A thought on misinformation about diabetes

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As the opposition it gives Abbot something to needle the PM about
in the grand scheme of things the PM has got bigger things on her mind and she's stated it won't stand in her way, so she will not be wanting to make an issue of it, thus it is down to the opposition to campaign about it.
The ball is in Abbots court, advantage Abbot.
-Abbot and May both know the need for proper care and the consequences of it
-Abbot was sidelined from a highlight of her career, the general election as she succumbed to lack of care
-May became PM because she took care EDIT: May became PM, she took care of her diabetes i.e a contrasting opposite to Abbot to push the point across for better care for diabetics because with proper care (equipment, medical, diet) everything is possible and without, it can be debilitating and career damaging (just comparisons and what do I know as a mere observer and non-diabetic...)
-Both are unaware of the issues for the ordinary person in the street, but they are personally aware of the need for good monitoring and care
-Abbot had a supportive leader - what would the consequences be if she hadn't at such a crucial point in business?

Abbot should join forces with Viaz then and both of them lobby the PM.
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My turn to ask here...am I being naïve/utopian...maybe some of us here could consider writing to her on the common difficulties we encounter with diabetes care...mainly the lack of any cohesive care...conflicting advice...the entrenched refusal to accept the 'eat well' plate is not a universal benefit (was determined never to mention that dammed eat well plate ever again...failed miserably)...the routine denial of testing equipment...scarcity of education courses...a possibility perhaps?

Why not write to the architect,

Jeremy Hunt.
As the opposition it gives Abbot something to needle the PM about
in the grand scheme of things the PM has got bigger things on her mind and she's stated it won't stand in her way, so she will not be wanting to make an issue of it, thus it is down to the opposition to campaign about it.
The ball is in Abbots court, advantage Abbot.
-Abbot and May both know the need for proper care and the consequences of it
-Abbot was sidelined from a highlight of her career, the general election as she succumbed to lack of care
-May became PM because she took care
-Both are unaware of the issues for the ordinary person in the street, but they are personally aware of the need for good monitoring and care
-Abbot had a supportive leader - what would the consequences be if she hadn't at such a crucial point in business?

Abbot should join forces with Viaz then and both of them lobby the PM.

"May became PM because she took care". ??
Why not write to the architect,

Jeremy Hunt.
Because Jeremy Hunt is not Dianne Abbott...not type 2 diabetic...did not have an issue relating to diabetes during the election campaign...does not have a personal interest/experience with diabetes.
Oh, really ??

Mrs May is.
There are a number of MPs who campaign actively in Parliament on diabetes. As @Northerner mentioned, this includes Keith Vaz but he is not the only one. You can find out which MPs, including Diane Abbott, have spoken about diabetes in Parliament by using Hansard (https://hansard.parliament.uk/) and searching for diabetes or any other terms you’re interested in. MPs will also be involved in campaigning and awareness raising through parliamentary groups, such as the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes, and in their local constituencies. Diabetes UK are always trying to talk to as many MPs as possible about why raising awareness and campaigning on diabetes is important. 🙂
Really...Theresa May stunning...or you not appreciating she is type 1...which in the context of this thread is indeed stunning.

Yes absolutely


What is your view on the perception of T1s ??
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Those figures are not current but do make interesting viewing.
Absolutely - those inpatient costs massively outweigh the other costs :( Whilst not all avoidable, a very large proportion are thought to be avoidable (something like 80% is the figure I most commonly see). It's glaring them in the face, yet they are still unprepared to put real effort and resources into prevention (by that I mean not letting people get to the stage where things are so bad they need admitting, usually for surgery, not just the public health message, which they have also cut :(). Just think of the huge impact on all those people's lives too - it's not just money for treatment, it's the consequences for the remainder of their lives and the cost to society.

How about instead of wasting money on huge vanity projects, like HS2, or billions more on missiles we'll never use, they actually put money into up-front resources for the future health of the 4 million people with diabetes? 😡
Absolutely - those inpatient costs massively outweigh the other costs :( Whilst not all avoidable, a very large proportion are thought to be avoidable (something like 80% is the figure I most commonly see). It's glaring them in the face, yet they are still unprepared to put real effort and resources into prevention (by that I mean not letting people get to the stage where things are so bad they need admitting, usually for surgery, not just the public health message, which they have also cut :(). Just think of the huge impact on all those people's lives too - it's not just money for treatment, it's the consequences for the remainder of their lives and the cost to society.

How about instead of wasting money on huge vanity projects, like HS2, or billions more on missiles we'll never use, they actually put money into up-front resources for the future health of the 4 million people with diabetes? 😡

Definitely agree that priorities are wrong.
There are oceans of misinformation out there amongst the public and it seems to me that Ds will come in for a hammering soon when the public is fed the usual rubbish by the media regarding costs to the NHS.

Most important to me is there being absolutely no divisions amongst us Ds, we will NEED to be in it together, drastic and deep cuts are coming.
Yes absolutely


What is your view on the perception of T1s ??
Bill why not start your own separate thread for views on type 1's if you feel that is appropriate...this thread has provoked interesting comment...discussion... diversity of opinion on the perception of type 2's...an issue many here feel is germane to dispelling the myth of greed...sloth...idleness...culpability...others in ignorance wrongly attach to the cause of type 2 diabetes...I have no wish to dilute that important message...divert or diminish it...hopefully that will be reciprocated...I cannot offer any comment on type 1 diabetes...how it is managed...insulin use...the complexities involved in trying to control/manage it...I believe unless I'd lived with the condition...my trying to offer any meaningful input from my type 2 perspective would expose my complete ignorance ...likely considered egotistical...of little value...potentially arrogant.
As the opposition it gives Abbot something to needle the PM about
in the grand scheme of things the PM has got bigger things on her mind and she's stated it won't stand in her way, so she will not be wanting to make an issue of it, thus it is down to the opposition to campaign about it.
The ball is in Abbots court, advantage Abbot.
-Abbot and May both know the need for proper care and the consequences of it
-Abbot was sidelined from a highlight of her career, the general election as she succumbed to lack of care
-May became PM because she took care EDIT: May became PM, she took care of her diabetes i.e a contrasting opposite to Abbot to push the point across for better care for diabetics because with proper care (equipment, medical, diet) everything is possible and without, it can be debilitating and career damaging (just comparisons and what do I know as a mere observer and non-diabetic...)
-Both are unaware of the issues for the ordinary person in the street, but they are personally aware of the need for good monitoring and care
-Abbot had a supportive leader - what would the consequences be if she hadn't at such a crucial point in business?

Abbot should join forces with Viaz then and both of them lobby the PM.
Thought provoking Seabeeze...would be an interesting project to undertake...a challenge...still mulling it over.
Thanks Bubbsie
If nothing else it's had a good debate
-May became PM because she took care EDIT: May became PM, she took care of her diabetes i.e a contrasting opposite to Abbot to push the point across

Right what I would like to know is are May and Abbot subject to the same restriction's as us mere mortals or do they get what they want when they want to manage their Diabetes because of who they are I.e restriction of test strips(told no need to test) if not why not .
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