Which pump to choose?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there
My name is Peter and I'm a 31 year type 1 diabetic, I was wondering if anyone might be able to assit me. I have just been approved to receive a pump through the NHS and I have been given 3 options to choose from:

Animas 2020
Medtronic Paradigm 515
Accu-chek combo

I was hoping someone here might be using one of these pumps and could advise how they have found it and whether they might have encountered any problems?

Any help would be much appriciated as I'm really not sure what one to choose.

Many Thanks!
Hi peter, I use an Animas Vibe (basically the same as the 2020, just the newest model which has CGM capability).

I chose my pump for the general appearance, I think it's the nicest looking pump. The animas has the best screen of those three. In my opinion it is the easiest to use.

All the pumps can do the same things, it's the small differences between them that one might appeal over another. e.g the combo has a handset which is a BG meter and remote for the pump, so all the bolusing, basal adjustments can be done from the handset with no fishing the pump out from whereever you are wearing it. This wasn't important for me but may be for you.

Can you have a look and trial with the pumps first to see which you prefer?

Whichever you chose I am sure you will be happy with it
Hi thanks for the replies.

I did see the 3 pumps without having much of a play with them. I did pefer the medtronic paradign 515 as it seemed small and easy to hide but i have later found out that its quite an old model and an not sure if its a bit dated now?

From what ive read it seems that all the pumps are similar without the CGM which unfortunatly is not option.
I like my medtronic & have a good relationship with medtronic people with regular meetings & talks on new features & gizmos. 🙂
Hi Hobie what model have you got? cant find any reveiws or anyone using the medtronic paradigm 515, or whats the difference to the more resent models? any help would be great
Am on a paradigm 722 that takes blood sencors (not on any). Latest pump is the veo. Is on medtronic web site. Lots of stuff on web to have a try etc. Have had pump for over 2yrs and woudnt be without one now !! 🙂

The Medtronic 515 is a very old version, they do still manufacture them because some PCT's only will pay for an old cheaper model and will no doubt have a deal to pay even less.

As an adult I would suggest that you go for a 7 series pump anyway as the reservoir is bigger and I would imagine you may need that. All their pumps have the 5 or 7.

There have been three pumps since the 515 so personally I would argue your case. The VEO is the latest but the one before that was the 522/722. Both these the 722 and the VEO are the sensor pumps so you could pay for sensors at a later date if you wanted to but the pumps are great. I cannot fault Medtronic.

Animas also has a later pump out called the VIBE. It is the 2020 with sensor capability using Dexcom sensors. The VIBE has a few better features than the 2020 but I know lots of kids on the 2020 and they love them.

The Accu Chek combo is their latest pump out, its been out a while now and does not have sensor capability. It uses a remote control though which is a plus for some people. You do not have to touch the pump, you can do it all through the remote which is also a glucometer so you would use that to test your finger and work the pump !

I hate it when PCT's offer old pumps.

I love Medtronic I really really do, I personally feel they have the best screen and easiest menu to use and the better looking pump but I wouldn't go for a 5 series, you need a 7 for size of reservoir as an adult plus the pump is such an old model. I have a real problem you being offered this pump. I think its a cop out by the PCT's arghhhh.

THe Animas 2020 is a good pump.

The Accu chek is a good pump. It depends what you want. I prefer the Animas company if that is a plus point maybe.

Good luck with your decision.
Reading above I wouldn't be certain about 'needing' a bigger reservoir. Everyone's diabetes is different and for me the smaller Veo is perfectly adequate as I'm on well under 100u over three days. Size is an entirely personal thing.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
How do you mean 'prefer the Animas company' Adrienne?
Hello Reedo. Welcome. I knew someone like Adrienne would come along and write something useful.
I had the choice of medtronic or animas, and chose medtronic as it seemed simple and the hospital said they had more experience of medtronics. So can't really give you any useful information as have had no comparison.
...but I love my pump! And very happy with medtronic - great service etc.
I'm on an older model paradigm 522, but still happy with it. I know alot of people have a lot of discussion regarding how to wear the pump and I use the clip with the pump 99.9% of the time without any problems even during exercise.
I don't really understand all the different models. Is the 522 the smaller reservoir, Adrienne? If it is, as an adult on approx 35-40 units a day the reservoir is more than big enough for me. I change my set every 48-72 hours and there's always loads of insulin left.
I think (hope) that whatever pump you chose you'll love it (certainly true for most people)
I have met people from all the pump companies and the ones I was least impressed with and actually had an heated discussion with was Accu chek. Obviously that was only one person but she was the head person at a conference and her stance was not good. I complained. Not going to go into it anymore than that as this is a public forum but my opinion is purely based on this one person's opinion which was advice she was dishing out to people enquiring and I challenged her and couldn't believe what she was saying.
Reading above I wouldn't be certain about 'needing' a bigger reservoir. Everyone's diabetes is different and for me the smaller Veo is perfectly adequate as I'm on well under 100u over three days. Size is an entirely personal thing.

