a period of time (1 for the ladies)

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Something that is really well puzzling me rather then worrying me and gawd even knows if it is anything to do with diabetes but.......
In the last 4 weeks 3 of those weeks i have been on my period i always thought that well obviously as they are called "monthlys" they where as that every month but i am coming on 1 week im heavy for about 8 days im off for about 4 days then im back on again it is very weird for me , the doctor told me after the birth of my boy i would have irregular periods as they was some kind of complication when i was giving birth but i did'nt think it would be this bad.. One thing that really makes me feel stupid is most of us have a rough idea when we are going to come on but with me i dont have a clue and sometimes im not prepared i feel so indignified and embarrest .Im just wondering if any of this can be down to my diabetes or is it just simply what the doc has told me ???

I feel so embarrest telling a forum of my worry as it is quite personal so i do apologise if i offend anyone x
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I would guess its more to do with childbirth - might be worth going back to the GP if things don't improve, and find out if there's anything cvan be done about the 'complication'. I had some medication for very heavy periods prior to the menopause, but wasn't diabetic then (well, not diagnosed then anyway) but don't know if it's compatible with diabetic meds. When my periods started to come less frequently, I got caught out sometimes too - the only way I'd know sometimes was that I felt moody and cold!

dont be embarrassed! I find that my levels are effected durign this week, i sometimes need a few more units but i haven't noticed any difference in any other ways.

I did however used to suffer with very irregualr periods, sometimes having a two week gap and other times 7! I know how annoying it is and can be a real worry if you get caught out. :confused:

Im now on the pill which has sorted this out for me as i know when i take the last one ill come on 3 days later. I can almost even predict the time! but i still have my old habits of squirreling "womens things" away in all my handbags, my car and my desk . . .usually along side the glucose tabs! :D


dont be embarrassed! I find that my levels are effected durign this week, i sometimes need a few more units but i haven't noticed any difference in any other ways.

I did however used to suffer with very irregualr periods, sometimes having a two week gap and other times 7! I know how annoying it is and can be a real worry if you get caught out. :confused:

Im now on the pill which has sorted this out for me as i know when i take the last one ill come on 3 days later. I can almost even predict the time! but i still have my old habits of squirreling "womens things" away in all my handbags, my car and my desk . . .usually along side the glucose tabs! :D


LOL well i just dont always remember to take spare with me like today for example lol , i feel terrible asking 1 of my collugues but if needs most and all x
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I would guess its more to do with childbirth - might be worth going back to the GP if things don't improve, and find out if there's anything cvan be done about the 'complication'. I had some medication for very heavy periods prior to the menopause, but wasn't diabetic then (well, not diagnosed then anyway) but don't know if it's compatible with diabetic meds. When my periods started to come less frequently, I got caught out sometimes too - the only way I'd know sometimes was that I felt moody and cold!

ty runner i always feel like when i go to the GP he worries me cause it is never straight forward it's always a case of ohhhh i will take a swob of this a test for that lol and i hate all that fuss
LOL well i just dont always remember to take spare with me like today for example lol , i feel terrible asking 1 of my collugues but if needs most and all x

LOL. I've had to do the same in the past! Just a thought - I found the tampons that expand sideways worked better for heavy periods, if you're having trouble in that direction. (Just say if this is too much information LOL)
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LOL. I've had to do the same in the past! Just a thought - I found the tampons that expand sideways worked better for heavy periods, if you're having trouble in that direction. (Just say if this is too much information LOL)

i dont actually use tampons never have i wear pads , just personal choice they do a nighttime type and im always in them lol so im night and days
Ah, I shouldn't make assumptions - my sympathies are with you in this heat 🙂
dont be daft tis ok well hun i did used to get kotex nighttime now im on always ultra but they are much slimmer fitting so are alot more comfy
Yeah they've definitely improved over the years!
yes your'e right theres a whole wide range of choice now, it's like buying sweeties :D:D:D lol which ones should i choose
Hi Steff, don't be embaressed about it, nearly all the women I know have had periods! It is better to ask than to be left wondering.

When my big boy was born, my periods became more regular. he was an emergncy c section.

You sound as thoe you are having rather a lot of periods, so it might pay you to go have a chat to the practice nurse. The nurses seem more up on this kind of thing than the doctor.
dont feel embarrassed stef, periods the bain of our lives eh? then we have to get the bloody diabetes too? Not fair is it. sorry i cant help with your problem but if i was coming on for three weeks out of four i would be straight down the docs to try and get it sorted, once a month is bad enough!:(
Hi Steff - can't really be much help though I would recommend (& probably ignore if someone suggested it to me) a trip to the docs. I also am - and always have been - completely irregular, pick a number out of a hat ... wait for an important day to come along ... see when I'm screaming at the kids ... it's a complete nightmare really & I too always have little supplies hidden for an emergency. I was beginning ot think I was the only woman in the world who only wears nighttimes - have you noticed how some smaller shops don't even stock them - not fun when caught out on holiday!!!!
hey girls thanks for all the advice , kaffp even my local tesco had none the other week i had to go for there own brand ones , wernt good of course grrr..ii hate going to the docs about something so personal my GP is middled aged man LOL
Do you have a woman in your practice Steff? I confess I probably wouldn't go to our completely great male doctor for such long-lasting intimate stuff....Practice nurse, as someone suggested?

I'd definitely check it out though. Both my children were huge -- one emergency c-section (9lb 13oz) and one planned (10lb 4oz) -- and since the second, I really haven't been quite the same, though not to the extreme you are talking. You should see someone, def!
we do as it goes but she is useless so i dunno what to do
Sorry to hear you are having problems steff! For some reason I dont mind seeing a male GP, especially if he's an old guy lol, I think it's because women are bitchy and I know the old man won't care haha.

Periods suck! I get REALLY painful ones, I tried going off the pill recently and it was the worst mistake ever - I had really bad pain again and spent a day in bed :(

Sorry, just thought i'd take this opportunity to vent about that 😉
I know all you girls will hate me but I dont get them at all . I havent for a long time now , my consultant when i was diagnosed with dka said sometimes high levels will stop periods if you have been high for a while , i was in the 20's for about 6 years .
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