writing my dissertation about type 1 diabetes, insulin pumps and fashion

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We just order pretty pump bags and then if my daughter can’t wear it under her clothes she just proudly wears it on the outside. She is due to be a bridesmaid for her cousin - the wedding was originally meant to be in June, now postponed to October, and we're not even sure it will go ahead then, I think they would rather not get married than have to do so with all sorts of restrictions. We had only just started to talk about bridesmaid dresses when lockdown started, so when it all eventually goes ahead it will be interesting to see if we can find one that can hide a pump under it!
Sally - I can only suggest you get a 'bra hanger' for daughters pump and hang it on whatever you can and for ONE day revert to mum mode, to deliver food boluses for your daughter or deliver them by pen, which is simply one of the options with a Combo or Insight, on the handset after you test the BG enter the carbs and it calculates the bolus &/or correction dose. As long as El Pumpo is chugging along under the petticoats dripping the basal in OK, NP - not for ONE day!
Only snag is, Combo is now out of warranty and we are hoping to be up and running on a new pump by the time school goes back in September, and will have a different one next time, so no remote! Pens might be a good idea for the day, thank you for that idea! We'll work it out anyway, it will add to the fun!
Just to flag up @JonathanButler that this thread is over a year old and the original poster doesn’t seem to visit the forum all that regularly any more, so may not get your message. 🙂
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