Your favorite/most moving tv advert

R Whites lemonade, the secret lemonade drinker with the bloke creeping downstairs in the middle of the night and then doing an Elvis impression
There are probably others but I can’t think of them at the moment.
These days I think you get bombarded with exactly the same adverts so frequently, that what might be quite an amusing one just becomes stale and annoying really quickly
R Whites lemonade, the secret lemonade drinker with the bloke creeping downstairs in the middle of the night and then doing an Elvis impression
There are probably others but I can’t think of them at the moment.
These days I think you get bombarded with exactly the same adverts so frequently, that what might be quite an amusing one just becomes stale and annoying really quickly
The R Whites Lemonade of the best British TV adverts of all time...and one of my personal favourites.
for me the mooving ad is the Dementia one It starts with the first time mum died was when she couldt remember how to do her roast and ends with mum last died on march......
favorite is the Harobo ones

That Dementia ad is heartbreaking @gail2

So many memorable ads from past decades, Surfer ad for Guiness in late 90s was spectacular, visited Guiness Storehouse last year & there's a semi circle room with wrap around screens showing all past Guiness adds, sound in the room for that Surfer add was just incredible.
Why did the boat blow up just because she boiled a kettle!? Good grief.
One that fascinates me at the moment for some bizarre reason is the Amazon one with the woman moving into the tiny boring room and buying hundreds of pot plants to make it more homely. I love the music (“Full of Life” by Christine and the Queens, although that’s basically just a woman singing over the top of Pachelbel’s Canon in D, which is a fab piece of music) and I even did a bit of googling to find out who the actress is (nobody I know, she only graduated a couple of years ago, but I think she’s very pretty and will be on the lookout to see if she appears anywhere else). But I think mostly it reminds me of when I was a student, moving around a lot and living in all sorts of different accommodations of varying degrees of size and pleasantness, including one very dodgy bedsit in London for a few months when I was doing a work placement (only stayed there in the week, went on the train back to my parents’ every weekend!)

And at the other end of the scale we have the Amazon Audible one with the woman whose car has broken down, she drops her keys into a mud puddle, falls over and gets covered in mud herself when trying to retrieve them, then something happens to the breakdown truck, and all the time she keeps laughing - because she’s got her earphones in listening to a funny audio book. Not a bad advert in itself, but I saw it so many times in rapid succession (almost every single ad break) that I got heartily sick of it within about 3 days!
I like the plants on balcony one. Everything improves with a plant. 🙂
Very old advert, the Heineken boomerang advert from the 80s. Started early in the evening. Guy threw a boomerang and it didn't come back. Only a few seconds long but appeared every advert break. No clue what it was about until 10pm advert. Same guy drank a can of Heineken, threw another boomerang and they all came back.
Best advert for me at the moment is the Barclays Kids.

"I have a life too, Bill", as the young lady crosses the road.
Or the
'Who had the calamari?
"It was for the table"
"I didn't eat any calamari", "so, therefore, I'm not paying for any calamari"
"What are you, Seven"

Definitely should be a contender for advert of the year?
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This is very old and almost impossible to track down. One Christmas Boots put out a long, and I would think expensive, ad using Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit as the soundtrack. A long line of innocent, or dumb, people in the agency and at Boots nodded this through unaware that it was one of the classic drug songs of its time and not the sort that Boots sold. The visuals were what passes for psychedelic imagery so somebody knew what they were playing with. Once it was aired they soon learned of their mistake and it vanished very quickly. Well it made me laugh.
This is very old and almost impossible to track down. One Christmas Boots put out a long, and I would think expensive, ad using Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit as the soundtrack. A long line of innocent, or dumb, people in the agency and at Boots nodded this through unaware that it was one of the classic drug songs of its time and not the sort that Boots sold. The visuals were what passes for psychedelic imagery so somebody knew what they were playing with. Once it was aired they soon learned of their mistake and it vanished very quickly. Well it made me laugh.
Was it this one? Great track.

Worst has to be those funeral plan adverts & those stupid Haribo sweets ads where adults are speaking like children.

I also dislike all the ones for products like walk in baths and mobility scooters. And was shocked when people like Gloria Hunniford and Carol Vorderman sunk to doing Equity Release adverts as they could not need the money! :(
Ok, that was definitely strange, I've been a Chef on several boats, and yachts and have never blown any of them up by boiling a kettle, in the galley!!!
The closest I’ve seen in a pub galley kitchen was an ex navy chef somehow catch the back of his tee shirt on fire from a gas ring? (Or the tie from the apron?) Before I could wet a towel he’d run through the dining area kicked the door open then dropped & rolled in the snow in the beer garden outside. No more than what looked like severe sunburn? His shirt was back less from the fire.
Has anyone seen the one with the horrible pink cat thing growling “Recycle your electricals! Don’t bin your electricals, recycle your electricals” with some very psychedelic colours going on in the background? Honestly the stuff of nightmares that one… 😱😱