Woman dies after man claimed he could cure her Diabetes with Slapping Therapy


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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
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Horrendously sad, especially as a young boy with Type 1 also died as a result of this man's alleged malpractice, so this is his second manslaughter charge. I dread to think how the parents of that boy must be feeling!
People are desperate hope and a silver bullet cure, which leaves them really vulnerable to this sort of thing. We see it at it's basic level with all those people who come to the forum asking about different supplements, admittedly mostly Type 2s, but at least that just parts them from their money, not life itself, like this alleged scam!
That's horrific and desperately sad. I too hope he is locked up for a long time. If nothing else it might dissuade others from trying the same.
The account as reported is unacceptable but please remember that is only half the story. The other half, his defence will not get a mention unless it is equally sensational.

PS...I am in no way of condoning the behaviour of someone exploiting the vulnerable. More concerned about the way stuff is reported in the press.
This rang a bell, so I searched the forum, and came up with a few threads. I was wondering why it had taken from 2016 til now to bring him to trial. It looks like he was convicted of the little boy's manslaughter and served time in Australia, (although he shouldn’t have been out yet, according to the linked report in this thread) so I wondered if they’d waited til he’d completed his other sentence before extraditing him to stand trial over here. The other thing that struck me, is the mention of his previous conviction, which is normally kept from the Jury unless the defendant is relying on claiming he’s of previous good character. As @Docb points out, there’s a lot on the story that hasn’t been reported, or not reported accurately.
Post #3.
He successfully appealed his manslaughter sentence in Australia in 2022 (judge in the 2019 trial failed to adequately describe defence case to jury). Appeals court ordered a retrial but I guess in the end he was instead extradited to the UK on this current charge.
He successfully appealed his manslaughter sentence in Australia in 2022 (judge in the 2019 trial failed to adequately describe defence case to jury). Appeals court ordered a retrial but I guess in the end he was instead extradited to the UK on this current charge.
Ah, I wondered if something like that had happened.
The account as reported is unacceptable but please remember that is only half the story. The other half, his defence will not get a mention unless it is equally sensational.

PS...I am in no way of condoning the behaviour of someone exploiting the vulnerable. More concerned about the way stuff is reported in the press.
Fair point, hence the inverted commas in the BBC headline.

Hongchi Xiao, was today convicted of the gross-negligence manslaughter of East Sussex grandmother Danielle Carr-Gomm, a 71-year-old diabetic with a fear of needles.
I thought this story was unbelievably sad and absolutely outrageous.I can't believe for one second that this man thought he could cure someone of their Type One Diabetes just by slapping them...this man is a bona fide nutcase.
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Just been looking into this. This chap has been known by police for a long time at least as far back as this BBC article in 2015. Although, it appears to be a self help (apparently self slapping to release toxins from the body) healing rather than one that is applied by another.

This case / conviction relates to a retreat in Wiltshire in 2016. So it has taken a long time to progress through the justice system.
This case / conviction relates to a retreat in Wiltshire in 2016. So it has taken a long time to progress through the justice system.
The history of this seems to be that he was in prison in Australia for manslaughter for doing something similar, until he appealed successfully in 2022. (see Eddy's post above) Then he seems to have gone to the USA, so assume the case had been allowed to lie on file while he was serving time in Australia, but once he was released, they reactivated it and extradited him.