Worst day ever

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok - so a rundown of today.

9am I was 1.8 - no idea why this happened. I did everything EXACTLY the same as I always have.

Lunch 8.8 - not bad. Lunch as usual. However I was suffering intensly with a hangover from the 1.8, and feeling the symptoms FROM thay 1.8 also. Felt awful all afternoon

Afternoon break - 18.9. Again no idea why. And before anyone says anything, yep, I checked twice after washing my hands. Feeling utterly terrible with this. Imagine it, still feeling the effects from the hypo mixed in with hyper symptoms. Yeah.

Head to boots to pick up my test strips and gabapenin. Get there. allowed my strips (for once) but gabepentin not there. My doctor told me when he preprescribed it a while back that he originally said 2 per day but if I needed it I could go to 3 a day, which is what I have been doing. Doc seems to have forgotten this, but I have been thinking these past few days of going back to 2 a day. Still, no sign of my Gabs. Pharmacist rings up docs to see if its ok to get it, he's busy - asked to go back tomorrow. Likely to be told I'm not allowed it even though doc said what I'm doing is ok. And so, I am going to 2 per day again, fair enough - I'll have words when I next see him anyway but the fact is, I'm running pretty low. I need the next lot, I don't like to be running low.

Get home just now: 2.3. So I'm still suffering the effects from this morning and this afternoon, and now got hypo symptoms on top.

Looks like you're on a bit of a roller coaster with those bloods. The worst of it is, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, like me a couple of weeks ago. Unless it's the stress of starting your new job.

I think a nice long soak, or a wee treat and an early night would be a good idea. And a bit of a hug from the OH if possible. I hope things will be better tomorrow.

[hug]Virtual hugs from me to be going on with.[/hug]
Looks like you're on a bit of a roller coaster with those bloods. The worst of it is, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, like me a couple of weeks ago. Unless it's the stress of starting your new job.

I think a nice long soak, or a wee treat and an early night would be a good idea. And a bit of a hug from the OH if possible. I hope things will be better tomorrow.

[hug]Virtual hugs from me to be going on with.[/hug]

Thanks Alison. I have no idea why this is happening, I'm pretty settled in the job now and really loving it. It could be the heat, but its never affected me this badly before. I dunno, but I'm feeling proper c****y :(

I've just had a kinder bueno to help the 2.3 though. That was ace,

On the plus side, I got my security pass at work today. Means I don't have to hang around waiting for someone to open the coffee shop door for me. Good.
hope things have chilled out for you now sam xxx glad the job is good 🙂
Sorry to hear you've had such a rough day Sam :( The only thing I can think it might be down to is poor/sporadic absorbtion of the insulin from the injection sites. Hope things go better for you tomorrow. Stupid diabetes!
Sorry to hear you've had such a rough day Sam :( The only thing I can think it might be down to is poor/sporadic absorbtion of the insulin from the injection sites. Hope things go better for you tomorrow. Stupid diabetes!

could be, as I only really have access to my belly while I'm at work, and I refuse to a) met my legs/bum/arms out at work due to them being underneath countless buttons and b) inject in the toilet.

Urgh. I'm THIS CLOSE to giving all of this up. I don't care anymore. This game sucks, can we play something else now please?
Hi Silent

Sorry you've had such a terrible day. The ole D can be a complete nightmare sometimes can't it :(

Like Northerner, the first thing I thought of was injection sites, though tbh any day that starts at 1.8 is gonna be a bit nasty. One other thing worth considering is your basal rate/carb:insulin ratio. Some people need less insulin in warmer weather.

The bounce into the teens sounds like a liver dump to me (stored glucagon eventually being dumped into the bloodstream in response to the severe low), so again, nothing you did wrong - just your body adding insult to hypo.

Keep at it - you HbA1c suggests you must be doing something right 🙂
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Hi Silent

Sorry you've had such a terrible day. The ole D can be a complete nightmare sometimes can't it

Like Northerner, the first thing I thought of was injection sites, though tbh any day that starts at 1.8 is gonna be a bit nasty. One other thing worth considering is your basal rate/carb:insulin ratio. Some people need less insulin in warmer weather.

The bounce into the teens sounds like a liver dump to me (stored glucagon eventually being dumped into the bloodstream in response to the severe low), so again, nothing you did wrong - just your body adding insult to hypo.

Keep at it - you HbA1c suggests you must be doing something right 🙂

Hello 🙂 the HbA1C down there *points* is a bit out of date - it went to 6.9 and now is 6.4 - and unfortunately is because I hypo about 5 times a day :( Hence why I'm starting on a pump next month.

Basal rates are fine too - 16u levemir at 9pm has me *usually* waking up between 5.0-6.5 which is aceness. I am thinking of playing with a couple of my I:C ratios but yesterday was a big blip - if it happens again today then I'll play - I've actually emailed my DSN to see what she thinks, and am speaking to the team later on (pump jump through hoop day joy!) so will ask what I can do. I might have had the D for nigh on 15 years but it still confuses me greatly, specially as I'm very new to carb counting and playing with doses 😱

p.s. I've followed your blog!!!!
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Yup it's always amused me how much the A1c is regarded, while all diabetics know that it's a pretty poor reflection of how stable your sugars have actually been. Still it's what we've got - and lets face it we like it when it's nice and low (despite what we may know about our high-low zigzags during the period).

