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  1. ColinUK

    Disposal of sharps and question about wipes

    I know we can’t use normal wipes before jabbing our fingers but it’s not always possible to wash hands with soap and water before testing either so which alcohol free wipes do folks prefer to have with them just in case? Also how do you dispose of the lancets and strips afterwards? Currently...
  2. ColinUK

    Coming out to family...

    Coming out never ends. I did it years ago as a fully fledged gentlemen of the homosexualist persuasion but now I’m off to the parents for dinner this evening and feel I have to come out as T2. I’m taking my BG monitor with me as, although it’s not a typical meal, it is a regular meal and I’d...
  3. ColinUK

    SD Codefree BG Monitor

    Just on my way out and the postman has delivered my first ever BG monitor. It’s such a tiny box for what seems like such a momentous... erm... moment I guess. I’ll open it later.
  4. ColinUK

    Allen Carr: Bad Sugar/Good Sugar - Tom Watson: Downsizing - Pioppi Diet

    So I’m working my way through all of these books right now to get a better handle on the low carb Mediterranean diet and to kick my sugar addiction. I’ve also got Annie Grace’s 30 Day Alcohol Experiment as the same principles about sugars apply to alcohol and I’m a sucker for a bit of delving...
  5. ColinUK

    Weight loss ups and downs - 800 Calorie - Newcastle

    Diagnosed last week. In a rather unsatisfactory manner. (See my Bit of a Shock) thread in Newbies. I’ve been 16st something for a while now and I know I really needed to shift at least three stone... worth noting that max weight over the last four years has been recorded at 17 1/2 stone. Just...
  6. A


    Hi, I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes in 2011 and luckily have stayed well since. However, recently my blood sugar levels have been less stable and I’m very keen to take myself in hand, so to speak, and get things under control again. I’m aiming to start the Newcastle diet and hope my gp will...
  7. ColinUK

    Bit of a shock

    Went to see the GP today and as he was filling out a prescription for something he commented that it’d be fine with my diabetes. “What diabetes?” “You’ve been diabetic since 2014.” “Why hasn’t anyone told me?” “No comment.” That was three hours ago. Appointment booked for a couple of weeks to...
  8. I

    Meta Analysis of Low Carb Dietary Approach to T2D

    I just came across this video of a presentation at this year's Low Carb Down Under. I feel it is very significant, of course we will have to see if it is accepted by the traditional elements, or not. Jessica Turton - 'An evidence-based approach to developing low carb diets for type 2 diabetes':
  9. C

    Online Diabetes Study at Massachusetts General Hospital

    Are you 18 or older, and do you have type 2 diabetes? Are you interested in increasing your engagement in healthy behaviors, like physical activity or a healthy diet? If so, we invite you to complete a research survey about health, emotions, and your opinions on text messages to promote health...
  10. @Fractis

    Language matters!

    We have known for a long time that that the use of language by healthcare professionals can have a profound impact on those of us that live with diabetes, but the experience of lots of people I have spoken to is that the day to day use of language is very inconsistent. Good use of language can...
  11. P

    Off the Wagon

    Hi All I need to get back on top of my type 2 diabetes. Initially put on Metformin I managed to lose stack of weight, got BS under great control and was eating very low carb. Dr took me off Metformin. No longer prescribed testing strips and a few years down the line I am back-almost-where I...
  12. @Fractis

    Type 2 & CGM (Continuous Gloucose Monitoring)

    Hi guys, Can I ask if there are any people with T2 who either use CGM or would be interested in doing so? Happy to have a more detailed discussion about this, but before this can I get a quick show of hands? Thanks, Bob
  13. N

    First Flu post diagnosis - what do I need to watch for?

    Hi guys Just taken first flu post T2 diagnosis. I'd planned to have a Libre in the cupboard for the winter - last thing I expected was August!!! Any pointers for things I should be watching for BG wise? Thanks! Niki
  14. N

    Comments Wanted on Inositol Stabalized Arganine Silicate

    Hi guys I picked this up from the Foods Standards Agency, where they are looking for comments on licensing this as a new food ingredient in UK/EU Being a nosy sort I thought "what's that", so have done a little browsing... Although the focus is as a sports suppliment it seems it can have an...
  15. Ccolman607

    Newbie to this forum

    Hello My name is Colette and I was diagnosed with T2 in 2005. I started with an improved diet, then metformin, then basal bolus and now on Humulin m3. I am a bad diabetic who is poorly controlled. I need a good kick up the a**e! I skip my meds on occasions and then binge on chocolate. Ok...
  16. @Fractis

    Hi all

    Hi everyone, I'm Robin, but my friends call me Bob. I was diagnosed with T2 in 2013, and manage the condition with weight loss (about 50kg so far, a little more to go), Metformin (down to 500mg) a low GI diet and lots of exercise. I'm a keen parkrunner, occasional marathoner and slave to an...