Yeah I'm a junkie! (ha ha) NOT!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Going to have a bit of a rant now.......

Why do people see me doing my injection and make the joke(!) about me being a junkie?!

I can't even estimate the amount of times I have heard things like 'look at you shooting up', 'come on junkie', 'are you having your fix', 'you junkie'.

Why do people think that joking about me being a junkie is even remotely funny?
I just don't understand!

I understand that some people might see me doing my injection and not really know what to say, but to then blurt something out about me being a junkie is just stupid!

Does anyone else hate this?!

I find it really offensive.
Do they really think if I had a choice I would be giving myself +4 injections a day!

Just wanted to get it off my chest!
I've not had this but then I work in a school so that isn't likely.

Are you getting this at work then? I think they are just jealous. Offer them a few units of your insulin. :D
Yeah I should do!

Must say my usual response is a roll of the eys, or a forced smile, very polite I know - but I'm a lover not a fighter (as the late Michael Jackson would say)!
I've not had this but then I work in a school so that isn't likely.

Are you getting this at work then? I think they are just jealous. Offer them a few units of your insulin. :D

Hahaha well said Marc !! Ive had this a few times and I just laugh , why the

hell shoulld I care what people think of me taking life saving drugs ? sod them

...I understand that some people might see me doing my injection and not really know what to say, but to then blurt something out about me being a junkie is just stupid!

I think you probably hit the nail on the head there- people don't know what to say AND they think they're being funny, not realising that you've heard it a million times before, and it wasn't even funny the first time! Sort of like going up to Victor Meldrew (Richard Wilson) and saying 'I don't beliiiiieve it!' (as seen on Father Ted!)😱
That is so inconsiderate. Is this friends saying this?

I guess you are right and its people not knowing what to say so come out with something they feel will lighten the whole thing.

See I can see this from a non diabetic point of view. However I wouldn't blurt that out as I know how you all feel. I'm not saying I feel it myself, its different being a mum than having the diabetes yourself, different feelings.

However these people (and I'm not making excuses for them) have absolutely no idea whatsoever how you feel about having diabetes. Diabetes, in the press, and everywhere is played down and has the reputation amongst people that don't know, that it is nothing, it is easy to control, just a few shots and voila no problemo. We know its not like that but others don't so they have no idea the seriousness of carrying this burden around for ever so they want to lighten it for them and possibly for you as well but it obviously has the adverse effect. Maybe next time you should say something but nicely of course (to start with !)
Hiya Urban

It offends me when people/children have said the same sort of things to Nathan.

I think Northerner is right...Its partly down to them not knowing what to say and being ignorant at what they do not understand.

Educate time you do a finger test..offer to do theirs might make them think a little.

Other than that..say to them..if you have nothing constructive to yourself a favour and keep your mouth shut...:D

USP hi yeah it gets to me too! I joke with them sometimes, but getting tired of it, even when testing it gets joked about especially when in a pub, are they forcing us underground?? Maybe I could live in a cave?!?

Good rant though, don't hold back on here, I could do with one but not sure!!

All the best.

...Educate time you do a finger test..offer to do theirs might make them think a little...

[mod hat]Sorry to put my Mod hat on, but it's not advisable to let others use your BG monitors - not quite sure why? [/mod hat]
[mod hat]Sorry to put my Mod hat on, but it's not advisable to let others use your BG monitors - not quite sure why? [/mod hat]

Ooops toooo late :D I think every single one of my friends has used mine 😱 I always change the lancet though .
[mod hat]Sorry to put my Mod hat on, but it's not advisable to let others use your BG monitors - not quite sure why? [/mod hat]

If you download readings or use the averaging system on your monitor then having someone else's on your BG monitors will affect your records.

Multiclix lancets have a risk of cross contamination with blood. I have an old spare monitor and multi-clix with new set of lancets in it that I use for checking my husband occasionally as he has a family history of diabetes, is overweight and could do with a bit more exercise than he gets
[mod hat]Sorry to put my Mod hat on, but it's not advisable to let others use your BG monitors - not quite sure why? [/mod hat]

Hi Northerner..