One other question... how active and/or stressed were you in the days before your 1.8 dip? If I've been doing more physical stuff than usual I can get a sort of build-up of raised metabolism which can alter ratios for quite a long time afterwards, days sometimes. Similarly though I know stress can drive bgs up for some, for me it often makes them plummet (the Asda effect).

Hope you have a better day today!

PS Thanks 🙂 Got several posts brewing but can't seem to find the time to write them! Not sure how all you folks get to have blog links in your signatures, I don't seem to be allowed to.
Yup it's always amused me how much the A1c is regarded, while all diabetics know that it's a pretty poor reflection of how stable your sugars have actually been. Still it's what we've got - and lets face it we like it when it's nice and low (despite what we may know about our high-low zigzags during the period).

One other question... how active and/or stressed were you in the days before your 1.8 dip? If I've been doing more physical stuff than usual I can get a sort of build-up of raised metabolism which can alter ratios for quite a long time afterwards, days sometimes. Similarly though I know stress can drive bgs up for some, for me it often makes them plummet (the Asda effect).

Hope you have a better day today!

PS Thanks 🙂 Got several posts brewing but can't seem to find the time to write them! Not sure how all you folks get to have blog links in your signatures, I don't seem to be allowed to.

not stressed at all really - just walked to work......never usually affects me like that. Funnily enough just had another 1.8, but believe this may be due to rage bolusing when high earlier
Ooh, 1.8 isn't much fun. What I'm trying to do is if I get a high reading within 3 hours of food then wait 30mins-60mins to see if it comes down. Otherwise like you I find I crash later. I know it's horrible to think of high readings, but better that for a short while than putting yourself at risk taking overlapping insulin doses causing a big hypo. Then I just try to avoid the high next time I eat that food by injecting earlier or eating less.
Ooh, 1.8 isn't much fun. What I'm trying to do is if I get a high reading within 3 hours of food then wait 30mins-60mins to see if it comes down. Otherwise like you I find I crash later. I know it's horrible to think of high readings, but better that for a short while than putting yourself at risk taking overlapping insulin doses causing a big hypo. Then I just try to avoid the high next time I eat that food by injecting earlier or eating less.

I just don't get it. It came out of nowhere - same insulin, same amount of b-fast which usually spikes me to 11 or so then comes down to 7 by tea break. Nope, 1.8 at 9am. Odd. The only thing I can think is the heat, as I was running low again this morning. 4.4 at 9am and floated around that for a while. But its lunch thats getting me - same meal, same insulin and all of a sudden I'm going up to 17/18 two hours afterwards and its starting to freak me out :( I freak out big time when I see huge numbers, frightens me because of my previosu rebellion :(
Similar problem for me reading of just over 3 first thing this morning, usual shot and breakfast, usual size lunch and shot then by late afternoon 15! I had a dose of insulin but it rose to 16, smaller tea but larger dose than usual an hour and a half later I'm 8! Could the weather be affecting me or my insulin?
I just don't get it. It came out of nowhere - same insulin, same amount of b-fast which usually spikes me to 11 or so then comes down to 7 by tea break. Nope, 1.8 at 9am. Odd. The only thing I can think is the heat, as I was running low again this morning. 4.4 at 9am and floated around that for a while. But its lunch thats getting me - same meal, same insulin and all of a sudden I'm going up to 17/18 two hours afterwards and its starting to freak me out :( I freak out big time when I see huge numbers, frightens me because of my previosu rebellion :(

I know, but if it's only 2 hours after lunch then you know it should come down more in the next hour or so, so you won't be leaving it high for hours. Maybe try checking at 3 hours instead, so that you're not tempted to take extra bolus which will cause a later crash.
I know, but if it's only 2 hours after lunch then you know it should come down more in the next hour or so, so you won't be leaving it high for hours. Maybe try checking at 3 hours instead, so that you're not tempted to take extra bolus which will cause a later crash.

I had a whole thing typed out on this and have just deleted the majority of it. Because I am not going to get into an argument over whether or not what I am doing is wrong. Or what I did yesterday was wrong. I am fed up of this disease, and very close to giving up on it again. It doesn't help if someone tries to make out that my personal way of dealing with things is wrong, it upsets me greatly and there's been a lot of tears tonight over this issue as well as others. I'm backed into a corner as it is, and feel like the situation is just getting worse when people try and tell me/suggest I'm doing things wrong.

I am very upset at the moment because of my whole situation.

Lets just put it this way, i have no idea what went wrong yesterday. and i don't think I ever will. But I dealt with it in my own way, and if you uys think its wrong then so be it. Lesson learnt. Moving on :/

I'm going to go and hide in a corner and cry now.
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Sorry, I had no intention of upsetting you and making you cry. I was only trying to make a suggestion - that's all I ever can do as I appreciate that everyone is different and often I find other people's suggestions on here helpful, or other people's experiences. Sorry if I came across wrong or it sounded like I was saying you are wrong.

I hope things get better for you when you get your pump.
Sorry, I had no intention of upsetting you and making you cry. I was only trying to make a suggestion - that's all I ever can do as I appreciate that everyone is different and often I find other people's suggestions on here helpful, or other people's experiences. Sorry if I came across wrong or it sounded like I was saying you are wrong.

I hope things get better for you when you get your pump.

you didn't upset me, my whole situation in general has upeset me. I'm so drained right now :/
Who are the "diabetes police" telling you you're doing it wrong?
I'm sorry to hear about your latest problems Sam.

I wish I could help but I can't think of anything to suggest right now.

All I hope is you're feeling better now.

I'd like to say I hate D too. Would coffee or pintage take your mind off things Sam?
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