why so few T2s posting here?

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i was told by a pharmacist last year that you can completely eradicate diabetes t2 with diet and exercise. no meds?!

Hi Elaine

That pharmacist needs a rocket where the sun doesn't shine.
His reading must be the Dandy or the Beano.

He/she is the sort of idiot who is now allowed to set up as an initial health care advisor. Advice; when seeing him wear earplugs! or preferably, if possible take your business elsewhere where someone actually understands the variations in individuals and ther endocrine systems.
I am t2, been t2 for eight years. now i have been told my pancreas has stopped producing insulin. not all t2 are overwieght. i have work mates who are normal weight and have t2. My brother is now t2, and some of my distant cousins have t2. Its all in the genes i believe.
New here

Hi, I am new around here, I couldnt find where to introduce myself, so though this was as good a a place as any.

I had type 2, diagnosed October 2003.

I am afraid I am still struggling to control it and my HBA1C's are up and down as a result. But I continue the fight and probably always will.

i was told by a pharmacist last year that you can completely eradicate diabetes t2 with diet and exercise. no meds?!

This is actually a really common myth. Somebody I know whose wife is diabetic claims she has been cured because she no longer takes medication for it and is alright. I belong to a board for vegetarians/vegans and whenever I mention that I'm diabetic, at least one prat quotes me and says "type 2 is curable" and posts some links to raw food forums. It REALLY gets my goat, because even though I'm type 1 I don't want inaccurate blanket statements made about such a serious illness. Type 2 is not curable - keeping the symptoms at bay does not mean you aren't a diabetic anymore.
I'm with WorzelGummidge on this one! I do not have something that is curable at present and neither do I have a ""mild diabetes" or a "touch of diabetes".

An aquaintance's husband has just been diagnosed as Type 2 controlled by diet and without exercise and she firmly believes that he has a "touch of diabetes". He's due to undergo significant surgery in the new year and I find myself in a difficult position in terms of handling her misunderstanding. She has been quite ill herself and is neither ready nor able to take in her husband's diagnosis. I'm due to see her on Monday so I'll have to make careful decisions about what to say
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