Your quite right its not advisable to let anyone else use your BG monitor...I'm pretty sure it has something to do with if you have download capabilities that would draw up a graph of patterns on a computer...

I would never agree with such behaviour...but sometimes just the suggestion to others to have it done makes them think they would rather not....

When Nathan was first diagnosed...most of the family at some point had random BG tests...which Nathan performed for us to try and comprehend what it felt like to him...fresh lancet was always used...:D....I did draw the line at Nathan's request to test our cats....😱

[mod hat]Sorry to put my Mod hat on, but it's not advisable to let others use your BG monitors - not quite sure why? [/mod hat]

Oops, I better take my mod hat off then to say I've probably tested most of my friends too. Always with a freash lancet of course, I don't use averages on my meter any more when when I did there was an option on the meter to make a reading exempt from average and downloading to the computer so I used that when testing others...!
Hahaha well said Marc !! Ive had this a few times and I just laugh , why the

hell shoulld I care what people think of me taking life saving drugs ? sod them
Yeah it is a bit silly. Just the plain old ignorance I think. No vaccine for that. Well apart from my idea of a few odd errant units of insulin. 😉

It is all about cross contamination not about downloading (sorry guys). If you do other people's fingers you can just put the machine on 'control solution' (for the One Touch people) and the machine doesn't record that reading then and it will still be a proper reading for that other person though.

The reason I know about the cross contamination is my daughter has PCT funded money for one to one care at school. When she first started school there was a dragon of a lady who worked at the PCT (a real jobsworth) who wouldn't allow me to use our own test kits at school. She also said that she would only allow us to use the one test only pricker things and not our pen. This was because of cross contamination. I asked how as it would only be on Jessica !! She said that there could and would be blood on the top of the tester pen that we might not be able to see and if used on someone else that is cross contamination or if someone else touched it whereby the disposable ones, used in hospital, were ok. Also when changing the needle the carer could get stabbed because you saw the needle and she wanted us to use ones that you couldn't see the needle !

Well I did my homework on this. When Jessica was born our rubbish local hospital use a disposable one called a tender foot. If anyone ever comes near you with a tender foot run in the opposite direction. They slice rather than prick and her heals after 5 days of birth were in a terrible state and once we were transferred to GOSH we never used those again. At GOSH they were more baby friendly and Jessica was given her own pen and we took it home with us, the nurses wore gloves so no cross contamination.

So back to school (sorry this has ended up being an essay). Dragon lady was determined so I rang all the glucomter companies I could think of and asked if they did disposable ones. Not one company said a person had ever rung them for these, only hospitals or medical establishments. They all sent me examples. None of them have depth gauges (oh one did but it seemed to be deep or deeper) and I tried them on me. Never ever again. They went in deeper than a setting of 3 on a normal pen. They hurt.

Eventually Birmingham University rang me. Somehow they had found out I was no this quest and had got my details !!! They came up with a sort of solution that wasn't in this country yet and was only available in Germany. They sent me the Accu chek 6 barrel tester. I think some of you use that now. The one you put the barrel of needles in. So I think we were sent the first one in the UK however the instructions were in German !!!! Jessica didn't like it as the hole is not in the middle and didn't feel right.

By this time the even more rubbish DSN has been called in to do some training at the school even though I had banned her and wanted the GOSH nurses instead, but dragon lady thought otherwise. My hands were tied as they were giving the money. The DSN, a type 1 herself arrived clearly hypo but refused anything, trained the staff on the wrong stuff but blamed it all on me !!!! I ranted at the dragon lady and said I knew this would happen so now maybe should would listen to me. From that moment on we used our own kit. Stuff cross contamination !!!

Sorry not sure where that lot came from. I'm not packed and we are off tomorrow. Gotta go......
Adrienne, thank you so much for your story! I use a multiclix, and now I know the first peron in the country to get one! I love history!

Have a terrific holiday, and Jessica too of course - you are two remarkable and wonderful people!:D
Yeah it is a bit silly. Just the plain old ignorance I think. No vaccine for that. Well apart from my idea of a few odd errant units of insulin. 😉

Right Marc , I'll hold them down , you Jab them 😉😉
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