Which is the best finger prick kit to use?

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Came from my DN at surgery. Its a Glucofix Tech. Set at 5 as she did it last time. Yes put the lancet in and it was primed. When she did it felt hardly anything user incompetence i would expect.
Have a look for a YouTube video for that specific device, or check the manufacturers Web site for one.


If still no joy & you're feeling brave, you can just use the lancet in you're hand.
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Came from my DN at surgery. Its a Glucofix Tech. Set at 5 as she did it last time. Yes put the lancet in and it was primed. When she did it felt hardly anything user incompetence i would expect.
The strip usually sucks up the drop of blood by capillary action when you touch the strip against the drop. The drop does not go on top of the strip. Just to the side of the pad of the finger I find is the best place, gentle pressure only, no squeezing should be needed. You do only need a tiny drop, the size of a pin head.
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