Worried by well meaning friends..

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Sam, I found this whole thing very moving. Well done to you for opening up to your friends; they are obviously relieved, and sharing your feelings probably will have helped you in ways too.

I hope your hypos even themselves out. It must be exhausting.

Take care.
That's so good to hear that they reacted so well. It's good to be able to open up to people and express how we are feeling and I'm sure they feel more able to support you now.
Well done Sam!! It's not easy telling people about the technical or emotional bits of diabetes...but it sounds like you have some really good friends there. 🙂

Nice one!
nice one sam pleased you told them like twitch said it aint easy but you did a sterling job well done x
Probably not as much fun as the taser would have been though 😉

But on the serious side, glad it went well for you.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and help. Yeah, they're great friends and I'm glad they were so understanding. 🙂
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