why so few T2s posting here?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
It's strange that while 95% of diabetics are T2s, the vast majority of posters on this forum are T1s. I wonder why we are sounder-represented?
I'm disappointed becauyse There isa great need for a forum for as erious discussion on diet,and particularly on the low carb/high carb controversy.
I'm type 2. Maybe some people don't like admitting they are type 2 because of all the publicity implying its our own fault, being overweigh etc. I have been told on 2 occasions I'm not a 'real diabetic'. Have lost count of all the remarks about it being 'my fault'. There is still a lot of ignorance about the illness.
I agree.
The media are responsible in many ways. T1 is not newsworthy and many T2 with this disease are a bit overweight. A high percentage of US residents are T2 as a result of diet.

It would help if you could spread the word about the forum amongst your T2friends and family.
It's hard to talk to people about diet and control of your glucose; some sections of the media have stigmatised the condition.
Mine is my own fault.

Morbidly Obese 28st 4lbs (179.6Kg) was 29st 12lbs (189.6Kg) beginning of September. Spent 10 years sitting on my backside at work for 13 hours a day, six days a week, plus two hours a day driving to/from work. On the seventh day I rested.

Smoke 10 to 15 a day, hand rolled (Old Holborn).

Narrowing of two arteries in the Heart.

Also have arthritis in the spine and Sciatica in both legs so any exercise is a no go.

My Doc explodes about the smoking everytime I see him. But there is one thing that does amaze him, my blood pressure, always around 120/80. The diabetes Nurse took it three times, thought she had a duff machine.

So yes it's my own fault.
I'm type 2, have no family history, am not overweight and ate reasonably healthily so no idea how I ended up with it.

I got quite into strong cider for a year before diagnosis, and used to have the odd binge on sweets on a Sunday, I blame either or both of these in the absence of anything else!
Young board!

This board is very new - it was only officially launched on November 14th - World Diabetes day - I am so pleased with the membership we have gained in a week - and I am sure as word progresses more Type 2's will find their way here! It is very important resource for all diabetics and carer's. We are not discriminatory here!
Does it matter what type you are anyway? Everyone's diabetes is different and needs to be treated accordingly. I was diagnosed T2 but I am not insulin resistant and am now treated much the same as a T1 - multi dose insulin and carb counting. I had to teach myself to carb count, though, because 'DAFNE is only for T1s' even when it is the right treatment for a T2!!
I think many type 2s (wrongly) see their condition as 'less important' than type 1s, so are less likely to look around for help.

As people have said, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about diabetes. I know when I was first diagnosed, first thing I did was to go out and buy a new fridge in whish to store my insulin. It was only after a number of years afterwards that I ended up on insulin.

On of these misconceptions is that type 2 is only 'mild' diabetes. Complications seem a long way away for many, and it's only when these things start to make a real impact that many realise the true costs of not keeping well controlled.

For type 1s the daily impact is so much more significant and tangible. Most will start off with multiple daily injections, and any hypos or hypers are much more rapid onset.
There is a great need for a forum for a serious discussion on diet,and particularly on the low carb/high carb controversy.

Don't get me started. Other forums are full of people criticising DUK and the NHS for their dietary advice and suggesting a low carb diet while complaining all the time that they have no energy. Carbohydrate is a necessary part of the diet, providing us with energy, and although it can be restricted to help loose weight, going too far will just make you feel like you are starving. If you can't control your dm with the recommended diet, together with weight loss and exercise, then medication is the answer.
Hi There. I was only diagnosed in September of this year that I had T2. I should have read the signs as they were there for me to see, drinking a lot, going to wee a lot at night and going off my food, but although my mum had T1 sadly she's no longer with me, I think that I was blocking out what was really wrong with me.

Yes I'm over weight but have lost already nearly 2 stone, but never thought for one moment that it was my fault. I also suffer with sciatic and exercise is not easy for me but im trying my best. Diabetic nurse said to loose weight in my own time and not to rush it.

Ive already told my 12 year old daughter, who is over weight as well, that she must start looking after herself otherwise she might get it as well. She is disabled and used to be in a wheelchair until we got our labrador, so certain exercises are out for her.

Ive become a T2 about 20years earlier then my mum got T1 so im now worried for my daugther.

Thanks for creating a wonderfull site that ive only just found and joined. Look forward to getting so much from this site.
I was just googling around lol and found this board, could only find a US one when I was diagnoised in 2002 they seem to do things different there. I am type 2 on 96 units of nova rapid 3 times a day and 180 units of lantus, also on metformin and lantus and still running at over 20. I have many other health problems and always have abscesses as I have hidranitus suppitive. Giving up sugar in my coffee was the worst thing! still miss it!

You have another type 2 on the board lol
Another one with type 2 here!

My GP at the time of diagnosis (October 2004) also gave me the idea that I had a less serious version of diabetes. How wrong she was!

Somehow this type is often not taken seriously. Really strange...

And as far as 'own fault' is concerned:
1. Would someone please tell all parents (past and present) about that?
2. I can complain about it now (since I did not know that obesity could cause diabetes) or just let it rest and work on my health from now on.

