A thought on misinformation about diabetes

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A friend of mine Bill has had recurrent pancreatitis and, every time she went into hospital, the doctors asked her husband if she was a drinker. She is not apart from sometimes when she goes out for a meal. It is known as a "drinker's disease" but in her case it is not. She did eventually have a stent put in and now she has the pancreatic less frequently. They never did find out what caused it.

No one has ever given a reason for my probs, they once told Liz to prepare for the worst, and I'm due more open surgery in a short while. Yet Ive had no explanation as to the cause.
Shows that D is not alone in misconception and inexplicable cause.
At least they listen to the patient and drop the knee jerk thinking though.
As Ive asked before.

Why is D different ?
I wish I knew Bill. I'm going for my regular it's not the bloody diabetes discussion with the neurologists on Wednesday. One of these days, tunnel vision is going to kill me.
@Bubbsie Sorry I may have come Across as a Bit harsh.
No Donald...I haven't taken any offence...what you said is right...very difficult to get a straight answer...if any of us would get an answer in the first place.
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