Type 1
Adrienne's essential guide for parents of newly-diagnosed children
www.t1resources.uk, which brings together a load of T1 resources together with reviews and peer ratings.
https://mytype1diabetes.nhs.uk/ Information and online courses from NHS England
Type 1 Sick Day Rules
Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas - considered to be the 'bible' for children and young people on insulin regimes. Don't be misled by the title - this book is relevant to people of all ages!
Think Like a Pancreas by Gary Scheiner - A practical guide to managing diabetes with insulin
New NICE guidance for CGM - updated guidance for T1 access to realtime and intermittently-scanned CGM
International consensus recommendations for Time in Range for those using sensors.
Basal testing (Checking your basal insulin is set right helps all other doses work correctly):
Type 1 – the basics, a support and information pack for adults with a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes from JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation):
Diabetes etiquette card for family and friends - tips on offering advice and support
Children and young people:
Children with Diabetes website - a very supportive and active site with an email list for exchange of support, information and advice:
Digibete - a video content library to support children, young people and families
Type 1: Origins - Revolve comics, a great graphic novel/superhero comic for young people. A collaboration between HCPs, PWD and artists.
Diabetes etiquette for parents - what your teen would want you to know. Tips on having positive conversations around diabetes.
Carb counting (for basal bolus and pump insulin regimes):
DAFNE - now available in an online version
(dose adjustment for normal eating)
Online carb-counting course:
www.bertieonline.org.uk (which replaces BDEC)
The Nuts and Bolts of Carb Counting
When you live with type 1 diabetes, carb counting is a great way of managing your blood sugar or glucose levels. It can give you more freedom and flexibility in what you eat when you're preparing meals at home, grabbing food on the go or eating out. Carb counting does take some time and effort...
Free downloadable guide to carb counting from Diabetes UK:
http://www.diabetes.org.uk//upload/How we help/catalogue/Carbs-Count-2012.pdf
NHS My Type 1 Diabetes
Information and four eLearning courses for adults with Type 1 diabetes, to help increase understanding and confidence in self-management.
Carbs and Cals - A very popular book (also available as a smartphone App)
Carbs & Cals Carb & Calorie Counter: Count Your Carbs & Calories with Over 1,700 Food & Drink Photos
Libre - hints and tips
Diabetes Technology Network’s series of informative video modules.