - that should make one HELL of a difference ..... )

The Combo is and always was - both virtually bomb proof and virtually idiot proof.

You want me to choose today ? - have the Insight back and gimme a nice new Combo. Ta !

Incidentally - you need to charge the Insight handset every couple of nights - if you EVER let it go flat - you've killed the battery completely. Also, the one AAA battery in the pump goes down to 70% and then almost immediately after dies completely and it alarms in the middle of the night, in the middle of a funeral service, job interview, meeting with important client ...... and will NOT shut up. You have to change it RIGHT NOW. With the Combo - you get a couple of hours leeway after it first warns you it's a bit low.

It works, OK - but quite honestly the ease of pre-filled cartridges does not excuse or balance out, the crap.

Oh - and Sally is correct about battery life in the Combo - I kind of used to wonder when I'd last changed em it was always that long ago, so I changed em for the hell of it usually. Always had new ones before we went on holiday - and we go for a few months when we can - and though I took spares - never needed em till after we returned home.
Agree with all had combo now on insight for around 2 yrs cannot wait get rid of it. For me hate the handset sooo slow and when trying navigate menu to change basal bloody awful. Frustrating for me to say the least if out and about usually dose on pump as much quicker . No one be even noticed before but if your having a meal your flippin meal will be cold by time you've dosed using handset. Just sayin
...... but ..... if they aren't continuing the Combo, and we all hate the Insight - will we like any other make or model of pump any better?

I would find it immensely frustrating to have to get a meter out to test my blood, then stash all that away whilst remembering my BG and then fish out the pump, go to the bolus wizard on it and do the necessary. I can't actually envisage that it would be any quicker than the Insight we all think is too slow!
...... but ..... if they aren't continuing the Combo, and we all hate the Insight - will we like any other make or model of pump any better?

I would find it immensely frustrating to have to get a meter out to test my blood, then stash all that away whilst remembering my BG and then fish out the pump, go to the bolus wizard on it and do the necessary. I can't actually envisage that it would be any quicker than the Insight we all think is too slow!

With Medtronic pumps the meter is paired to the pump and BG is automatically transmitted over (strictly speaking you can turn this off, but I don't know anyone who would).

So by the time you've put your finger pricker back in the case the pump is already waiting to start the bolus wizard.

You do have to do the 'entering carbs' business on the pump though. Remote boluses are possible with the MM640G from the meter, but more simply than a full bolus wizard - either straight bolus of any units/fractions, or preset fancy bolus (square/combo) on the meter where you've already defined units/time/split. The pump offers a full bolus wizard as you'd expect with choices of straight bolus or fancy tailored to whatever you want. I *think* there's a separate remote you can buy, but tbh I've never felt the need to look into it (not wearing dresses probably helps in that department!)

I guess it's just what you are used to.

I'm not sure about the Animas Vibe, but I think you would have to remember BG and enter it manually (you can also do this on Medtronic if you particularly want to use another meter than the Contour NextLink 2.4, but again I don't know anyone that does that - probably for the extra faff reasons you suggest!)
...... but ..... if they aren't continuing the Combo, and we all hate the Insight - will we like any other make or model of pump any better?

I would find it immensely frustrating to have to get a meter out to test my blood, then stash all that away whilst remembering my BG and then fish out the pump, go to the bolus wizard on it and do the necessary. I can't actually envisage that it would be any quicker than the Insight we all think is too slow!
No bolus wizard on the pump. I test then dose I can work out much quicker and bolus before the handset is even thinking about it. I know it doesn't enter carbs which can make it difficult later but I told my dsn how much I hate it when eating out she agreed I had to do what im comfortable with.
My dsn says I'd be suitable for omnipod as have low doses of insulin. Do they have Bluetooth handset and how are people finding them?
What about your insulin on board though? Mind you - when it reckons I still have shedloads left after well over 3 hours I do tend to tell it not to be so silly!
...... but ..... if they aren't continuing the Combo, and we all hate the Insight - will we like any other make or model of pump any better?

I would find it immensely frustrating to have to get a meter out to test my blood, then stash all that away whilst remembering my BG and then fish out the pump, go to the bolus wizard on it and do the necessary. I can't actually envisage that it would be any quicker than the Insight we all think is too slow!
I do all the sums in my head, and normally use the fast bolus on my pump. While on holiday I had to dress for dinner so used the remote on the meter a few times. I felt quite self conscious getting the meter out for each course and felt it detracted from conversations whereas I can push the buttons on the pump without looking!
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