a period of time (1 for the ladies)

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hey girls thanks for all the advice , kaffp even my local tesco had none the other week i had to go for there own brand ones , wernt good of course grrr..ii hate going to the docs about something so personal my GP is middled aged man LOL

How about the practice nurse? I find I get more out of the nurse than I do out of all the doctors put together. See someone. Last time I needed quick help I went to A&E, but you are proabably better off seeing the nurse.
I (obviously) can't speak from personal experience, but my wife suffers from PCOS which causes all sorts of problems for her, such as irregular periods and a lot of period pain (which I usually get in the ear 😉.

Apparently PCOS is linked quite closely to diabetes, although there is some debate about it. My wife takes Glucophage (a type of Metformin) for it, and has been told it is quite likely she will develop type 2 eventually.

I don't know what meds you are on, but it may be of some help.
I (obviously) can't speak from personal experience, but my wife suffers from PCOS which causes all sorts of problems for her, such as irregular periods and a lot of period pain (which I usually get in the ear 😉.

Apparently PCOS is linked quite closely to diabetes, although there is some debate about it. My wife takes Glucophage (a type of Metformin) for it, and has been told it is quite likely she will develop type 2 eventually.

I don't know what meds you are on, but it may be of some help.

sorry am i being ignorant here but what is PCOS?
PCOS is PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome.

Current theory is that it's because parts of the body (not the whole) are resistant to insulin, hence the metformin.

Still not a lot known about causes and treatments yet though. Apparently the metformin is not actuallty licensed to treat it, but my wife gets it from the hospital anyway.
that link you sent me i have every symptom on there list
As I said, there seems to be quite a link between the two (Diabetes and PCOS). Unfortunately, there is no real cure or treatment for PCOS at the moment. The Metformin helps a little, by my wife can only tollerate a small dose, and then only when she is not under any sort of stress.

Here's the link here in case anyone else is interested btw.

As I said, there seems to be quite a link between the two (Diabetes and PCOS). Unfortunately, there is no real cure or treatment for PCOS at the moment. The Metformin helps a little, by my wife can only tollerate a small dose, and then only when she is not under any sort of stress.

Here's the link here in case anyone else is interested btw.


oohh well im away to work now on that note
i am booking an appointment as i have all the symptoms im panicking now as there is also another personal reason why i am worrying

ty alan that has really helped cheers for the link x
Try not to worry Steff, - sounds like a good move to go ahead and book the appointment.
Interesting thread..

I had endometriosis so have the injection and haven't had a period for about 10 years. How times have changed with the size of pads.when i first started my mum supplied me with brick size pads and a belt to hold it in place, no sticky strip for me!.
Anyway enough of the bad old days.. Steff can you find out where your local well woman clinic is held? they specialize in womens problems.


Interesting thread..

when i first started my mum supplied me with brick size pads and a belt to hold it in place, no sticky strip for me!.
Anyway enough of the bad old days.. Steff can you find out where your local well woman clinic is held? they specialize in womens problems.


Julie, I remember them eeuuwww 😱 Slimline and more efficient now. And we can talk about it!
Pads is one thing I can sympathise with. Due to the diabetes, I suffer a lot from thrush. Sometimes it's so bad that I have to wear liners or pads to deal with the discharge and blood I get from it.
At least I don't have to pay for the meds for it though. My wife pays around ?15 a time for Diflucan and Canisten. The amounts we both go through, I think we should get shares in the manufacturers 🙂
Interesting thread..

I had endometriosis so have the injection and haven't had a period for about 10 years. How times have changed with the size of pads.when i first started my mum supplied me with brick size pads and a belt to hold it in place, no sticky strip for me!.
Anyway enough of the bad old days.. Steff can you find out where your local well woman clinic is held? they specialize in womens problems.


hi julie i never thought of that i could do abit od searching yes and see what pops up

cheers x
hi steff get them to check all your levels of hormones including thyroid.
i gave birth and bled for 6 weeks really heavy and went irregular after that. few months later thye checked my levels and found i had a tyroid problem which was causing the irregular periods. now on tablets things have settled down.
Don't suffer

