Worst day ever

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Who are the "diabetes police" telling you you're doing it wrong?

family, friends, people at work etc. According to these individuals, I'm hypoing so much because I'm doing things in ways they don't like and come up with all these stories about how they "have this friend"...oh I'm sure you know what it's like. But I am really fed up with it. Five plus hypos a day is hard enough as it is without all of that going on too
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family, friends, people at work etc. According to these individuals, I'm hypoing so much because I'm doing things in ways they don't like and come up with all these stories about how they "have this friend"...oh I'm sure you know what it's like. But I am really fed up with it. Five plus hypos a day is hard enough as it is without all of that going on too

I know its horrible having so many hypo's - Alex is having a fair few himself lately. I think its the warm weather. I would suggest that if everyone is annoying and upsetting you with ill-thought out advice - then dont tell them anymore! If they dont *know* then they wont feel the need to *advise* you. Also, dont forget, people only offer advice for the best of reasons (most of the time) - so if they are telling you something that is clearly wrong - then its better to just thank them for the advice and then ignore it. We often get the 'older generation' telling us horror stories of amputations etc etc and so Alex and I have learnt to ignore them and have a look that we give each other that means 'its one of them'!😱🙂Bev
Grrrrr... people who 'have this friend' should just keep their noses out.

Often it's things said with the best of intentions, but everyone is different. Everyone's metabolism is different. All of the completely random D nonsense (heat/stress/activity curve/ratio/ratio changes/activity/insert variable you just thought of) that gives you 15 possible explanations for every blip really aren't helped by someone saying (in Harry Enfield voice,) "Ooooh you don't wanna do it like that...".

Really hope you get your 5-hypos-a-day sorted. No fun at all. I've been there.

I've had some recent success and have felt way more stable. But not this week. All over the place again :(

Sometimes I guess we just have to figure that the odd blip is not going to hurt. Sometimes I know I try too hard and the over compensation is what sends me zig-zagging all over the place. Never easy but I'm currently trying to relax a little about post-meal spikes again. Certainly I know that short-acting lasts longer than 4h for me, and that a 2h test will be when the short-scting has just about got going and will still have a way to go.

Would be very interested to hear how you fix yours. Might give me some more ideas... though of course I feel completely free to ignore them 🙂

I'm sorry to hear about the 5 hypos a day. Make Matt give you a big hug tonight.

Is it possible to get to use a continuous glucose meter from your new diabetes team? I know you thought about it before. I just thought that one might just give your team a true picture of what's happening to you.

I really hope a CGM would give you more ammunition to get a pump sooner.

I'm sorry to hear about the 5 hypos a day. Make Matt give you a big hug tonight.

Is it possible to get to use a continuous glucose meter from your new diabetes team? I know you thought about it before. I just thought that one might just give your team a true picture of what's happening to you.

I really hope a CGM would give you more ammunition to get a pump sooner.

they won't give me a CGM, have asked countless times to the southampton team. Not sure about B-dec, they may do but I don't know if they will so close to pump start. But it wouldn't help me get my pump sooner - that's a fixed date now of 19th-28th July over three days. Less than a month, good. But yeah, matt hugs all good and chillage tonight.

Sometimes I guess we just have to figure that the odd blip is not going to hurt. Sometimes I know I try too hard and the over compensation is what sends me zig-zagging all over the place. Never easy but I'm currently trying to relax a little about post-meal spikes again. Certainly I know that short-acting lasts longer than 4h for me, and that a 2h test will be when the short-scting has just about got going and will still have a way to go.

Would be very interested to hear how you fix yours. Might give me some more ideas... though of course I feel completely free to ignore them

everyday: I'm getting a pump because of my hypo issues - it's been a problem for a very very long time, and because of this I have exceptionally poor hypo awareness. My ultimate career (and before I got laid off consequentially) is to be an archaeologist - and when I was working for my local unit we discovered exactly how dangerous it is to have a serious hypo in the middle of a building site. It's not very much fun let me tell you! It was part of my pump case actually - imagine if I was having a hypo and walked in the way of a JCB or piledriver - consequence would be a very painful death 😱 But the pump is to sort out my epic hypo doo-das. But yeah, the odd blip I'm not really bothered about, just when it happens every single day...it gets very boring!

I know its horrible having so many hypo's - Alex is having a fair few himself lately. I think its the warm weather. I would suggest that if everyone is annoying and upsetting you with ill-thought out advice - then dont tell them anymore! If they dont *know* then they wont feel the need to *advise* you. Also, dont forget, people only offer advice for the best of reasons (most of the time) - so if they are telling you something that is clearly wrong - then its better to just thank them for the advice and then ignore it. We often get the 'older generation' telling us horror stories of amputations etc etc and so Alex and I have learnt to ignore them and have a look that we give each other that means 'its one of them'

Bev - It's much easier said than done though. Plus, you know what I'm like 😛 Not only that, its a huge issue at work where i *have* to let people know what's happening - like that 1.8 the other day. It's an environment where they have to be aware and in such cases these people are going to come along and be muppets. You know what I'm like, it gets to me but sometimes if people have to be told then they think its ok to start mollycoddling and talking stories about how "x person" has "X complication" because of diabetes. Some of it I can ignore, the complication scares yep, I ignore them - seeing as how y'know, I have some of them myself...but its when they start getting overly touchy feely when levels are low and start making out and out suggestions when they have no clue what's going on.........*breathes*

But yeah, most of the time they do get a muttered thanks and then I go off and bang my head against the wall in the toilet. But it is very upsetting y'know. I hate it with a passion. Sometimes though, just sometimes they cross the line too far and some form of smart mouthed comment flies back at them - I'm not proud of it ever but sometimes it happens.

Phew, essay lol.

But yeah, things are ok now. Randomly been running at about 10.0 all day today. Very odd but no hypos as of yet. But I know they will come :( Nevermind. These things happen and I know that in a month or so I'll be on here moaning about having too many highs cuz of my new pumpy friend hehe.

Hopefully people at work will calm down when they know you better and the "novelty" wears off. When I first got diabetes people at work were always asking how I was feeling, and fussing, but now no-one ever mentions it. Very occasionally I've had to tell someone I can't do something right now as I'm hypo, but generally I just sit at my desk drinking lucozade and no-one comments.
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