Yum Yum!!!!....Yuk!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys and Gals. Being new, means that everything is confusing, and food in particular, seems to be a mine field. So I thought, how about a thread to help us learn. I appreciate that we are different, and have different diets, but at the moment, I have neither...boo hoo!!

So if you Pros😉 could throw us a lifeline here.........maybe a couple of OK foods, and a couple of No No's

For instance, I like rice, I have got the message...Basmati, Brown is better. So what about Pasta, I was told I could have as much as I wanted, but it appears that this may not be the case:confused:

Come hither, and share with all:D
Anything whole meal or whole grain is better than the plain refined stuff.

Half a pound of sugar in your tea and coffee is a no no unless you arehaving a hypo.

As part of a meal or an occaisional treat it is OK to have a biscuit or chocolate.

As a general rule of thumb white bread and potatoes are full of carbs. Eat a balanced diet, with plenty of fruit and vege. We still need some carbs. Also keep an eye on fats as some are better than others. Lean meat is good, cheese in moderation.

Get GI diet book if you can as that gives you a guide to the carbohydrate content of most foods.

Keep an eye on this thread as I'm sure some of the other forum users will have ideas too.
personally i have penne , if you look out for a product called dreamfields pasta this is what i found out about it

Dreamfields Pasta is made from durum wheat semolina just as most other pasta brands. Semolina is a high protein wheat which is coarsely ground. Dreamfields Pasta boasts a 65% lower glycemic index than other pastas. It also has 0 trans fats and is cholesterol free. Information put out by Dreamfields says, their pastas contain "a fiber called Inulin that has been scientifically shown to promote digestive health, support a healthy immune system and enhance calcium absorption". The best thing about Dreamfields pasta is it will not spike your blood sugar! You are free to enjoy your favorite pasta dishes, even as a diabetic
As an example.....yesterday I had porridge. I put in sliced Banana/Apple/Grapes/Raspberry's, it was yum. My BGL went from 7.1 to 14.3 in 2 hours.............it wasn't that bl**dy yum:confused:
yeah i had something with rasps in it and my levels shot sky high , like someone said yesterday you have to be carefel with some fruits as there all sugar 😱
personally i have penne , if you look out for a product called dreamfields pasta this is what i found out about it

Dreamfields Pasta is made from durum wheat semolina just as most other pasta brands. Semolina is a high protein wheat which is coarsely ground. Dreamfields Pasta boasts a 65% lower glycemic index than other pastas. It also has 0 trans fats and is cholesterol free. Information put out by Dreamfields says, their pastas contain "a fiber called Inulin that has been scientifically shown to promote digestive health, support a healthy immune system and enhance calcium absorption". The best thing about Dreamfields pasta is it will not spike your blood sugar! You are free to enjoy your favorite pasta dishes, even as a diabetic

Thanks steff, I have just ordered some..
As an example.....yesterday I had porridge. I put in sliced Banana/Apple/Grapes/Raspberry's, it was yum. My BGL went from 7.1 to 14.3 in 2 hours.............it wasn't that bl**dy yum:confused:

Your sugars do shoot up within the first couple of hours after eating, so it is best to wait another hour or so before checking. Steff is right some fruits have more sugar than others. Grapes also are sweet. As we are all different, just experiment and see what affects you most. Have you seen a dietician? He or she will give you loads of dietry advice. If you like things like baked beans many firms do a reduced suagr variety these days. My little can of Heinz Beanz claims to have a third less sugar and a quarter less salt.
Your sugars do shoot up within the first couple of hours after eating, so it is best to wait another hour or so before checking. Steff is right some fruits have more sugar than others. Grapes also are sweet.

Oh no's...I love Grapes

As we are all different, just experiment and see what affects you most. Have you seen a dietician?

No not yet, I haven't even been back to the Doctor since my blood test, I have that pleasure tomorrow, and nursey next week.

He or she will give you loads of dietry advice. If you like things like baked beans many firms do a reduced suagr variety these days.

Found them, in fact my other half is great, she is buying the world for me 🙂

My little can of Heinz Beanz claims to have a third less sugar and a quarter less salt.

Thanks Caroline..........more, I'm insatiable:D
carrying on from the dreamfields dave theres also a pasta sauce called bella vita. goes nice on a speg bol
SOme sugars are a little better than others, it depends on what's done to them. Refined sugar is a killer, it is empty calories as it only makes stuff taste nicer. The suagr in fruit takes a little longer to metabolise and is not refined the way some other sugars are.

