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  1. CathyFP

    Travel and refrigeration of Insulin

    Hi, I’ve only been T1 and on Insulin for one year. I’m trying to work out if I can do a short walking holiday in the Cotswolds walking between different B&Bs. I would walk with a daypack and have some luggage transferred for me. Has anyone done anything like this as a T1? What I can’t work out...
  2. T

    KETONES & FLU ! New lessons learnt

    Hi all, Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a fabulous time this festive season. ( Type 1 diabetic for reference ) In usual style, I fell ill last week ( always do in the run up to Christmas Day ). It started with feeling run down and a bit of a sore throat, so I got an early night...
  3. Gmccona

    My Experiences with Pumps and Insulins

    Hello all! I’ve come onto the forum as a diabetic for 9 years now. I was diagnosed at age 9 and I’m here to give my story and experiences so others can learn from my mistakes! My favourite hypo treatment is a mini cola (exactly 15cg!!!) Pumps I’ve had: Minimed 640g (twice) AccuChek Solo I am...
  4. Abseil

    Getting Insulin Right

    Hi, I have recently been diagnosed with yet another health condition for which I will have to take steroids for the foreseeable future. I have also (partly as a consequence) been moved onto Insulin and my meds adjusted so I only take 500mg metformin twice a day. I had my first follow-up...
  5. Anna DUK

    Inhaled Insulin

    I was just reading about the latest findings on a trial looking at the use of inhaled insulin in people living with t1 diabetes and the researchers have found 21% of people on inhaled insulin improved their HbA1c by 5mmol/mol or more. Although, 26% of the group who were trailing the inhaled...
  6. E

    /CLOSED/ Your Voice Matters !! (Insulin Treatment & Hypo Survey)

    Hey there, Diabetes UK community! I'm Emeline, a student pursuing my Master's in Biomedical Management here in France. I'm part of a team of fellow students working on a consulting project focused on developing a diabetes treatment. We're currently surveying the type 1 diabetes landscape in...
  7. T

    What would you do: "glucose going down" at start of a meal

    Hi all, Just to warn you, there's lots of questions in this post ! I'm curious to know what more seasoned diabetics on insulin would have done in the following situation. Today as I sat down for lunch my FreeStyle Libre read as 5.3 and my finger prick read as 5.6. Around five minutes into my...
  8. S

    A general question about starting on insulin

    Sorry to ask such a general question, but thought to would be better to ask people who might be able to help. My wife has had type 2 diabetes for quite a few years now. She has been on all sorts of tablets over the years with varying success, and varying side effects. It was decided a few...
  9. S

    Malfunction of Pump ?

    Has anyone had a situation where there Pump malfunctioned and gave an unexpected amount of Insulin ?
  10. DeathBySpaghetti

    Is it actually possible to lose weight with type one diabetes and how?

    Since starting the pump I have noticed that I have been gaining a lot of weight. I wasn’t expecting this and it’s made me very self conscious as I also lost my teeth (due to get dentures soon), and so my mental health has dropped lower than it has ever been. I exercise regularly, I barely eat...
  11. I

    Design your own Insulin Pen Case?

    I recently changed my insulin from Levimir to Tresiba and have been annoyed that my fast-acting insulin case is the same as my long-term one. I see this as an opportunity to get a pen that I can design with something I like, but I can't find anything, does this sort of thing exist?
  12. L

    Pushing the (insulin) button

    Evening all, First post- be gentle! Newly (Nov’21) diagnosed T1 diabetic, learning the ropes at 30 years old. Currently using Tresiba and Novorapid and I wondered why they have different ‘trigger’ mechanisms to them? With the Tresiba, it doesn’t matter how many units you click up, the...
  13. Rae

    Am I taking NovoRapid too close to eating?

    Hi all I have a lot of questions, so apologies. I'll put my diagnostic journey in footer... My first question, because it's the one causing me most immediate grief, is whether I'm timing my NR right. Nurse told me to take it right at the start of my meal. The forum seems to advocate for 15-60...
  14. L

    Thanks for the add

    Hi guys, just wanted to say hi and tell you a little bit about myself. I have just recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Not sure which type as yet as I am not quite straightforward. They think I will be type 2 but I am taking insulin 4 times a day. I have a permanent and very active ileostomy...
  15. jd89

    Insulin help (not refrigerated)

    Hello! I have a question about not refrigerating insulin (novorapid, fiasp & degludec) Over Christmas all of my insulin was removed from our fridge and left in our utility room (on top of the tumble dryer). I didn’t realise this until 4 days later when my cartridge needed changing. I’d picked up...
  16. marlonkirkham

    Hello everyone

    Hello , I have been a type2 diabetic since 2007. I've had a long relationship with diabetes and this has been exacerbated by other serious medical conditions along the way. I've been through a variety of stages with the condition, from trying to control my glucose and lose weight and control it...
  17. I

    Type2 cases for different paths

    All sensible Type 1 diabetics count carbohydrates Yet many would claim this isn't good for Type 2 diabetics - why is this? 1. They claim it upsets Type 2's and causes poor mental health. 2. They say that 'eating less and moving more' is enough. 3. They agree with the NHS, GPs (and( apparently...
  18. C

    Type 2 - Starting on Insulin

    Hi. I’ve just picked up my first prescription for insulin - Abasaglar & Humalog. Am type 2 and was on Metformin 1g twice a day, Sitagliptin & Gliclazide. A year after starting the gliclazide my HbA1c was higher than before starting it so got changed to another medication I can’t spell but...
  19. A

    No Insulin prescribed

    Hi, My nana said she’s checked her blood levels and she’s at 14.1 She was type 2 but has recently been diagnosed as type 1 and was told she would need to take insulin injections. The doctors have not prescribed her with any insulin and she no longer has any tablets left from her previous...
  20. Andra Gabriela

    Second honeymoon?

    Hello everyone, Hope you are all well. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a little over a year ago but I feel like I still have so much to learn. I am going through a bit of a weird diabetic situation and was wondering if anyone else went through it: a few months after starting my insulin...