Hello - newly diagnosed type 2

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

Thought I'd join as I've newly been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and I've heard it's a really useful forum.

My Hb1ac was 129 - my GP said it was one of the highest he's seen at diagnosis. Which did not exactly fill me with confidence.

The diabetes speciality nurse has prescribed me 3 x 500 mg metformin (increasing from 1 to 3 gradually) and 1 x 10 mg Empagliflozin.

Both make me nervous for different reasons. Metformin seems to often cause gastric issues - something I have a tendency for anyway, and I've just had a UTI so nervous for Empaglifozin too.
I can see why the first thought was medication as that is quite a high Hba1c. Are you going to do a low carb diet?
The UYI might be because of your high glucose levels - but I understand why you are a bit nervous about the tablets.
Have you got a blood glucose meter? That might help you see how you get on.
Personally - Metformin was dreadful, but some people have no bother with it. You could always try taking it to see how you respond. If the usual stuff begins to happen then do go straight back to the GP - I soldiered on for weeks and got into a very bad state before I realized what was happening - I was taking a statin as well and it affected my brain - well it would - brains are mostly cholesterol.
The good news is that even without medication I went from Hba1c 91 to 41 in 6 months, which seems to be possible if one is ordinary - there are more interesting options, of course, but with any luck....
Welcome Dave. Members of this forum are very helpful, friendly and have a wealth of experience.
The first question to ask is "are you actually type 2?". Did the GP do any other tests? Many GPs think that type 1 is impossible in older folk. This is not so.

No medication other than insulin will work for a type 1.

Do get a BG meter and should the readings start to fo up rather than down seek help with out delay.
Hi @davetb
Welcome to the forum - yes that is quite high, but try not to be too alarmed, the medication you have been prescribed should help. Metformin may cause gastric side effects as you have read, though they don’t in everyone. Taking them with food should help reduce this and any side effects usually settle after a couple of weeks - however if they persist do speak to your GP as they may be able to change them.
Have you been given any advice regarding your diet?
Hi everyone,

Thought I'd join as I've newly been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and I've heard it's a really useful forum.

My Hb1ac was 129 - my GP said it was one of the highest he's seen at diagnosis. Which did not exactly fill me with confidence.

The diabetes speciality nurse has prescribed me 3 x 500 mg metformin (increasing from 1 to 3 gradually) and 1 x 10 mg Empagliflozin.

Both make me nervous for different reasons. Metformin seems to often cause gastric issues - something I have a tendency for anyway, and I've just had a UTI so nervous for Empaglifozin too.
Hi @davetb I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with a Hb1ac of 129. You have definatley come to the right place. Through the advice and support from the wonderful people on this site my BG has come down to an average of 7.1 from 19.7.
@davetb - could I ask a couple of Qs please - being how did you come to be diagnosed, what were your symptoms and are you overweight or have diabetes in the family?
Welcome to the forum @davetb

Did your diabetes come on suddenly? Or has it been developing over a long period?

Hope meds don’t give you too many issues, and as others have suggested, it might be worth remaining open to the possibility that it may jot be straightforward T2 that you have, so monitoring your responses to food, meds and BG might be prudent.
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