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  1. Simone rahman

    Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic here!

    Hiya, I'm 22 and I've just been diagnosed. I'm not seriously ill just yet but they said I'm gonna get there unfortunately. If anything I feel normal. I'm not quite sure how this works (as in the forum) but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'd just like to know what are the most delicious foods I...
  2. S


    Hello! I have been diagnosed Type 1 since 2012 but I am new to this forum. My dad is also Type 1 Diabetic, but other than that, I don't personally know anyone else with it. As we all may know, it can feel a little lonely sometimes so I am just looking to feel involved in the diabetic...
  3. Weezy

    Newly diagnosed....

    Hi all. My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her. I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me. Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet? Racing heart...
  4. A

    Diabetic symptoms but test negative.

    Hi, I'm new here and need advice. I have a lot of diabetic symptoms, but I had blood tests a couple of weeks ago that came out negative. My symptoms are: Always thirsty and needing to pee (unlike usual), tingling/ pain in my hands, always really tired, weak, blurry vision, getting really...
  5. fairyhedgehog

    "In the grey area..."

    Hi, I'm Gina, (or FH, whichever!) I've just had a blood test for crampy feet at night, which showed cholesterol a little too high, liver issues that need another blood test in four or five weeks (worry, worry), and blood sugar "in the grey area; it's not diabetes but it will be in ten years...
  6. E

    Hi, new and full of anxiety

    Hi, I'm Emma, 18 years old who's in the middle of her A2 college exams who has only had type 1 diabetes for a month. I'm still panicky about the situation but I'm trying to learn about the issue.
  7. M

    Just diagnosed and my head is spinning

    Hi everyone, i have just had the call from the doctor and i have been given Metformin.. my first appointment is Wednesday to find out what i need to do. I havent been told what type i have and no advice on what to eat or drink.. could anyone help or point me in the right direction on the basic...
  8. E

    Help please! New Type 1 but vomiting...

    Hi all My hubby (36 yrs) was diagnosed type 1 last week and spent a few days in hospital to get ketones/glucose levels down (were mid twenties) and started on insulin regime. After initially having levels in the teens when he first came home on Thursday/friday his nurse advised him to up his...
  9. L

    don't know what to do about eating late

    hi everyone, I'm going out to eat with friends today but that means eating dinner roughly 2 hours later than I would normally. Im on a bolus basal regime and I'm wondering if taking the rapid acting homolog before my later meal would mean it overlaps with my basal that i guess i should take...
  10. L

    19 and newly diagnosed type 1

    hi everyone! Im 19 was just diagnosed after going into diabetic ketoacidosis on the 4th of February. I'm pretty sad and scared, mainly because before my diagnoses one of my biggest fears was dying in my sleep and now it's a possibility I feel very weighed down a lot of the time. I was wondering...
  11. LaraM

    T1 newly diagnosed mid 30's

    Hi I was diagnosed beginning of June with type 1 diabetes. My levels have been all over the place and I was sitting in my late 20's up until a couple of weeks ago. It is slowly starting to become real and seems quite overwhelming also not loving that i am not in complete control. Feeling a bit...
  12. M

    New to the forum

    Hi All, I've joined the forum tonight as I'm confused about where I am with my Diabetes at the moment, so any feedback would be really helpful. A quick background for you, I'm 33 and was diagnosed with diabetes in April. At the time I weighed around 15st 11lbs and am just under 6ft. I had...