3 month Ozempic review

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a call with the diabetes nurse today as it’s almost three months since I started ozempic. Thought I’d give you an update on how it went.

First a bit of background. This change isn’t all attributed to ozempic. Around September/ October last year I was going through a stressful period, which coincided with high anxiety, depression (at diagnosed levels), and diabetes burnout. I was missing at least 25% of insulin doses, rarely checking bg, weight was going up, exercise going down, and generally feeling the effects of all that build up to breaking point. I had previously had great control on insulin but it had slipped as the burnout crept up. My a1c was 79 (9.4%) and I finally reached the point of being ready to change things.

Ozempic had been mentioned before and I’d said no but decided to give it a go. I’ve now taken 0.25 for four weeks and then 0.5 for 7 weeks. I’ve been taking insulin consistently and testing blood sugars regularly, and my blood sugars have started coming down in the last 6 weeks, dropping gradually through that time. For the last four weeks I’ve been counting calories, eating well, avoiding snacking when I can and walking more to lose some weight.

My A1c at the start of this week was 55 (7.2%)! I’ve lost 9 pounds so far this year (through calorie counting, ozempic isn’t magic), and the last couple of weeks my blood sugars have been 5-9 consistently so I’m expecting another improvement to my a1c next time. The only downside is the retinopathy that has resulted from making fast changes. Otherwise I’m really pleased and happy to continue taking the ozempic.
Hi. I believe you should be low-carbing. Counting Calories isn't relevant for us (or anyone?) as it can result in reducing fats rather than carbs and it's the carbs that cause weight and BS gain. Reducing Calorie input will help as it has done for you but I think you will find carb reduction is even better. By reducing the carbs and continuing to lose weight you should be able to come off Ozempic and possibly even the insulin at some future point. This assumes you are T2 with insulin resistance.
thank you so much for posting this @Lucyr - well done on such great progress! I have just had my first injection of Ozempic and have been freaking myself out reading all the struggles and side effects that some people have had (as someone who suffers from IBS I am particularly nervous about the upset stomach impact!) so it is encouraging to read a post from someone who has been on it for a few weeks now and is finding it is helping (along with other things). Thank you 🙂
thank you so much for posting this @Lucyr - well done on such great progress! I have just had my first injection of Ozempic and have been freaking myself out reading all the struggles and side effects that some people have had (as someone who suffers from IBS I am particularly nervous about the upset stomach impact!) so it is encouraging to read a post from someone who has been on it for a few weeks now and is finding it is helping (along with other things). Thank you 🙂
Previously we have had many people join the forum with it having problems, and asking questions and then not seem to visit again or feed back. This is seems to have been more commonly prescribed in the last 18 months or so.
Previously we have had many people join the forum with it having problems, and asking questions and then not seem to visit again or feed back. This is seems to have been more commonly prescribed in the last 18 months or so.
My understanding is it only became licensed for prescription for diabetes about 18months-2 years ago which is possibly why there has been more prescriptions? Will be interesting to see what impact the study around obesity and this drug has on presciption levels!
Hi. I believe you should be low-carbing. Counting Calories isn't relevant for us (or anyone?) as it can result in reducing fats rather than carbs and it's the carbs that cause weight and BS gain. Reducing Calorie input will help as it has done for you but I think you will find carb reduction is even better. By reducing the carbs and continuing to lose weight you should be able to come off Ozempic and possibly even the insulin at some future point. This assumes you are T2 with insulin resistance.
Please don’t tell me what I should be doing diet wise. By all means ask if I’ve considered trying it, but as has been said it doesn’t work for me. You need to remember that diabetes isn’t the only thing to consider, and each individual needs to consider their overall life and other conditions. I have no desire to come off ozempic or insulin, I’d much rather take those than tablets or a low carb diet with constant stomach problems.
thank you so much for posting this @Lucyr - well done on such great progress! I have just had my first injection of Ozempic and have been freaking myself out reading all the struggles and side effects that some people have had (as someone who suffers from IBS I am particularly nervous about the upset stomach impact!) so it is encouraging to read a post from someone who has been on it for a few weeks now and is finding it is helping (along with other things). Thank you 🙂
I hope it works well for you. It seems that there were lots asking so thought it would be helpful to document my experience. Always happy to chat about my experience of it if you have any questions.
My understanding is it only became licensed for prescription for diabetes about 18months-2 years ago which is possibly why there has been more prescriptions? Will be interesting to see what impact the study around obesity and this drug has on presciption levels!
I have just done a Google as I thought it had been around longer and it has bee available for about 10 years. It maybes has just filtered down onto more common use.
I have just done a Google as I thought it had been around longer and it has bee available for about 10 years. It maybes has just filtered down onto more common use.
Wow, that is longer than I thought! Yes I imagine you are right - I guess it can take a while to filter down to become common use. I am glad it has though as I have hopes it will work for me!
Wow, that is longer than I thought! Yes I imagine you are right - I guess it can take a while to filter down to become common use. I am glad it has though as I have hopes it will work for me!
I’d heard of and tried similar drugs (byetta and victoza, neither worked for me) but hadn’t heard of ozempic till it was offered to me 18 months ago. I said no then but am glad have tried it now. They are making a tablet version, I’m not sure what the status on that is but I was offered the option of waiting for it. Have to say I’d much rather take one jab a week than tablets every day though!