Good luck with whatever you decide.

Hello Reedo. Welcome. I knew someone like Adrienne would come along and write something useful.
I had the choice of medtronic or animas, and chose medtronic as it seemed simple and the hospital said they had more experience of medtronics. So can't really give you any useful information as have had no comparison.
...but I love my pump! And very happy with medtronic - great service etc.
I'm on an older model paradigm 522, but still happy with it. I know alot of people have a lot of discussion regarding how to wear the pump and I use the clip with the pump 99.9% of the time without any problems even during exercise.
I don't really understand all the different models. Is the 522 the smaller reservoir, Adrienne? If it is, as an adult on approx 35-40 units a day the reservoir is more than big enough for me. I change my set every 48-72 hours and there's always loads of insulin left.
I think (hope) that whatever pump you chose you'll love it (certainly true for most people)

Ah right ok size of reservoir.

The 5's takes a reservoir of 1.8 units and the 7's reservoir is 300 u so a big difference really.

It really does depend on your insulin intake. Jessica is nearly 12 and hormones raging and her insulin needs have gone up mega and will continue to rise as she goes into puberty. She is on between 40 and 60 units a day.

If you fill up the 1.8 to 1.8 then that is potentially not going to be enough for Jessica over 3 days. You are supposed to change canula and reservoir and tubing every 3 days. You have to account for potential bubbles so that takes down some of the insulin. There are boys whose insulin needs are up over 100 u a day due to teenage years. Jessica and those like her are on the large pumps. We personally don't fill the reservoir and waste insulin. We fill it to about 200 u and that is fine for 3 days generally.

Many adults need the bigger one but as you have stated some may only need to smaller one.

If there was a choice I would always recommend larger for teens and adults as it is better to get slightly too big than not big enough maybe. The pumps are not that much bigger in themselves only a tiny bit length wise.

Hope that explains abit better. 🙂
The 5's takes a reservoir of 1.8 units and the 7's reservoir is 300 u so a big difference really.

Just to correct a typing error in the above... 5 series have reservoirs of 1.8ml (180 units) 7's are 3ml (300 units).

Sets are changed every 2-3 days. I have a 5 series and even over Christmas with all the extra food involved I didn't need to fill the reservoir to more than 120u (there are bars on the side so you can see approx how many units you are loading before the pump gives you the real reading).

Your DSN will probably ask you for an approximation of TDD (total daily dose) on MDI. It is likely that you will need less insulin on a pump as infusion is generally more efficient - some people only need 60% of their MDI totals others need more or less the same.

If you were 'on the edge' as Adrienne suggests it would be wise to go for larger (especially for times of illness etc), but as my MDI TDD was rarely much more than 35u the 5 series gave me enough slack.

If in doubt go larger - your pump has to work for you for 4 years I think...

Alison (occasional poster here) wrote her own 'roundup' of pumps on the market in 2011 on her blog here:
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Thanks everyone for your help.

Not sure abour how much insulin i would need in the pump as im on 18u of lantus and about 20u of novarapid per day on MDI?

The nurse i spoke to did seem quite keen for me to go for the medtronic as she said it was the one they had the most experience with, she also mentioned a blood meter that blue toothes results to the pump. Is such a meter availble for the animas?

Will ask the nurse about the newer versions of the medtroinic but im pretty sure the 3 ive mentioned are all thats on offer. I cant be to ungreatful as i didnt meet the cretira 100% and they pushed it through for me
Hi reedo. Out of interest, can I ask what criteria you got approval on ?🙂

Just to give the rest of us half-hopers something to push for in the future. 🙄

Not sure abour how much insulin i would need in the pump as im on 18u of lantus and about 20u of novarapid per day on MDI?

Approx TDD of 38u

Allow +20% for illness = 46u

Allow for 3 full days before set change = 138u

Assuming that your TDD remains roughly consistent and doesn't rise (it likely to fall) that would give you a 25% margin for error on a full 1.8ml reservoir (eg 5 series Medtronic) even during times of illness.
Hi reedo. Out of interest, can I ask what criteria you got approval on ?🙂

Just to give the rest of us half-hopers something to push for in the future. 🙄


The certria is to have 3 hb1a tests above 8.5 in a row. My last test was 7.8 (the best its been for years) and i got pushed through by agreeing with the nurse that i have a fear of hypos🙂
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