which foods do you miss the most since becoming diabetic?

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The only thing I missed was full fat Coke, but I would never drink that now anyway because I love Diet Coke now! I eat what I like. The only thing I really miss is not having to think about carbs and having insulin whenever I want to eat.
I don't think I avoid anything and don't eat that differently on a day to day basis but I occasionally miss having them all together, especially when eating out or at special occasion meals.

At a restaurant, I can cope with steak and chips but wouldn't have a chocolate sundae to follow. I might eat the sundae by itself after a long walk or bike ride. I'll eat rice with a curry or a naan bread but not both together. I might eat roast beef and yorkshire, even with some roast potatoes but I wouldn't follow it with an apple pie. Christmas dinner means either an alternative dessert or a small sliver of Christmas Pud, before it would have been Christmas pud, brandy butter and maybe a mincepie.

(I suppose Diabetes stops me being a glutton :D )
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I will say this - I eat a helluva lot more jelly babies since I was diagnosed because diabetes forces me to! 😱 🙄
alan - have you tried the lucozade jelly beans? they come in a tiny pack but cost about ?1.60. Good size though if want to take them running - just in case!
alan - have you tried the lucozade jelly beans? they come in a tiny pack but cost about ?1.60. Good size though if want to take them running - just in case!

Not whilst I've got my ?2 big boxes of JBs (offer currently on again at the Co-op!). I just stick a few in a plastic bag in my spibelt. What do you mean, what's a spibelt? It's a great 'small personal items belt that doesn't bounce around when you run like a lot of bumbags. A lot of pumpers use them! 🙂

Please tell me you don't wear those pants too whilst running!!!
Keep all these accessory suggestions coming though - very useful to a novice,
HelenM:- yes that's exactly right, diabetes stops me being a glutton. All i do now is watch portion sizes and like you whereas prob had a pudd after a main i now think twice about it and have say a coffee instead when i go out for a meal, now and again i do indulge but you are more wary of what you eat and not a case of 'stuffing your face at any time of day or night'
The only thing I missed was full fat Coke, but I would never drink that now anyway because I love Diet Coke now! I eat what I like. The only thing I really miss is not having to think about carbs and having insulin whenever I want to eat.

Ditto!!! Can't imagine what it would be like to just eat and that was the end of the thought process!!!
chocolate, chippy chips although i do still do have them sometimes, eating 2 or 3 pks of crisps in one go and sauage rolls mmmmm
Apart from cutting down on the usual sugary and high carb foods and stopping drinking normal fizzy drinks my diet hasn't changed much since my diagnosis mainly due to the fact I've had a restricted diet for the last 30yrs due to suffering from colitis. So I've more or less always had to be careful of what I eat.
probably pizza, I found for a wee while my appetite reduced loads but I think it's back up a bit now, and would agree I too have avoided any fresh fruit juice.

Gees it sucks:(
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