Wow! Reversing type 1 diabetes.

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Yes, I saw that @Amity Island I also knew someone totally invested in doing it. Their ‘improvements’ were tragically miniscule (they had their C Peptide tested frequently) and not sustained. I think it might work maybe with Type 2 if the beta cells have become exhausted, but in Type 1, even if the poor b*****rs regenerated and grew back, our immune systems would still kill them, just as they’d kill any transplanted beta cells.
@Robin @Inka

So the fasting gets you half way there. Still need to stop the attack. I think the TB vaccine seemed to help with this part of the problem. Not heard anything for a long time on this though.
If I remember correctly, the results of the TB thing were disappointing. I think I read it here somewhere. It might have been Mike who said it but I don’t remember.

I think there’s probably a difference between exhausted beta cells and ones attacked by the immune system. I see it as the difference between someone being exhausted having climbed a mountain and someone who has received major injuries seriously affecting their ability to walk. The former can recover, the latter can’t.

I don’t think fasting will be part of a cure. I think it will be stopping the immune attack or protecting beta cells from it and/or manipulating other cells into acting like beta cells. I read recently that the brain makes insulin. I also read something about stomach cells being able to make it in theory.
Yes, I saw that @Amity Island I also knew someone totally invested in doing it. Their ‘improvements’ were tragically miniscule (they had their C Peptide tested frequently) and not sustained. I think it might work maybe with Type 2 if the beta cells have become exhausted, but in Type 1, even if the poor b*****rs regenerated and grew back, our immune systems would still kill them, just as they’d kill any transplanted beta cells.
I read paper recently that commented that it’s been seen that in most T2s the lack of insulin is due to beta cells not working properly, not apoptosis (ie being killed off). This is probably why some people see improvements after losing weight.
Have you seen this before? Not only is fasting shown to cure both type 1 and type 2, fasting is proven to prevent, cure and help in all sorts of diseases and illnesses pancreas can be triggered,the diet reboots the body.
That article is pretty much talking about a low calorie diet and rapid weight loss.
It resembles a vegan diet with nuts and soups, but with around 800 to 1,100 calories a day.

Which mimics the effect of bariatric surgery.

Personally, I find not eating between meals brings my levels right down to the 4s or low 5s.

They do think fasting is good as it slows the body to start a process of clearing up unwanted proteins - there’s a name for it. Autophagy?
Not only is fasting shown to cure both type 1 and type 2,

Just for clarity - the article doesn’t suggest the experiments cured T1. There were promising changes in mice, and in tissue samples from people with T1.

“There were benefits in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the mouse experiments.”

”Further tests on tissue samples from people with type 1 diabetes produced similar effects.”

“Dr Emily Burns, research communications manager at Diabetes UK, said: "This is potentially very exciting news, but we need to see if the results hold true in humans before we'll know more about what it means for people with diabetes.”
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