Your diabetes data display methods?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I'm another (IT) geek with a background in writing Finance reports (stats, etc) and after doing the DAFNE course I created an Excel spreadsheet that exactly matched the way their diary works so you can input Date, Time, BG, Carbs, Basal and Bolus.

I extended it a bit further to do some line graphs of BG as well.

Seems a lot of us have different ways of collecting and analysing our data. I find it all quite interesting and like trying to figure out patterns from the results I get. Does anyone use any of the online diaries for entering their data?

I've also just written my own program that can download BG readings from a OneTouch UltraEasy. Haven't got it doing anything apart from displaying them on-screen but at least it's a start (and I didn't think I'd get that far)

Just wondered if anyone fancied sharing their spreadsheets or other means of analysing their data? Could be good to add the best bits of all methods together 😱)

P.S Should've maybe started this in a new topic (admins feel free to move)


Consider it done!🙂

I had a fairly simple spreadsheet before I got my free Accu-Chek meter software, now I use that. It only records my BG test though. I think you can input insulin doses but I've never been a**ed to do that - although I still record everything in a booklet. My spreadsheet wouldn't be much use - doesn't do anything fancy ( I'm a mainframe programmer, not PC!).
hi i just use the old fashion way with my diary but any hints and tips on a computer program would be great i not very good at the pc 🙂
Mine's currently a simple spreadsheet that charts the daily highs and lows and maps the downward trend towards the normal range. I expanded it a little so I also have worksheets that track what I'm eating each day* and my weight loss, my pills and when I take them, a task list cos my memory is shot, notes on my discussions with medical people and subjective stuff about how I feel. I'm currently building a database to hold the info as it's getting a bit unwieldy in the spreadsheet.

*This was started so I could see what food does to my BGL, but I've kept it up as a way of monitoring my food intake from a weight loss perspective.

It may be the artist in me, but I have a very visual mindset. Seeing the information displayed in a graph gives me a far better understanding of where I am in my journey. I understand pictures instinctively, numbers aren't so easy for me.
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I really really realy want to get in the routine of downloading the data from my meter to my i mac but doubt there's a way I think you told me before NiVz that there isn't, and although I could get the slaptop out I know I wouldn't do it regularly enough, so I'm still filling in numbers in the booklet every so often. Since I've recently been monitoring/recording approx carb intake and units inject and activities I would prefer something that allows that data to be added if avaliable but didn't rely on it for some basic analysis!?:confused:
What meter are you using Rossi?
I am too a finance excel lover. I used to have my own spreadsheets but since going on the DAFNE course I know use the DAFNE online blood glucose diary. This has graphs too, showing averages at certain times of day, pie charts showing percentage above, below or on target and line graphs of BG results. I find them very useful.
I got really annoyed with excel as it would not let me do time series data showing the actual time of each result - has anyone found a way of doing this?
I am too a finance excel lover. I used to have my own spreadsheets but since going on the DAFNE course I know use the DAFNE online blood glucose diary. This has graphs too, showing averages at certain times of day, pie charts showing percentage above, below or on target and line graphs of BG results. I find them very useful.
I got really annoyed with excel as it would not let me do time series data showing the actual time of each result - has anyone found a way of doing this?

Is that DAFNE online doo dah restricted to dafne graduates??
I am too a finance excel lover. I used to have my own spreadsheets but since going on the DAFNE course I know use the DAFNE online blood glucose diary. This has graphs too, showing averages at certain times of day, pie charts showing percentage above, below or on target and line graphs of BG results. I find them very useful.
I got really annoyed with excel as it would not let me do time series data showing the actual time of each result - has anyone found a way of doing this?

It's a good few years since I've used Excel, bit there must be. I'll have a play with my spreadsheet (OpenOffice), because if one can, the other ought as well.
It may be the artist in me, but I have a very visual mindset. Seeing the information displayed in a graph gives me a far better understanding of where I am in my journey. I understand pictures instinctively, numbers aren't so easy for me.

Im like that too - when i was doing my exams everything was colour coded because it just goes in better that way.

All my BGs are colour coded now, red for hypo, black in range and blue for hyper. And my graphs and pie charts are all coded! I love it, love being a geek 🙂
The DAFNE online diary is just for DAFNE graduates - sorry.
I have green for on target, blue for hyper and red for too high. Colour coding is great
I guess I should try before I write this but I'm at work.

Surely if I plug my usb cable from meter into my mac it would notice something, is there not some way I can say download data (hoping it is text not code!)to a text file then do some kinda special import in a spreadsheet thing of openoffice?? or run a macro or vb or something?


(Probably not, shutit Rossi!!)
I guess I should try before I write this but I'm at work.

Surely if I plug my usb cable from meter into my mac it would notice something, is there not some way I can say download data (hoping it is text not code!)to a text file then do some kinda special import in a spreadsheet thing of openoffice?? or run a macro or vb or something?


(Probably not, shutit Rossi!!)
What kind of meter are you using?
I guess I should try before I write this but I'm at work.

Surely if I plug my usb cable from meter into my mac it would notice something, is there not some way I can say download data (hoping it is text not code!)to a text file then do some kinda special import in a spreadsheet thing of openoffice?? or run a macro or vb or something?


(Probably not, shutit Rossi!!)

I'm guessing your Mac would need some kind of driver that can communicate with the meter and recognise the file format of the data. I bought a Sony DVD recorder a whle ago and it has a usb slot for uploading music from MP3 players. I also have a Sony MP3 player - great, eh? Nooooo, the DVD recorder doesn't recognise the file format even though they are the same manufacturer! The computer world is littered with crapness, I'm afraid, despite what we are often led to believe.:(
I use a spreadsheet that my Dad knocked up for me many years ago. I might want to get around to making a new version but then again I'm somewhat lacking in Excel skills.

I might be wrong, but I thought you could use the DAFNE online diary even if you weren't a graduate. I thought it was just the course handbook that was locked to graduates only.

It was their site I was actually writing the Meter reading program for to save people having to enter the details manually. Their diary is pretty handy and you can also use it from your mobile phone!!

I'm happy to make my spreadsheet or program available to anyone who wants to try them.

@RossiMac - there are programs for the MAC but I think you have to pay for them. It won't be as simple as just connecting it to your MAC I'm afraid. In writing my own program I've had to learn how the meters talk to the computers and it's not easy. Even meters from the same manufacturer use different 'languages'. Same problem that Northern (and everyone else) faces with different competing 'standards' (Why do they call them standards when they are all different?)

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I really really realy want to get in the routine of downloading the data from my meter to my i mac but doubt there's a way I think you told me before NiVz that there isn't, and although I could get the slaptop out I know I wouldn't do it regularly enough, so I'm still filling in numbers in the booklet every so often. Since I've recently been monitoring/recording approx carb intake and units inject and activities I would prefer something that allows that data to be added if avaliable but didn't rely on it for some basic analysis!?:confused:

Get a copy of Virtualbox. I use it on this Linux computer to run XP so I can do my BG meter readings with it. PM me if you need any more info.
Or you could use VMWare to let you run XP on a MAC.

@Rachelha - What meter are you using?

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