I’m certain that the effect builds up over a really long period of time, I’m just today starting the third 0.5 pen and think the effect has been gradual throughout. Feeling really full today which I haven’t been getting for a while so hopefully that will last as my weight has stalled a bit.
Please don’t tell me what I should be doing diet wise. By all means ask if I’ve considered trying it, but as has been said it doesn’t work for me. You need to remember that diabetes isn’t the only thing to consider, and each individual needs to consider their overall life and other conditions. I have no desire to come off ozempic or insulin, I’d much rather take those than tablets or a low carb diet with constant stomach problems.
How we choose to deal with our condition is very personal as is our weight . We are all different and it is one of those situations where one persons choice is just that , and it can’t be wrong because it is their choice .
thank you so much for posting this @Lucyr - well done on such great progress! I have just had my first injection of Ozempic and have been freaking myself out reading all the struggles and side effects that some people have had (as someone who suffers from IBS I am particularly nervous about the upset stomach impact!) so it is encouraging to read a post from someone who has been on it for a few weeks now and is finding it is helping (along with other things). Thank you 🙂
Hi Ruth, I would be very interested to hear how you are getting on with Ozempic as an IBS sufferer! I am in the process of trying to make a decision on medication and this is one of my options. Like you I suffer with IBS and am really worried about the side effects of this
Hi Ruth, I would be very interested to hear how you are getting on with Ozempic as an IBS sufferer! I am in the process of trying to make a decision on medication and this is one of my options. Like you I suffer with IBS and am really worried about the side effects of this
Hi Sandra. I had my fourth weekly injection of 0.25 on Friday and am about to go up to 0.5 this coming Friday (12th). I don’t know if it is connected or just a coincidence but my IBS has been so much better since starting the injections! Beforehand I was having diarrhoea 2-3 a day, now I can go days and days without any! This is huge for me. The only side effect I suffer from with this injection is feeling a little nauseous the day I take it but only a little. I’m nervous that increasing the injection of will impact the IBS but I will let you know! My appetite has definitely been affected, but so has my desire to drink (not alcohol, I just mean anything) which I need to keep an eye on as that is not good! I hope this helps but do ask if you want to know any more! Neither IBS or diabetes are fun - sending you hugs
Thank you so much Ruth, I am really struggling with the decision between Ozempic pen or Empagliflozin tablets. So worried either one will trigger my stomach. But it is reassuring to hear your story with the Ozempic as it doesn't sound as bad as I thought. Good luck with the increase x
Thank you so much Ruth, I am really struggling with the decision between Ozempic pen or Empagliflozin tablets. So worried either one will trigger my stomach. But it is reassuring to hear your story with the Ozempic as it doesn't sound as bad as I thought. Good luck with the increase x
I understand that worry - never makes decisions easy. Just remember that if you try a medication you can always stop it if you don’t like the impact it is having on you. Good luck
I’m not diagnosed with IBS but before Ozempic I also had bad stomach issues (running to the loos with little notice, occasionally more severe issues but don’t want to give too much info) and I suspect I had something like ibs. I had the cameras up to have a good look inside etc and nothing else was found, I just gave up on going back to the GP so didn’t find out what it was. My stomach issues have gone away completely since starting ozempic, normal toilet habits, can go for walks without planning a route around loos. I didn’t realise it could be connected to the ozempic, I wonder why it helps! I guess as it slows digestion?
I’m not diagnosed with IBS but before Ozempic I also had bad stomach issues (running to the loos with little notice, occasionally more severe issues but don’t want to give too much info) and I suspect I had something like ibs. I had the cameras up to have a good look inside etc and nothing else was found, I just gave up on going back to the GP so didn’t find out what it was. My stomach issues have gone away completely since starting ozempic, normal toilet habits, can go for walks without planning a route around loos. I didn’t realise it could be connected to the ozempic, I wonder why it helps! I guess as it slows digestion?
Hi Lucy, that's so interesting to hear you have found an impact on your stomach problems as well! So curious to know why Ozempic is having this impact. In my experience IBS is used as a catchall description when something is wrong with the stomach/digestive system but they can't find out what. Sorry to hear you have been suffering from problems as well but great to hear Ozempic has been having a positive impact!
Hi Lucy, that's so interesting to hear you have found an impact on your stomach problems as well! So curious to know why Ozempic is having this impact. In my experience IBS is used as a catchall description when something is wrong with the stomach/digestive system but they can't find out what. Sorry to hear you have been suffering from problems as well but great to hear Ozempic has been having a positive impact!
I was definitely told something about Ozempic “helps you feel fuller by slowing digestion” so I’m wondering if that mechanism helps the other issues. I’ll have to do some googling as I’m intrigued now!
I was definitely told something about Ozempic “helps you feel fuller by slowing digestion” so I’m wondering if that mechanism helps the other issues. I’ll have to do some googling as I’m intrigued now!
Let me know if you find anything!
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