YPSOmed insulin pump

I'm sure you'll get on with it OK Vic - you've seen a lot of changes in your time and nothings stopped you yet! Good luck. 🙂
Started sat night good till morning breakfast had mind block how do i bolus for CARBS PHONE HELPLINE GOOD ONLY VIA APP YEP I REMBR THAT DO FINGER PRICK BLOOD SUGAR FROM MACHINE PICKS UP ON PHONE and away i go have to lower basel as per ratio i think for a long time to much insulin basel as always going to low yep getting steady had to change battery as i have had set withy basel in pump before i was trained also had so change CARTRIDGE as that been also before started so those 2 items done ok
lot of insulin to puge line but ok last night woke 2 pm line was off think i had been fighting DRAGONS but overall my dear we getting uP to SPEED SEE HOW LONG BATTERY LASTS AND CART BEFORE I SAY I LL KEEP IT HAVE GOOD DAY LIKE TO KNOW FROM ON BATTS /CART VIC
I'm sure you'll get on with it OK Vic - you've seen a lot of changes in your time and nothings stopped you yet! Good luck. 🙂
well what a day on am not sure why but up and down all day to high to low have reduced BASEL rate for the day THE HEAT and me just do go hand n hand now slowing down .
as one needle yesterday know by the time t takes to bring high blood sugars also t then kicks an hour or so later
reason bad NEEDLE STE on body SLOW UPTAKE OF INSULIN so about 3 hours ago got anew site it stings so good now working as it should i think but nearly gave up and use my old pump no no no
now steady trying to get overnight sorted as go low 2 am trying fast to get correct as overnight sleep is gone but will get it sorted i hope now dropped 2 unit of basel insulin since on new pump
ha ho can always talk politics footy wars etc keep well vic
Sorry you’ve had a bit of a wobble today @VICTOR HILL

Sounds like you went through a troubleshooting list of possible problems, and managed to get to the bottom of it pretty quickly. Well done!

And yes, the warmer weather can play havoc with levels can’t it!
Sorry you’ve had a bit of a wobble today @VICTOR HILL

Sounds like you went through a troubleshooting list of possible problems, and managed to get to the bottom of it pretty quickly. Well done!

And yes, the warmer weather can play havoc with levels can’t it!
YES AT LAST HAD A GOOD STEADY OVERNIGHT RESULTS taking easy today very hot drinking water vic