Your biggest diabetes hurdles?

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I haven't. Although i am only under GP care and have never been seen by a Consultant/hospital, only a DSN and they referred me back to GP care during Covid. I can ask to be re referred but have to give a reason why. Is a pump so much easier than MDI?
It’s not easier - it’s still a pain in the neck - but it gives more flexibility. Instead of just one injection of Tresiba every 24h, I’ve got about 7 different basal settings which means I can tweak my basal eg from midnight to 4am if the Libre shows I’m going low in that time slot.

A good reason for being referred’d be the randomness of your BG and also the randomness in your activity levels at work. I feel we’re very similar in that respect. Flexibility is something a lot of us need. This diabetes lark is a pain!
Thought I'd read something that it's best to eat regularly for best management! Saying that I've read so much in the last 12 months could be I took it too literally? Always read reliable sources though, I think Thanks rebrascora
What is "eating normal"?
For you it is no breakfast. For rebrascora it is no lunch. For me, it is constantly grazing.
Basically, a healthy diet for someone with Type 1 is the same as a healthy diet for someone without diabetes.
Often, this message is lost in the pages of advice for people with Type 2
Basically, a healthy diet for someone with Type 1 is the same as a healthy diet for someone without diabetes.
Often, this message is lost in the pages of advice for people with Type 2
Exactly and also for type 2 with a good BMI or one that does not require weight loss.
To be honest I read posts to understand both types and although both affect blood sugars it is totally different and I think should be named different.
Biggest hurdle by far was when diagnosed, week in hospital then sent home with no means to test bg & insulin that took forever to work. Provided at time with Clinitest Kit which was basically useless as it tested for glucose in urine.

Thought at time that life would be very short & time left living with condition would be a miserable existence, cried one night thinking about it all & that was last time I've ever got upset about diabetes.

Times since have moved on so much & have to say for the better as equipment & tech now is incredible & makes life more easier living with type 1, agree with others that it can at times be a unpredictable condition & no 2 days can be same but it is what it is, knowing that others experience same challenges with type 1 does help mentally I will admit to.
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