• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.
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  1. K


    Hi all, Have been diagnosed with type 1, about a month after having my first son. He came a month early with complex health issues, and spent the first month of his life in intensive care at the hospital. He has a condition where he makes too much insulin, so is constantly at risk of having...
  2. S

    Newbie to the Forum

    Hi All I was diagnosed a number of years ago but am new to the forum. I have had a very difficult year regarding my treatment and I still don't know what's going on as my doctor is completely useless! I am Type 2, (my dad is also diabetic type2) and I suffer from severe anxiety which does not...
  3. J

    Hi from the new guy :-)

    Hello fellow diabetics, my name is Jack I'm 23 and as three weeks ago I was diagnosed with type 1. Safe to say I'm still a little baffled and shell shocked with things and am currently still trying to get my levels down to normal after quite a nasty DKA in hospital. I'd love to get more advice...
  4. J

    I'm a newbie too,

    Hb1c 61 not on medication yet. Just bought a glucose meter to see whats happening at various times of the day. Fluctuate between 7.6 and 10, late afternoon seem to go hypo, sweating, confused, dizzy, agitated, at 4.4. Dont know where to start too much conflicting info, so just joined the website...
  5. R

    Hello from a Newbie

    Hi Everyone, I am newly registered here. I am awaiting confirmation of the type of diabetes that I have, although it is thought that I will most likely be Type 1 due to a strong family history. I am feeling pretty dreadful at the moment, I have an incredible thirst which I cannot seem to cure...
  6. A

    Aged 33 male and diagnosed with diabetes having FBS 341 and HbA1c 11.9%

    I have been diagnosed with diabetes accidentally very recently when blood test was done to investigate the cause of burning / tinkling hands and feet and sudden onset of frequent urination. Could not see a doctor as I am out of my hometown. My job is stress oriented with frequent trotting...
  7. foxont

    New here

    Hi Folks I have been type two since 2014. When I was first diagnosed I didn’t believe or accept it as I had no symptoms whatsoever and carried on in my own little world until 2016 when I was put on metformin. I take two a day. I need to lose weight and find it difficult to find a diet that...
  8. Smitha

    Newbie and waiting to hear from you all :-)

    Hello Everyone, Good morning! I am being diagnosed as Type 2 in July 2017 and is on Metformin SR 500mg twice daily. Moved to UK a few months back and settling down was a great stressful few months. Now registered with GP and have Diabetic nurse's appointment next week. Just wondering what I...
  9. Nick Searle

    Hello everyone from a newbie.

    Hello my name is Nick. I'm a 34 year old male in the U.K. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 16 (about 18 years ago) Currently taking humalog, Lantus and metformin. Not too well controlled at the moment but I'm trying hard to gain control and also the reason I'm here to pick...
  10. Saara John

    Hello World, I am here!

    Glad to join this forum and looking forward to talk with like minded people who share and care for others. Hope to learn many new things from this forum. I will try to constructively contribute as much as possible. Cheers!
  11. S


    Hello! I have been diagnosed Type 1 since 2012 but I am new to this forum. My dad is also Type 1 Diabetic, but other than that, I don't personally know anyone else with it. As we all may know, it can feel a little lonely sometimes so I am just looking to feel involved in the diabetic...
  12. M

    Hello there :) type 2 here

    Hi I'm Mal i got a DX just last week and seen my GP this morning and got started Metformin , i also have my first appointment with my nurse on Friday . I also have MS and was reading that there could be some kind of connection between MS and Diabetes , any body here suffer from both ...
  13. Geraint Hewett

    Hi from a recently diagnosed newbie

    Hi, I have recently (2 weeks ago) been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I have been given a Caresens N meter and am on metformin x 2 daily. I am now down to my last testing strips and wanted to know if I should stick with this meter or are there better options that I should consider. I am...
  14. fairyhedgehog

    "In the grey area..."

    Hi, I'm Gina, (or FH, whichever!) I've just had a blood test for crampy feet at night, which showed cholesterol a little too high, liver issues that need another blood test in four or five weeks (worry, worry), and blood sugar "in the grey area; it's not diabetes but it will be in ten years...
  15. depressiveoptimist

    Newbie- Possible diabetes??

    Hello. Quick description. I'm female, 22 and besides mental health and insomnia I am a relatively healthy person. Weight wise, I've tended to yo-yo in my weight, due to having a liking for sugar, and having a very high sugar diet for a long time until December, when I took on a diet for my...
  16. Fayazur Rahman Sufi

    Just Joined

  17. TracyTired


    Hi I'm Tracy, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over 2 years ago. I'm now on Metformin since October 2016. I'm in a catch 22 situation, I'm disabled, where I have other complex physical health problems, my mobility is poor and I'm unable to walk far and spend a lot of time at home. Because of...
  18. P

    Off the Wagon

    Hi All I need to get back on top of my type 2 diabetes. Initially put on Metformin I managed to lose stack of weight, got BS under great control and was eating very low carb. Dr took me off Metformin. No longer prescribed testing strips and a few years down the line I am back-almost-where I...
  19. HelenA21

    Recently Diagnosed

    Hello All, After a routine Fasting Blood Test result of 7.6 in October 2016, followed by a Glucose Tolerance Test result of 8.5 (before) - 15.4 (after), I was diagnosed as Type 2 at the start of December 2016. My Total Cholesterol result was 6.5 (HDL 1.2, LDL 4.2). As directed I made an...
  20. S

    Newly Diagonosed Type 1.

    Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016. I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin. I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! :cool: Over the past few weeks I have found out so...