Search results for query: empagliflozin

  1. P

    Ideal daily carb and sugar intake.

    I am still new to diabetes.I have type 2. I inject insulin once a day also take empagliflozin and gliclazide tablets.would like to get an idea of how much carbs and sugar I should have daily.Thank you.
  2. N

    High cholesterol, starting on Empagliflozin and pondering LCHF diet!

    ...what I've heard as well. I'm actually on Atorvastatin and Metformin too, and while I don't feel ill from them I DID feel ill from the Empagliflozin. If your cholesterol went down even with the LCHF that's even better news, as that's really my main concern. I don't have to take Empag but I do...
  3. N

    High cholesterol, starting on Empagliflozin and pondering LCHF diet! about 87 and my cholesterol is high. I've been started on a statin to improve the cholesterol and my doctor has asked me to start Empagliflozin again, as I was previously on it in 2019 but stopped due to thrush. I took Liraglutide last year as well and it made me feel so terrible a month...
  4. A

    Just joined

    ...I favour sourdough & peanut butter). Try to limit meals to max of 60 g CHO so I don’t have to use too much insulin. Since taking Empagliflozin I have been able to halve my insulin so ratio of 1:10 now and 22 units basal. I have noticed that when I go for a long walk (or cycle) my readings...
  5. L

    Just joined

    Hi Annabel53 and welcome! I was diagnosed with T2 in June and have been on a rapid and fascinating learning journey. Having tried and failed to lose weight for most of my adult life I knew there was something wrong when I started dropping a lot of lbs without trying. That's what led to my...
  6. A

    Just joined

    ...ago. Have progressed through various medications and am now carb counting and injecting basal and bolus insulin. Also taking Metformin and Empagliflozin (have lost 1 stone since starting this). Have recently started self-funding Freestyle Libre ... are there any other Type 2’s here using it?
  7. Stitch147

    Is anyone on Empagliflozin?

    Yep, I'm on it. I'm on a combine metformin and empagliflozin tablet, 1000mg of met and 12.5mg of emp. I've not many adverse side effects from it.
  8. RuthB

    Is anyone on Empagliflozin?

    Morning all. Diabetes nurse likely to suggest I also take Empagliflozin as well as Metformin, and I just wondered if anyone on here was also taking it, and what it was like? Thanks
  9. E

    Can you help!! I was told that I needed to have something more than the Sitagliptin. Eventually in June 2019 I saw Doctor and was prescribed Empagliflozin - this brought my BG level down very quickly but by August I had thrush and my skin was red raw and nothing seemed to calm it down. I persevered...
  10. T

    Total Insulin Resistance

    ...severe side effects from Metformin. I was given various other new drugs over the years, but also had side effects. The last was empagliflozin which gave me really painful thrush. About 8 months ago, it was decided to put me on insulin. I have a Lantus Solostar glARGine pen. At the time, my...
  11. M

    Advice on medication

    I have to decide between the injections or the Empagliflozin.
  12. everydayupsanddowns

    Empagliflozin 10mg advice

    ...extreme, or 9% which is an old way of saying 75mmol/mol, which is distinctly in the diabetic range for blood glucose over the last 3 -4 months Unfortunately I dont have any experience of empagliflozin, but the Patient Information Leaflet in the box should list common, and less common side...
  13. P

    Empagliflozin 10mg advice

    ...test. They called and said my test was 9 for sugar level. and i had alot of red blood cells. They said i was a diabetic and put me on empagliflozin 10mg i have never felt weird or even thought i was a diabetes. would high red cell make the result be high? as when i take the pill 2 hours...
  14. S

    Hello - newly diagnosed type 2

    Hi @davetb I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with a Hb1ac of 129. You have definatley come to the right place. Through the advice and support from the wonderful people on this site my BG has come down to an average of 7.1 from 19.7.
  15. D

    Hello - newly diagnosed type 2

    ...with confidence. The diabetes speciality nurse has prescribed me 3 x 500 mg metformin (increasing from 1 to 3 gradually) and 1 x 10 mg Empagliflozin. Both make me nervous for different reasons. Metformin seems to often cause gastric issues - something I have a tendency for anyway, and I've...
  16. YMFB

    Metformin - Slight overdose

    Discussed this with my DN today he suggests I take the empagliflozin and cut back the Metformin so from tomorrow that’s the experiment for a week.
  17. everydayupsanddowns

    Metformin - Slight overdose

    Sorry to hear about your gastric upheaval @YMFB But glad you are feeling well and that your BG seems to be behaving. :)
  18. YMFB

    Metformin - Slight overdose

    I’m sad to report the dreaded diarrhoea has not cleared up. I’m going to stop the empagliflozin this morning and speak email the DN, in other aspects my BG is good and I feel well.
  19. Ralph-YK

    Please, Please Help

    Are you're moring readings before or after food (breakfast etc)? How long after, and what did you eat? What time do you take you're other readings & what are they? Again, before or after food? One thing you can do it test before and 1 - 2 hours after eating. This will allow you to see what...
  20. S

    Please, Please Help

    ...need as much advice as possible. I have been a type 2 diabetic for maybe 10 years. Until July last year I was taking insulin and empagliflozin. The reason for taking insulin, I was told, was because of the heart drugs I was taking and that these would interfere with diabetic medication. Just...