7 week prescription wait

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Hi Michaela, it's really frustrating that you had such a delay from your GP regarding your prescription. It's thankful that your antenatal team were able to provide your insulin supply but as you mentioned, as your pregnancy progresses it will pose more of a risk if you are in the position of waiting this long again. You are well within your rights to raise this to your GP surgery. Raising your concern can help to resolve issues repeating themselves in the future. It may be for example, that the system regarding electronic prescriptions at your surgery needs improving, so making them aware of the delay you experienced on such a vital prescription could help this.
Writing to the practice manager will be a good way to raise the delay that you experienced with them. You can speak with your local PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) for guidance or check our Info Pack as well on ways to raise your concerns: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/how_we_...acy-packs/making-a-complaint-about-healthcare
Unfortunately, in the meantime it may meant that you will have to be more proactive in chasing prescriptions which is not ideal, but hopefully the surgery can improve the processing of their prescriptions. Or perhaps this was even an unfortunate one-off which can be avoided in the future.🙂
Sorry to hear of the problems you had @Michaela Booth

Sounds like you spoke to the receptionists rather than face-to-face/telephone appointment with GP?

I would certainly recommend speaking to a GP at the practice directly and explaining how difficult this has been for you. In my experience that's the best way to prevent the same hiccup from happening again, or at least of getting some kind of explanation of why the instruction was delayed so badly.

7 weeks is hopeless! You'd need a pretty big store cupboard of that was the lead time for reordering. o_O
Can the medicine get delivered to the workplace via local pharmacy service of collect repeat prescription, make prescription up and deliver to reception/office...

Thank you for this!

I'm going to write in and see from there if I get a response. Which I should hope I do. But my antenatal team have changed my insulin from novorapid to Fiasp 2 weeks ago now and even though they have forwarded me the letter from my doctors so obviously they received the request they still haven't put it on my prescription. It's getting beyond frustrating.

But thank you. I'm going to find out where to write to or just wrote a formal letter and drop it in.
It may not be the reason, but I have just be put on insulin and calling into to my surgery today, I was told that the insulin has been put on the acute list (means they order it from the chemist, straight away, so I can collect it) and would find it's way onto my repeat prescription.
Sorry you have had these problems, but it pays to badger (in a poilt manner of course) your GP surgery when things don't go well, especially given your condition. Your GP surgery and pharmacy2U work for you and you should get the service you reasonable expect.
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