Proud to be erratic
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I find my insulin needs change noticeably as spring starts up. No doubt those forum members with decades of insulin dependency under their belts are already on this. But for those fairly new to this D malarkey this post might flag up some explanation if tgeir BG has become wayward recently.
My basal has already needed a couple of 1/2 unit reduction tweaks. The combination of somewhat milder weather and slightly longer days is naturally encouraging me to get out and about more and the extra warmth is improving my natural insulin resistance. I would think that anyone using the steady and long profile Tresiba oulght to be at least alert to this scenario - thus get mentally prepared to check consecutive CGM overnight (fasting) graphs and adjust if a downward trend is obvious.
My bolus needs are probably also changing but those changes are less apparent.
My basal has already needed a couple of 1/2 unit reduction tweaks. The combination of somewhat milder weather and slightly longer days is naturally encouraging me to get out and about more and the extra warmth is improving my natural insulin resistance. I would think that anyone using the steady and long profile Tresiba oulght to be at least alert to this scenario - thus get mentally prepared to check consecutive CGM overnight (fasting) graphs and adjust if a downward trend is obvious.
My bolus needs are probably also changing but those changes are less apparent.
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