which type of bolus...

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Thanks everydayupsanddowns for your reply and your encouragment.
I actually didn't correct the 15.7 at bedtime no - i was aware that i perhaps should be doing, but as i have never done a correction that is not at the same time as a carbs bolus ie at meal time, i really didn't feel confident to do my first one ever last thing at night. Instead what i did is wake myself up a couple of hours later to see how things were and as they were coming down i left it and checked it after another couple of hours etc.
It is possible that there are 2 issues - the basal is not right overnight yet for sure and perhaps the carb ratio for teatime also needs tweaking. Maybe some more small changes will help things...

The easiest way to sort things is set amount of carbs for each meal simple carbs, no pasta rice pizza etc, sort you basal first. There is no point in changing other things until basal is sorted.
Rome wasn't built in a day, small steps will get better results 🙂
Thanks Aoife, HOBIE and Sally 71 for your replies. I am trying to take it one step at a time, it just feels like there are lots of things jostling for attention!
I will concentrate on the overnight basal and hope things start to slot in to place a bit more then.

Can i just ask - if my blood is, say, 11 or 12 at bedtime, can i still basal test from there, because presumably i'd be looking to see how far it strayed from the starting figure? Or would it be better to wait until i hit on a better bedtime figure to basal test? I know that my basal's not right overnight yet because i wake up quite a bit lower than i was when i went to bed.

Thanks for peoples' time.

Thanks Pumper_Sue. I have been sticking with the same meals in the hope this would simplify things a little and will continue to do so until i at least make some progress with my basal rate.
Thanks Aoife, HOBIE and Sally 71 for your replies. I am trying to take it one step at a time, it just feels like there are lots of things jostling for attention!
I will concentrate on the overnight basal and hope things start to slot in to place a bit more then.

Can i just ask - if my blood is, say, 11 or 12 at bedtime, can i still basal test from there, because presumably i'd be looking to see how far it strayed from the starting figure? Or would it be better to wait until i hit on a better bedtime figure to basal test? I know that my basal's not right overnight yet because i wake up quite a bit lower than i was when i went to bed.

Thanks for peoples' time.


Yes if you are 11 at the start of the basal test then you should also be 11 at the end, so as long as you are not scarily high you can basal test at any level! You are aiming to stay steadily at the same level all night with no more than 2mmol deviation up or down at any point. Obviously if you go either sky high or hypo you have to abandon the test, deal with the problem and then try again another night. Good luck 🙂

You feel exactly how I felt -instantly transported back to 1972and feeling lost alone and unloved.

It isn't a nice feeling, is it? {{{Hugs}}}}

But - it gets better ! - just grit your teeth and refuse to be beaten, hun!
Thanks trophywench - your words are very much appreciated. It helps just knowing others have felt similarly overwhelmed when starting on a pump.
I am determined to get the hang of it though...
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Well it's quite clear to me that you have a perfectly logical brain but I also recognise your need /desire to check first before you do something that unbeknown to you might be 'wrong'.

However - the only way to really find out about whether you can trust yourself is to try doing it your way really - and of course, if it works - it will give you confidence.

If it doesn't work, keep quiet and just revert to Plan A !!

All these things we did on auto pilot on MDI .... will soon be on auto-pilot on the pump.

You are much less likely to become a 999 jobbie on a pump, if you think about it, than on MDI - for the simple reason you have not got a day's-worth of long-acting insulin floating about waiting to send you mega hypo, have you?

And of course - since it's new you'll be doing this anyway I would hope - Test, Test, Test !!
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