• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Stefan Diabetes UK

    How will having diabetes be different in 10 years time?

    And here we are: the last of our weekly questions on what it's like to live with diabetes. All your answers are helping us build our new 'Future of Diabetes' report, so it makes sense that our last question is... How do you think it will be different to have diabetes in ten years’ time? We...
  2. H

    Health Anxiety Research Project- online questionnaire

    Hi everyone, I am a MSc Psychology student at Liverpool Hope University and I am currently carrying out research regarding health anxiety amongst individuals with diabetes. The research involves an online questionnaire which is completely anonymous and shouldn't take long. You don't have to...
  3. Weezy

    Newly diagnosed....

    Hi all. My name is Louise and I've just been diagnosed as type 2. I'm seeing a diabetes nurse on Monday and have been told to write a list of questions for her. I'm having so many symptoms and they're really bothering me. Does anyone else get numb thighs/legs/feet? Racing heart...
  4. R

    Volunteers needed for a focus group meeting- University of Warwick, Coventry

    Hello everyone, This is a request to interview a group of diabetic patients in the community for a Masters level project at the University of Warwick titled 'Responsibility of innovation and its adoption in the NHS'. I am aiming to conduct a focus group meeting so as to bring to light, the...
  5. Julie Bowling

    Looking for volunteers to complete online questionnaire *LAST CALL*

    Hello, I am a MSc Health Psychology student from the University of Central Lancashire. I am currently running a study to explore the relationships between mood, quality of life, health behaviours and risk perceptions to determine whether these differ depending on length of diagnosis of type...
  6. S

    Tiredness...Help Please

    Hello! I have been Diabetic for over 12 years now and my sugar control has dramatically improved since going on an insulin pump last year. This is great and I thought it would reduce my daily tiredness battle.... but it hasn't and I feel lethargic throughout the day on a regular basis. I have...
  7. B

    Youtube Series on Type 1 Diabetes - Help needed!

    Hello! I'm a 16 year old Type 1 Diabetic who is currently working on a youtube series on Type 1 diabetes. I've been planning this for over 10 months now and i've begun to work on individual videos. My audience for this particular series are young diabetics, newly-diagnosed diabetics and people...
  8. E

    Diabetes and Mental Health

    Even though I've only had type 1 diabetes for a month my mental health has dramatically lowered and it's been harder to stay positive about the subject. I feel more panicky when I take my injections even though I'm used to taking them. Any advice to stay optimistic?
  9. E

    Hi, new and full of anxiety

    Hi, I'm Emma, 18 years old who's in the middle of her A2 college exams who has only had type 1 diabetes for a month. I'm still panicky about the situation but I'm trying to learn about the issue.
  10. J

    Reflections on a type 1 diabetic pregnancy

    As a type 1 diabetic I have found pregnancy exciting and nerve-wracking, in pretty much equal measure. What has surprised me most though, is just how little has been written about the experiences of type 1 diabetic pregnant women - what you might expect to see, and some of the tips and tricks...
  11. E

    Opportunity to take part in UCL research

    Dear Diabetes UK members, I am a researcher from UCL's department of Behavioural Science & Health. I am looking for women (aged 18+) to take part in a Health and Lifestyle Attitudes questionnaire. The questions will relate to your diet, physical activity and general health attitudes. You can...
  12. S

    Survey for development of a mobile application for helping people suffering from Diabetes

    Hi, I am a master student in TU Delft,Netherland.Presently we are working on development of a mobile application for helping people suffering from Diabetes.We need your help.With your valuable feedback we can make furthur progress.So can you just spare few seconds to fill up the below...
  13. ee92

    Ambulance Driving & Type 1 Diabetes

    Hi all, I'm new to the site and I'm hoping to get some responses regarding the above. I've recently applied to be an Ambulance Practitioner and got an e-mail saying I've been successful in the paper-sift. I then contacted the HR team as I wanted to make sure I would be suitable for the post...
  14. Initial-P

    Help me to create program

    thank you all for helping me
  15. Mario De'Cristofano

    Elevated blood pressure

    Hi, I was diagnosed type 2 a while ago, but have that under control (current HBA1C a consistent 43) and despite a healthy well balanced life style, I don't smoke, and alcohol is kept to a minimum I do have a problem with somewhat high blood pressure which I can't seem to reduce. I was...
  16. U

    Gaining Weight

    Hello All, I was wondering whether there was any way to try to gain weight in a healthy weight despite having type 2 diabetes. The excessive weight loss that comes with type 2 diabetes is something I have come to accept. However, I am trying to gain muscle mass again, and I was wondering...
  17. Lauren8443

    Changed basal now big spikes

    Hi, I've been playing around with my basal injection and amounts over the past couple of months. I think I have it Sussed at 15.5 units before bed, and stay relatively level through the night. I have noticed that I am getting much bigger spikes after eating though???? Upto 15! Then panicking...
  18. K

    How to support my partner with Diabetes

    Hi There, I have joined this forum to get some support in how I can support my partner with Diabetes. My partner has lived with diabetes ( type 1) for 26 years and inject insulin 3 times a day. We have been together for 10 months and I am really struggling to support her which is frustrating...
  19. H

    Participants needed

    Hi all, I have previously posted asking for participants for my dissertation, however, this is my last call. I will be ending the first wave of data collection on 28th Feb, 2017. All participation is greatly appreciated :) DO YOU CONTROL YOUR BLOOD SUGAR? As part of my Health Psychology MSc...
  20. AceFace


    Hi my name is Simon, I have been type 2 for 15 years, on tablets, I have just come back from my referral and I now need insulin injections, im so scared, I don't know what to expect im afraid of hypos, can I go on holiday? Feeling really shocked and down