Which pump?

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Yes, 4 years. Thing is seeing as if it's Novorapid it just means changing the cartridge same as with a pen (though different cartridges obviously as pen ones are 3ml) it's hardly onerous - now it's a PITA to a) fill the cartridge which I hate (well it's the flicking I hate more than anything) and b) if you only stick 200-ish in (and why waste it) you have to wind the shover doings in the pump back up from 315 to 200, which takes ages and hurts me finger.

I'm hoping you can do a cartridge change without having to prime the tubing - but we'll have to see.
It had a really hard time in Oct, head on smack against a tree. Didn't notice it had grown leaves till the next food stop (had a small bush sticking out of it). Mangled the infusion set though which I didn't notice till after the event, but it lived and I'm still using it. 🙂

p.s. Great seeing you Hobie 🙂

A pump with leaves ! Beat that :D:D
There is no need to worry about how much insulin the cartridge holds as you just put a new pre-filled cartridge in and off you go again. I use very high amounts of insulin and a cartridge may last 1 day or it may last 1.5 days. I was really worried about keep changing cartridges but it is so easy with pre-filled cartridges. I really can't fault the pump at all, infact I LOVE IT.:D
Remind me, spiritfree, which is yours again?

I change my pen every 3-4 days.
There is no need to worry about how much insulin the cartridge holds as you just put a new pre-filled cartridge in and off you go again.

I thought you couldn't pre-fill a plastic cartridge? You can only keep insulin in plastic for 6 days maximum? Although I suppose you can prefill up to 6 at a time if they only last a day each.

And it's not just the cartridge filling, it's priming the tube which also takes up time, since each cartridge change needs this. Not meaning to be negative, anything that impoves the technical bits must be good! I'm just over a year into pumping with my Combo, and I'm a big fan (although I still get too many ridiculous results with no apparent reason!)
Spiritfree has the Roche Insight pump, their new one. Novorapid make pre-filled cartridges for it, none of the others do. It also has the option for normal pump cartridges you fill yourself, just like every other pump known to man at the moment. So if you favour Humalog or Apidra, fine carry on.

I'll get mine soon !
This was after the food stop...think I missed a few leaves but they still got a pic of me hehe. Daft thing was due to the crash, getting an infection, the broken infusion set, and dehydration from the ride ended up with DKA for first time in 35 years and in hospital that night. So a pretty memorable day.

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