Have a look round at stuff in the supermarket. When I was first diagnosed it took me three times as long to do the shopping because I was reading all the labels, and the print on some of them is teeny tiny like they are trying hard to hide all the nasties from us.
ditto i was getting scowls from my OH whenever he came shopping with me , but i was told by my uncle (t1 for 15 years) it is what i'd turn into and he was right i do it all the time spend twice as long down the isles to what u used to 3 month ago ha
SOme sugars are a little better than others, it depends on what's done to them. Refined sugar is a killer, it is empty calories as it only makes stuff taste nicer. The suagr in fruit takes a little longer to metabolise and is not refined the way some other sugars are.

Have a look round at stuff in the supermarket. When I was first diagnosed it took me three times as long to do the shopping because I was reading all the labels, and the print on some of them is teeny tiny like they are trying hard to hide all the nasties from us.

I was like that (and still am, if it's an unfamiliar food). When I was first diagnosed my eyesight was so poor (because of the high sugar levels) that I bought a magnifying glass to read the labels. Sometimes I had to ask an assistant to read the label out to me - made me feel really old! They really ought to make the labels in bigger print, like you say it's being deceptive making them so small hoping you won't try too hard to read them.

I've found the one thing that throws my levels silly is toasted teacakes - virtually everything else I seem to be OK with. I usually have porridge with honey, or weetabix, or toast for breakfast (sometimes with jam - just ordinary as you use such small amounts it's not really worth searching for low-sugar IMO). or lunch, usually a sandwich - cheese and pickle is a favourite at the moment, the fat in the cheese helps slow the digestion and give more even sugar levels. For evening meal, usually something with basmati rice (chilli, curry, sweet 'n' sour), pasta (spag bog, lasagne), potatoes (sausage 'n' mash), chips (egg chips and beans!). Pretty normal eating, really. I make all my own food, sauces etc., never buy ready meals. I cook potatoes, rice and pasta in slightly salted water. I use sunflower spread not butter as less saturated fat. I don't have pies and pizza these days mostly because they are high in sat fat (although I might have one as an occasional treat). I also don't drink as much fruit juice as I used to, as this is an instant 'hit' on sugar levels.

As has been said, you have to experiment and find out how certain foods affect you, and stick to the principles of a 'healthy' balanced diet. And try to get plenty of exercise, as this will help you no end to maintain good sugar levels!🙂
As an example.....yesterday I had porridge. I put in sliced Banana/Apple/Grapes/Raspberry's, it was yum. My BGL went from 7.1 to 14.3 in 2 hours.............it wasn't that bl**dy yum:confused:

Beware that it isn't the porridge that is making your BGL shoot up - it is a starchy carbohydrate and, for some, causes big increases despite being relatively low GI. First thing in the morning, glucose resistance is also at its highest so can contribute. I now have 20g traditional porridge oats with 30g dried apricots and 150mls skimmed milk and seem to be able to hit on or below DUK recommended 8.5mmol target 2 hrs post meal but it has taken me a fair while and a lot of finger pricking to work out what is right for me

Do check those fruits out carefully tho - raspberries and apples are lower in sugar than banana and grapes
Should have also added that the GI of flour is higher than the GI of refined sugar - again one of the reason many of us challenge the wisdom of the heavy reliance on starchy carbohydrates as a food source for diabetics.
Having read through this and looked at some of the other threads, wouldn't it be nice if we could sit down with a dietician or nutritionist and work out a diet that includes treats (I like chocolate) that is specific for us as individuals. Given the way things are and the support some of us get fom the professionals who care for us, I can't see it happening...
Now I have mentioned, that my other half has taken me in hand:D...she says 'NO SNACKS'....please help!!. Can I .....Can I please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you snack on😉😉
if i listed all of them id be rushed away to hossi asap so.......
i love a half bag of chedder biccies when i say half i have 3
i also have a bag of sweeties off my uncle all diabetic and the sasperella ones are yummy
I was tod Saltanas and Raisins.........but the good book puts them as medium to high.......and nuts have a high fat content:(

i know i love my raisins but i dont have them no more

another sacrifice for diabetes hahahah x
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