Working shifts

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thats not right surely no longer safe for her to work in the community ? but she has had Diabetes for donkeys years including 22 years for them ??? what suddenly isnt safe?
This is dreadful news that you are saying. Can they really force her to do work she does not want to do for medical reasons? I dont think so.

Glad to hear you are going to fight it! Such a shame to loose an experienced carer to the profession though, when we hear so frequently how people are inexperienced and do not care. That is a sad loss.

All the best luck you and the mrs.

Hi really sorry to hear this it seems such a shame your wife seems like a great lady, like am said she had been diabetic all through her career so why now are they getting picky, id certainly say fight this and stick with it, maybe go to CAB as they are seperate body from her work and are completely independant certainly dont just roll over and say goodbye to the career as legally that may not be the case.And whats the worse that can happen yeah they agree that constructive dismissil is the right way but at least you have went down that avenue.
Did the employers come to the decision after the occupational health report? I wonder if they recommended that she work in residential. If not then surely she can go back to them and get them to approve her continuing to work in the community. I expect she can get a copy of the report so she can see what it says. Is she in a union, maybe they can offer some advice.
We do have a copy of report it recommended that it would not be practical to work shifts because of nowhere to take insulin and no meal break ,it also said not with out significant changes .also it was not known what effect working shifts would have on her condition.
So she has been told by her boss that the she must work indoors from now on(I guess they are looking the significant changes part of doctors report) and she could have a snack on evening with immediate affect.
So they have ignored doctors reports.
They are enforcing a change of job contract with no notice
She feels she does not want to go back she has had enough of all the years of fighting .
Surely this cant be right ,how can they do this to someone ?
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