would i know?

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This is worrying me slightly that if i was to be DKA would i know im sure i would but can some one tell me how i would feel and what the symptoms would be ? sorry if this sounds like a stupid question.also i have seen somewhere that it is more common in type 1's is that true ?
Hi Steff,

DKA is extremely unpleasant - if you get it you'll know!! The reason there is such an emphasis on checking is so that you can catch it before it gets really bad.

When i had it i had the following (in this order)
- Extreme thirst
- Peeing ALL the time
- lethargy
- Blurred vision
- nausea
- vomiting
- abdominal and back pain
- Aggression!
- then slipping in and out of consciousness

Thats all i remember. It starts off like a horrible hangover or bug. Safest thing is if ever you feel poorly just check regularly for ketones.

I think it happens far more quickly in type 1s, but i would have thought type 2s should still be careful 🙂

This is worrying me slightly that if i was to be DKA would i know im sure i would but can some one tell me how i would feel and what the symptoms would be ? sorry if this sounds like a stupid question.also i have seen somewhere that it is more common in type 1's is that true ?

If you have this misfortune of going DKA honestly without trying to frighten it feels like the end is coming the first time i went in to hospital i wasnt that bad just coudnt stop being sick couldnt eat or drink anything and in th words of my darling fiance i looked p***ed.

The second time i couldnt walk i could barely breath and honestly thought that was it. but after being looked after by a very good team in hospital was out and back to normal in 3-4 days.

One of the main things the people around you need to look or smell out for is pear drops. i know it sound silly but high ketones make you smell of pear drops a really strong sickley smell the worse you are.

Hope that helps somewhat. It really is not a good place to be and without the continued support of the lovely people on here i would have probably gone in to hospital again.

I just dont feel that great and it has only been last 20 minutes i got green blotches when i read this and see tele my forehead is sweating and my tummy is doing somersaults
Hi Steff, it's highly unlikely that you would get DKA. It is really only a worry for people on insulin (whether type 1 or 2). Your pancreas is still producing insulin, so you shouldn't worry. What happens is that, if there is little or no insulin then the body cannot use the glucose in your blood for energy so it starts to break down fat and protein. This produces a by-product called ketones which can turn the blood acidic, and it is this that makes people so sick. Insulin is also needed to deal with ketones, so again if it is lacking then the ketones build up and up, eventually leading to DKA.

If there is insulin present, then the ketones can be processed by the body so they don't build up to dangerous levels. This is why, when people are dieting on things like Atkins Diet, they produce ketones but don't get sick as they are producing insulin.

Hope this helps!🙂
I just dont feel that great and it has only been last 20 minutes i got green blotches when i read this and see tele my forehead is sweating and my tummy is doing somersaults

I would say call you diabetes team and speak to them. as tehy may be able to send someone out to you or further advise you.

Dont just rely on BG reading s coz mine were low but keytones at 6.4
my bg is 19.3 and my lad is outplaying and o/h is out to , im getting quite scared now ,cana nyone tell me wht to do
my bg is 19.3 and my lad is outplaying and o/h is out to , im getting quite scared now ,cana nyone tell me wht to do

if you are worried contact your gp or the out of hours doctor and they will be able to help you further but stay calm and dont panic

I know it can be a horrible time but just take a breath and ring the doctor

Hope you feel better soon
Drink loads of water, keep drinking water and going to the toilet. If you have ketones you need to try and flush them out of your system. Sorry not sure if your type 1 or 2. If it were me i'd take some extra insulin to bring down your high blood reading. Hope you feel batter soon. x x
Hi Steff, I hope you are feeling better. When I asked, I was told anyone on insulin is more likely to be affected than those of us diet or pill controled. There have been a lot of tummy bugs going round with the symptomse you describe. If you are very poorly and worried seek help, it is for your owm peace of mind as much as anything else. It is always good to take advice for anything you can't explain or don't understand.
Hope you start to feel better. Keep drinking fluids and keep a close eye on your blood sugars. As others have said DKA in type 2 is unlikely, but do seek medical advise if you continue to feel unwell.
Hope you're feeling better Steff, I know what you mean it's a strange question to ask, when I was diagnosed they said if you feel worse or don't get ride of the keytones go to hospital! How will I know I asked, you will was the answer, I would guess that if you can type on here then although you're not well and do need advice, it isn't DKA?
How are you now Steff? Feeling better I hope.
Hi Steph - i do hope your feeling better soon - like a few have said its very unlikely that you will get DKA as a type 2 - so try not to worry - have you eaten any different sorts of food today that could be causing the high? Let us know how you are.🙂Bev x
good evening , ty to everyone advice and good wishes, i got the doc out at 6pm as i could not stop swaeting nor shaking, he calmed me down had to have some oxygen mind you, he said check levels,ketones etc etc , i was neg on ketones , my reading went up to 23.4 at its peak, he could only suggest to me that i was hypering but with no signs, i usually know if im hypering though :confused:, anyways tested 3 times after that and got bs down to 10.4 anyway i was put to bed and woke at 8, feeling not alot better really.. will give myself till morning and see where i go from there.
sorry to hear youve not been well Steff, hope you feel much better by the morning. xxxxxxxxx
ty tracey o/h has sent me to bed but i connected the lappy up how sad but i thought some would wanna know i was ok x
Hi Steph - i do hope your feeling better soon - like a few have said its very unlikely that you will get DKA as a type 2 - so try not to worry - have you eaten any different sorts of food today that could be causing the high? Let us know how you are.🙂Bev x

im not to sure tbh bev i had 2 chick legs for lunch with some dip , and for tea i had nothing i was to poorly
Hope you're feeling better Steff, I know what you mean it's a strange question to ask, when I was diagnosed they said if you feel worse or don't get ride of the keytones go to hospital! How will I know I asked, you will was the answer, I would guess that if you can type on here then although you're not well and do need advice, it isn't DKA?

yes your right it wernt but if im not sure of the symptoms best i ask where i am among mates
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