3 month Ozempic review

ive been taking ozempic for 7 weeks now. im on the 0.5 doze and the nausea and the belching have been so intense although my diabetic nurse assures me this will calm down in about 12 weeks. im fine when i lie down but the moment i go to do something it starts. i have never had reflux in my life but the amount of gaviscon im going through must be keeping the company going! has anybody else had these problems? on the plus side ive lost 16lb but thats because i have to make myself eat, a phenomenon in it self.
Some of us have been on a journey for a long while now with @Lucyr and one thing I would never accuse her of, is not trying this that or the other. It's simply fantastic to my way of thinking and caring about how she's getting on that now - for a lovely change - she's got something that really is helping her, at last!

Others have been known to fall by the wayside completely long before now rather than keep on trying - so Whoo Hoo, Lucy! Great BIG 'Up' to you mate!
ive been taking ozempic for 7 weeks now. im on the 0.5 doze and the nausea and the belching have been so intense although my diabetic nurse assures me this will calm down in about 12 weeks. im fine when i lie down but the moment i go to do something it starts. i have never had reflux in my life but the amount of gaviscon im going through must be keeping the company going! has anybody else had these problems? on the plus side ive lost 16lb but thats because i have to make myself eat, a phenomenon in it self.
Hello. I didn’t have side effects so I’m sorry to hear you do as they sound unpleasant. If you’ve been taking it for 7 weeks does that mean you’ve only been on the 0.5 dose for 3 weeks? I really found it took 4-6 weeks for the dose change to settle so I’d give it a few weeks longer. What you could try is keeping a diary of what you eat and what side effects you have. That may help to identify whether it is certain foods that cause it, eg is it after you eat fatty foods or high carb foods or large portions etc.
Some of us have been on a journey for a long while now with @Lucyr and one thing I would never accuse her of, is not trying this that or the other. It's simply fantastic to my way of thinking and caring about how she's getting on that now - for a lovely change - she's got something that really is helping her, at last!

Others have been known to fall by the wayside completely long before now rather than keep on trying - so Whoo Hoo, Lucy! Great BIG 'Up' to you mate!
I’m hoping to ask if I can try a higher dose at my next review. I do think it shows potential for me and it is helping my bgs and my stomach issues, but I’m still always hungry and not really losing weight any more though still watching what I eat. Swimming pools opening in a few weeks though will also help me get moving which may help.
Thought it was supposed to help you eat less, so how come you're still hungry? Does not compute.
Unless it takes a longer time for the expandability of a tum to cease (so it reckons it's full with less content) and the brain to stop keep sending signals to wherever it sends them, to thus make you think 'I am hungry'.
Thought it was supposed to help you eat less, so how come you're still hungry? Does not compute.
Unless it takes a longer time for the expandability of a tum to cease (so it reckons it's full with less content) and the brain to stop keep sending signals to wherever it sends them, to thus make you think 'I am hungry'.
I don’t think it is a strong enough dose for my body
Ah, wouldn't know - are doses titrated according to body weight, or what?
Ah, wouldn't know - are doses titrated according to body weight, or what?
It’s a set dose for everyone. There’s a 0.25 dose to get used to it, then a 0.5 standard dose. There is also a 1.0 dose possible but I’ve not yet read of anyone on a forum that takes it.
I appreciate some people have problems
however I’ve found it ok on Ozempic (been on it now probably about 5 months)
im only eating small meals and found that I’m just not really hungry,
when I eat can only eat small amount, as just feel full so quickly
now I’ve lost over 20kgs now
I was definitely told something about Ozempic “helps you feel fuller by slowing digestion” so I’m wondering if that mechanism helps the other issues. I’ll have to do some googling as I’m intrigued now!
Yes I think that’s basically how it works

interesting reading here
haven’t read it all yet but just googled it
As I understand it, Ozempic works by increasing your sensitivity to leptins, hormones which signal satiety and turn off hunger.

The recent series of weight loss studies use a 2.4mg dose, I think a lot higher than the level approved for T2D treatment at the moment.
As I understand it, Ozempic works by increasing your sensitivity to leptins, hormones which signal satiety and turn off hunger.

The recent series of weight loss studies use a 2.4mg dose, I think a lot higher than the level approved for T2D treatment at the moment.
Yes most people take 0.5. There is the option for 1.0 but I’ve yet to find anyone taking it.
Sorry to hear of your side effects @shecar5 I was on the 0.25 dose for a month, then an unfortunate mixup at the pharmacy meant I missed a week before I was put on 0.5. Today is the second injection at that level. I have to confess I am getting more nausea with this higher dose, but that might not be the medication as I have had a very busy and manic week at work (I say 'at' work while meaning working from home still!) and not sleeping well so it may well be that. I have noticed my appetite has not been impacted as much as it seemed to be on the 0.25 dosage but I am waiting to see if that settles. My IBS still, on the whole, seems to be better which is a very welcome side effect! Sadly I haven't lost any weight other than the first week or so but that is more because I need to get my eating under control. While Ozempic may help you feel fuller soon, it doesn't help your brain when it wants to eat something for comfort! And work have sent me brownies as a thank you for all the work this week . . . !
@RuthB - get back in there and educate them for heaven's sake! Oh. thanks for trying to kill me .......
i spoke to soon @RuthB. i went to the toilet two nights ago and when i was sitting there i realised that i hadnt been for almost a week. i felt instantly better...very little nausea and no belching, but im due for my dose tomorrow so we will have to see where that takes us! my appetite is almost zero and i have to force snacks down me and im usually a big big BIG eater so i can see where the weight loss comes in. food has always been my default setting, i used to comfort eat but i find it impossible now, although my head is telling me i NEED to eat rubbish! as for your work sending you brownies ... i might be tempted but i wouldnt thank them!
i spoke to soon @RuthB. i went to the toilet two nights ago and when i was sitting there i realised that i hadnt been for almost a week. i felt instantly better...very little nausea and no belching, but im due for my dose tomorrow so we will have to see where that takes us! my appetite is almost zero and i have to force snacks down me and im usually a big big BIG eater so i can see where the weight loss comes in. food has always been my default setting, i used to comfort eat but i find it impossible now, although my head is telling me i NEED to eat rubbish! as for your work sending you brownies ... i might be tempted but i wouldnt thank them!
So glad to hear you are feeling better! Are you drinking enough fluid? I found when I first started Ozempic (haha that makes me sound like I've been on it ages but it's only been about 6 weeks!) I found that not only was my appetite a lot less, but I was also drinking a lot less as well. I have had to set reminders on my phone to go and drink! My head sounds very similar to yours - and I'm not always that good at ignoring it though I really need to. I am 'allowing' myself one brownie cause I honestly couldn't help it, but am seeing a friend tomorrow and giving him the rest. I much preferred the flowers work sent me as well!