10 years and still struggling...

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Hi Bethan and welcome🙂

Have you got a Diabetes Specialist Nurse and consultant who you see at the moment? If not then ask your GP to refer you to a clinic. There are some great young adults clinics at some of the hospitals and they are really switched on to coping with all that diabetes and life can throw at you, it would be worth asking if there is a centre near you. Tell them what a struggle you are having and what injections you are taking or missing. They have seen and heard it all before and will be happy to help you get good control whilst you are young and before things start to get damaged. It is a hard move to talk about problems but from experience it was the best thing I ever did.

Baby steps are the way. Dust off your meter or if it's old ring up the company who make it and ask for a new meter. Like the others have said just start taking a reading when you wake up and write it down, it might not be a number you're happy with but it's a starting point to know where you are. Likewise with insulin, if you don't know your blood sugar and just dial up a random amount because you're eating that's a stab in the dark ( no pun intended) and a fast way to hypo or hyper territory. Ask to go on a carb counting course so you can meet some other T1's and things will become less guesswork and more normal.

Please don't despair over where to start. I was in turmoil for years with my control and didn't know what to do for the best. It takes time but it's doable and every small thing you can do towards getting better control helps to make you feel safer and less worried. I've managed a U turn with my control with help from my diabetes team and with the fabulous support and help on here. I never thought I could control my diabetes and thought everyone else was doing a fantastic job whilst I was making the biggest mess possible. It isn't like that, there's no definitive right way to control things as we are all so different and diabetes just likes to throw a spanner in the works somedays but reading others experiences and solutions is a great help. Aiming for more in range numbers once you get into the swing of testing is a good way to start and I found taking control was like a snowball, the better control I managed, the better I started to feel and the more I wanted to keep going.

I wish you well, please let us know how things go. We all 'get it' on here and I really hope things start to improve for you 🙂

I've had so many lovely, helpful and supportive replies but this really stood out to me. THANK YOU!
I have just called up the Adults Diabetes Management Clinic at my local hospital and explained all this to her. I've said that I haven't got along well with other doctors/nurses in the past and she's referred me straight to herself. I have an appointment at 8.15am next Wednesday and she would like me to bring in a few days of glucose results. Time to dust off that old meter! Thank you all, you've really given me the motivation to take the next step x
Hi Bethan,
Really glad to hear you've taken the first steps and been in touch with your hospital, now you'll have to let us know how you get on 🙂
I'm a newbie, only DX 5 months ago but everyone on here is friendly and helpful, and seeing as I don't know any other T1s this support is invaluable. It just seems different to be able to talk to people who have got it...
I have just called up the Adults Diabetes Management Clinic at my local hospital and explained all this to her. I've said that I haven't got along well with other doctors/nurses in the past and she's referred me straight to herself. I have an appointment at 8.15am next Wednesday and she would like me to bring in a few days of glucose results. Time to dust off that old meter! Thank you all, you've really given me the motivation to take the next step x
Great news, join us each morning sharing your reading. Good luck for Wednesday
I have just called up the Adults Diabetes Management Clinic at my local hospital and explained all this to her. I've said that I haven't got along well with other doctors/nurses in the past and she's referred me straight to herself. I have an appointment at 8.15am next Wednesday and she would like me to bring in a few days of glucose results. Time to dust off that old meter! Thank you all, you've really given me the motivation to take the next step x
Well done Bethan...positive step forward...
That's great to hear Bethan 🙂

I'm so glad you have an appointment arranged. There are some excellent DSN's and diabetes medics around who understand the challenges. Let us know how things go 🙂
The better your control, the better you will feel....daily routines I think are more important than blood sugar testing unless you feel you are hypo...you could write out a plan for yourself (times,diet, activity for week),...remember the clinic is there for you.
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Hiya Bethan and welcome to the forum.🙂 I also went thru a period of not knowing where to begin to get myself on track with my diabetes, so I can completely understand how you've been feeling!😱 This forum turned me around. I don't know where I'd be without everyone's support, advice and general silliness. Good luck with next week's appointment - let us know how you get on. And don't forget...baby steps!🙂😛
Hi Bethan

I am glad that you have joined the forum. There is a lot of support here. I am very pleased that you have found some support at the hospital already and look forward to hearing how your appointment goes. You have already made a big step by asking for help. Just keep us up to date with your progress and keep asking questions.
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