Work Struggles

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everybody,

Looking for a chit chat or advice about the struggles of working - I’ve been Type 1 Diabetic for just over 10 years now and was diagnosed at 12 y/o.

Turning 23 in a few months but I have started on the long term effects of T1D now with peripheral neuropathy, kidney problems and also on meds for the prevention of cardiovascular disease...

My problem is that the meds I’m on for my kidneys (Ramipril) are causing me to have low blood pressure and I feinting in work the day after starting them.

I struggle to stay on my feet for more than 5 minutes due to the pain in my legs and going lightheaded/dizzy with heart palpitations is making working life very difficult, not to mention the fact I’m a bartender in a fast paced environment for minimum 8 hours.

I do have problems with managing my diabetes, consistently eating meals, taking insulin, checking blood sugars and overall feel very stressed, depressed and anxious about my health and bills to pay.

Has anyone else been through something similar or know someone who has?

Struggle to find the motivation each day now and all I want to do is sleep :(
Sounds to me as if you need to go back to your GP or the person who put you on the medication and get it sorted out.

Are you on a statin as well? I ask because they can cause an awful lot of problems like you are describing.
No1 though you need to look after your diabetes to keep yourself well.
Sounds to me as if you need to go back to your GP or the person who put you on the medication and get it sorted out.

Are you on a statin as well? I ask because they can cause an awful lot of problems like you are describing.
No1 though you need to look after your diabetes to keep yourself well.

Hi Sue,

Yes I was prescribed Atorvastatin aswell but when I went into A&E with palpitations and chest pain they advised me it was the Ramipril and to stop taking for the time being

Thanks for your response
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