Hi, Don't suffer, it's not worth it.
I am not diabetic my son is but I too suffered for years with heavy periods ETC.
I went to my GP and was advised to have a coil fitted not for contreception but as the hormone in it makes periods lighter. Not for me takes, me years to go to the docs not going to be messed around with, so I was prescribed tranexamic acid(for the flow) and menafamic acid(for the pain). I take them as soon as my period starts. They have worked for me my period is regular and only lasts for 4 days.
😱 I am not alone Sorry Steph to hog your post but this struck a chord and as you have opend the flood gates 😉

I have never had a baby due to fertility problems (cant conceive had it checked but no medical reason why just one of the unlucky ones :().

My periods stopped suddenly 2 years ago. I havent taken the pill since I was a teenager (many moons ago) It was always irregular and irratic! Then it suddenly stopped. Went to see GP who told me "it was because I was too fat they had stopped" (yes her actual words!) That devastated me, I was already conscious enough about my weight. I got quite used to the freedome of not having a period!

Anyway I continued on trying to lose weight and then almost a year ago (still unsuccessful) I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (no surprise runs in family plus was still having problems losing weight). GP mentioned something aboout PCOS as I have so many other things related with it it seemd obvious. Anyway it wasnt confirmed and never found out.

I was started on standard Metformin tablets a earlier this year which was then switched to Slow Release about a month ago as I couldnt cope with the affects of tummy troubles. However when I started taking Metformin is when my troubles started again.

Not sure if its just co-incidence but my periods came back with avengeance! I have been 'on' constantly now for around 2 months and have taken to wearing night time pads all the time. I cant afford to keep buying the branded ones anymore as there is more choice and my supermarket do their own versions for under ?1. I go through a pack or 2 a week! Feel like I am in nappies - Although better than those old Dr White's hammocks!!!! I prefer pads so tampons no go.

Its really getting me down, makes me feel self concious, cant wear light coloured clothing on my bottom half, my hygeine routines has gone into overdrive. Not to mention the mood swings, cravings and loss of appetite I am so tired all the time. I often feel sick in the mornings but I still force the food down and drink water. I know I am not pregnant.

I had a blood test for my thyroid, liver, kidneys etc checked recently and all was ok. I have made another appointment with my GP for end of week as when I saw her a month ago she said she was going to contact the fertility specialist again to see if he could suggest anything!

I am also going to ask again about the possibility of PCOS as this was never followed through. As for the weight loss I havent! Its piling on even though I have been munching on healthy food 3 times a day and watching the calories. I must admit I dont take dedicated regular exercise as I am always too exhausted, I try to keep going as best I can.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyone have any ideas? I really dont know what else to do or ask the GP.

Sorry if too much info but wanted to share it with you ladies (and gents) incase you can help.

And to think when we are kids we just cant wait to have our first period so we grow up!
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Hi Ghost,

I'd definitely ask for a referral to a gynae specialist. Did they check your blood count (iron levels)? I got anaemic when having heavy periods and I understand metformin can also lower your iron. No wonder you're tired! Perhaps if you can crack the problem and the tiredness, you might have some energy for some gentle excercise which might help with the weight loss, if you still want to go down that route. Good luck 🙂
ty to everyone that has gave me advice.help.etc etc im ringing up first thing 2moz to get appot xxx

hog as much as you like x
My wife had terrible trouble actually geting the diagnosis of PCOS.
She was sent to the local hospital for an ultrasound scan. The person there said she had 'classic signs of PCOS', however, the next time she saw a dotor they said there was nothing there. It was only when she saw another doctor that they confirmed the diagnosis.

To Ghost: My wife Jo has always had a problem losing weight. Personally, I don't think she is overweight, but because she has a BMI of over 25 (26 I think) she and the medial profession class her as overweight. She has tried all sorts of diets and exercise plans to lose weight but does struggle. She also couldn't take Metformin due to the tummy troubles it caused.

There is a support group called verity for anyone who does suffer from PCOS, their web page is http://www.verity-pcos.org.uk/. It may be worth looking on there, or talking to them for more help and advise.

The only other thing I can really say is to keep pestering the doctors, but I know myself how difficult that can be.

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