At the end of the day that doesn't matter, does it? We have diabetes and we have to live with it. Who cares where it comes from if it's too late to prevent it?
I'm Type 2. I was only diagnosed in May because I changed doctors. I have high blood pressure and Diabetes. The doc put me on loads of Tablets and I feel 100% better. I was always tired, no energy with a 'can't be bothered' attitude to just about everything. I was also getting very cranky and bad tempered. Not any more. I feel good...
hi I am fairly new to this scenario. I have had diabetes in myfamily for years. I had always been on top of the old sugars and while playing rugby had no problem at all with worrying about my social life. I had put on some weight when I stopped playing rugby just a couple of stone which everyone said was normal.But then I was always a big guy and carried my weight in muscle very well.
I met my wife and she is an organic hippie that i enjoyed pulling her leg about all the pulses and weird stuff she would cook (and a fabulous cook she is ) Amazingly I lost over 4stone in weight I then noticed an amazing change in skin and tone and sharpness which I started to put down to my organic eating. I have now become very interested in organic and locally grown produce where you can see the food before buying it. I became very aware that "preservatives " are exactly what they are and who says that your body will break them down along with E numbers et al , or are these just hanging around that waist line !
My reward for all this great action and hard work (although it was not really hard, just a lot of eating amazing food ) yes you guessed it a nice dose of thrush sending me to the docs, (WHo I hadn't seen for years) and early this year a diagnosis of T2 !
BUt hey my doc was quick to pick up that Steve Redgrave has it ! so naturally I feel fantastic knowing I have a olympian illness ! After a few months of fighting with GPs and not ever meeting a specialist I have now tried to get the levels down and my new friend is Metformin (another scary prospect) he has not been to good at reducing my levels below 10. So now my doctor has rubbed her hand with glee and said its time to meet mr Insulin ! to say I am freaked is an understatement. The only person I know on insulin was an old guy severely obese with a wig in a wheel chair when i was younger . I feel fine ! in fact aprt from the odd sleepless night from the two wondeful healthy kids I have I have absoloutly no complaints . I did go out for a run th eother night and my sugar plummeted to under 6. so I am unbelievably confused right now.
I agree my body is wacked out ! why ? is it years of using it a it a high rate of exercise and excess ? perhaps but not excess in the way the media might think (diddnt start drinking till early twenties) yes my central Scotland urban diet is a little bit away from my Highland roots use of oats and pulses, but surely if I am ill I will walk around expecting death not running around like a teenager !
I think the "fat person self afflicted" illness is out of date and a cheap sound bite to create a political and media hype that will justify quick fix remedies from public spending.
If you want real understanding and real research why are we not looking at the corellation between no diabetes in certain culture such as Indian, and the highest in that same culture when put in a western homeland ? why is the stereo type for many sufferers , middle aged having spent many years playing high levels of sport and pushing hard on their bodies and then a sudden stop and then T2 results? (sorry Steve ! ) I think we have a lot more to investigate and perhaps its not just T2 diabetes out there perhaps T3 T4 etc.
I for one am going to fight the medics and their quick fire perscriptive advice ( you need to change your diet !" I have " ok "can I increase my physical endeavours?" t will always help" I just went running my sugar plummeted" yeah that can happen but be careful with the metformin it might make you Hypo !!!!!"
We're a little bit in th eroad to nowhere here unless we have experts who will honestly take time to understand our disease and realise as with our lifestyles being individual, so is our illness, and until that awakening we will all still have a "Fat Disease" and have to struggle on through ourselves . Me I am going out for a run !
I'm Type 2 too

Hello to you all.

Type 2 is just as serious as type 1. everyone of us has to take good care of ourselves, eat as healthy as possible and excercise.
Your right more reserach needs doing into how, why, who etc - I'm 35, quite young to be diagnosed, was slightly over weight not obese and diabetes does run in the family. But again why me and not my brother and sisters.
To the guy who's Gp want him to go on insulin - will they give you more time to try and control with metformin and diet. Ask to be refered to a specialist and a dietician - or even go private it is worth it - I did.
I was diagnosed in April and through diet and excercise (I run 3 times a week) keep my bloods between 5 and 8. (even though I woke with a 3.2 yesterday morning)😱
Hi Dwilsonperth,

I am type 2 and recently joined this forum as a direct result of reading your post! I am interested in the low carb/high carb issue but would like to regard it as a difference in lifestyle rather than a controversy. Both the low carb (I am a low carber) and higher carb approaches can be made to work but with the latter you must take medications - at least after a year or so.

Regards C*5_Dodger
Another T2

My 4th post tonight and I thought I would join DWilsonPerth in adding to the list of T2s. Hi DWilsonPerth, just lobbing a snowball from Killin, Perthshire to say Hi.
any type1s still awake?


My 4th post tonight and I though
t I would join DWilsonPerth in adding to the list of T2s. Hi DWilsonPerth, just lobbing a snowball from Killin, Perthshire to say Hi.
Welcome Vicsletter. Can't lob a snowball as far as Killin so will just send a welcoming wave
hi i am type 2. my mom was diagnosed 7 years ago with t2 and is now on insulin etc. i was diagnosed nearly 4 years ago with it but am resisting insulin. there is a history of t2 in my family with 7 of us currently diagnosed. i worry for my son who is 14 soon because both me and his biological father have t2. however my son is fit and healthy but that doesnt seem to matter does it? i hate t2 because ppl say dont eat sugar and you will be fine. you aren't. i struggle with it in a huge way and cant believe i am diabetic. im only 31. i smoke still but am making a serious effort to stop in new year as im just sick of smoking, and im changing my diet to mostly vegetarian and dairy free. my health care providers are not very sympathetic to mental state and have not offered me counselling which a few ppl on here have suggested. my moms dr is wonderful with her and has all the time in the world for her. i agree that as diabetes ranges so wildly from person to person, there should be new categories created so benefits will be had. i was told by a pharmacist last year that you can completely eradicate diabetes t2 with diet and exercise. no meds?! that would be great but i dont think possible as we all fluctuate through no reason we know of. nobody asked to be t1 or t2, so media, drs etc should just accept that we provide a lot of business in medical practice!! well, thats a bit off my chest for now!!! good health to you all xxxx
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