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well done !!! i always hated cross country but loved orienteering as i could read maps!! great achievement!!!!
AM - SMOC (South Midlands Orienteering Club) covers Buckinghamshire - they put on lots of good events, or there are neighbouring clubs such as WAOC (West Anglia - basically Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire) etc. Maybe see you in the woods with a map some time? I liked cross country country as a teenager and was quite good, amazingly, but didn't discover orienteeing until young adulthood, and love it!
I liked cross country and athletics at school, but they were very short seasons - only half a term each. The rest was rugby and cricket, both of which I detested. I always felt it was wrong for the big kids to be forced to do the cross country despite their clear unsuitability for the sport. I'm sure it just helped give them a loathing of all sport, and I would hope that schools are more enlightened these days (not having had kids, I wouldn't know).
Things have not changed Northerner!

The 'slower' runners are followed by a teacher telling them to hurry up - and absolutely no-one is excused from running.

At A's school there are a few who are disabled and in wheelchairs - they are encouraged to do lap at the end too. Yesterday there was a child who needed his oxygen cyclinder with him.🙂Bev
Astonishing! An OXYGEN cylinder???😱

What I did used to find amusing when we had the big cross country runs were all the rugby players who thought they were really strong and fit from all the circuit training they did - but they were just the completely wrong build for cross country and always got trounced by the likes of skinny ol' me!:D
congratulations on the news about your son bev. sounds like he did very well.
Once when I was at fencing school (just a 2 week course, honestly it's completely normal 😱) I hit myself in the nose and made it bleed to get out of running laps round the huuge field, oops 😉

It was everyday though :D
Once when I was at fencing school (just a 2 week course, honestly it's completely normal) I hit myself in the nose and made it bleed to get out of running laps round the huuge field, oops 😉

It was everyday though :D

PMSL!!!:D Sorry, couldn't help laughing! Better than throwing yourself down the stairs I suppose! For some reason, the games teacher at my school thought I had asthma. I didn't, it was my best friend, but I used to get let off some of the rugby training because of it!:D
well done to A xx. I use to do a bit of cross country in school. I couldnt do it know though. I did the race for life this year, the 500k nearly did me in but i loved it haha
Well done alex you must be so proud. I always hated cross country and was always one of the last one's back! 🙄
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