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  1. T

    Help please!!

    I would like to ask for my dad, who has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, whether there is an NHS service for him to help him manage his diabetes, medicines, lifestyle and get his checks done all at once. He is working 9-5 everyday, so he would rather not come in on many different...
  2. F

    Is this how I'll be treated from now on?

    Hey, New here and joined because something has been bugging me now the last couple of days. Had a huge argument over the phone with a friend, mainly him shouting at me about how angry he was with the c**p advise I dished out regarding an issue of his 5 years ago. Clearly it touched a nerve...
  3. G

    Spot on foot

    Hi folks, Can anyone tell me what this numb red spot on my foot is please? The spot itself is numb but the area around it feels normal. It has been there a few months now and I initially thought it was a bite. http://s10.postimg.org/45iizgxl5/20160920_023156.jpg Any thoughts would be much...
  4. B

    10 years and still struggling...

    I was diagnosed in 2006, through having ketoacidosis and nearly losing my life. 10 years later, at 19 years old I am struggling with T1D more than ever... I need help. I do every bedtime insulin, maybe 1 daytime insulin and NO BG tests...I don't even know where my machine is. Ask you can imagine...
  5. A

    Travelling with Diabetes - www.diabeticdiscoverer.com

    Hello my name is Alex Armstrong. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 3. I am now 25 and currently travelling the world, at the moment I am in Taiwan. Before I left I struggled to find information on travelling with diabetes. There was lots of information on 2 week holidays but...
  6. Dais99

    Newbie - Advice anyone?

    Hello guys! I'm new to this sort of thing, want to see if it's any help? I don't have Diabetes myself but my boyfriend does, need some help if anyones up for helping? Thank you! X
  7. Sam90

    Type 1 Diabetic - new here!

    Hey, I'm a type 1 diabetic and have been for 19 years. I was diagnosed when I was 7 years old, and I am now 26. One month ago I had a really bad case of diabetic ketoacidosis, my first time, which is what made me want to start to really look after my health instead of being in denial about it...
  8. Northerner

    Cave-dwelling fish could provide clues to staying healthy with diabetes

    Cavefish that live in dark caves with only sporadic access to food show symptoms similar to diabetes, but don't appear to experience any health problems. New findings presented at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC) 2016, a meeting hosted by the Genetics Society of America, reveal the genetic...
  9. Alba37

    Psychology Study, Living with Diabetes

    For all ages, in all demographics - If you have a few minutes, please do the Psychology Study, Living with Diabetes. www.edinburgh.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/the-living-with-diabetes-survey Thanks! Answer hint..... p.s. Please share; research into the understanding of the psychological impact of...
  10. D

    Useful link with long very detailed article about diabetes

    Hi all Browsing the web and came across this article. It is very long and detailed with medical jargon. If you have some spare time or or bored check it out: www.emedmd.com/content/diabetes-mellitus Hope it is useful and not too boring!
  11. D

    What's the hardest part of being a PWD?

    Hi All, I'm appearing on local TV tomorrow night as part of a panel show on local news. I'm going to be talking about Diabetes (I'm a T1) and one of the questions I'm due to be asked is "what's the hardest part about having Diabetes?" It's not a question I've asked myself before, I could talk...
  12. T

    Seeking your opinion about Diabetes in the UK

    Hello Everyone! I am a student from the USA studying in Leeds, England this semester. Back home I am part of an honors college known as the Schreyer Honors College at Penn State and in order to graduate I have to write a thesis. Last year my youngest brother was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes...
  13. Northerner

    Treating major depression in older adults with diabetes may lower risk of death

    According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, effective treatment for depression could go a long way toward improving health status and even preventing death among older adults who also have diabetes. Researchers assessing depression care...
  14. Northerner

    Diabetes, heart disease, smoking increase risk of death for older adults with dementia

    Dementia (a decline in memory and other mental abilities) is a serious condition, and its prognosis (the likely course of the disease) is marked by progressive loss of cognitive function and complications such as infections and falls. Dementia has no cure, and is increasingly a cause of death in...
  15. Taylor Gillies

    In desperate need of advice / support

    Hi guys, I'm 18 and have been T1D since I was 6 years old. I've literally just joined this forum as I am struggling a lot with keeping my sugars controlled well enough to get my HBA1C down. When I turned 13 I lost the rails with my Diabetes and totally gave up, I never done my injections or...