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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just spoke to Brighton PCT who are FINALLY agreeing fund a pump for me :D I have just spoken to the man who sorts it all out at the PCT and he said that they have emailed their finance team to tell them to pay it, so as soon as it's paid for by finance I'm funded!!!!!

Now to ring my hospital and tell them to keep their eyes peeled for confirmation :D

I'm actually bouncing off the walls right now!!!!!

That is fantastic news Shiv it must of been a worry for you for such a long time now, but finally that burden has been took away....Congratulations
Shiv great news you must be so chuffed. Well done hun
Brilliant news. It's how it should be. Congrats. 🙂

:D ...which is obviously the subtext of what I was saying 🙄

:D I know :D it's only taken me 18 months of telling my team pumping would help me, 6 months of 'trial' pumping to prove it, and 6 months of phone calls and letters to the PCT.

...not sure I've got a reason to wake up tomorrow!! 😉
No more than one shandy tonight. Low cal lemonade of course. 😉

Gon on then. Treat yourself to 2 ! :D

Fantastic news Shiv, very well deserved as well if I may say so.

Hi Shiv,

I am so peased for you.🙂What was the rush with the PCT - he he.🙂Bev
Thats great news Shiv , youre so supportive to pumpers with your pumping knowledge ,its about time you benefitted too 🙂
Shiv, I am delighted for you - well done
as I said earlier Shiv, I am SO pleased for you.

We'll have to catch up over the weekend about it, as I was a muppet and hit hang up instead of answer to you earlier 🙄 alas, had I been in earlier and already cuppad up and you weren't on your way out, I would have called you straight back 😱 So, Saturday?

Also, I am on holiday from work mid march, I think you and I should go for coffee :D Or booze of your choice. Matt and I are taking a trip to Hampton Court :D
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that must be a weight of the shoulders............well done, let the funded pumping commence.........:D
Many congrats Shiv, I am so chuffed for you :D

Hope you had a great night!
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