which foods do you miss the most since becoming diabetic?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Although i haven't really deprived myself of certain foods, i eat very small amounts of the foods which i used to take for granted ie a whole portion of chips from the chippy, a fresh crusty roll, a pasty, pie etc the sort of foods which you are told are unhealthy for you. My portions sizes have changed dramatically too as i need to lose weight so i suppose you take for granted as a non-diabetic that you can eat whatever you want whenever you want, that is what i have had to changed since becoming diagnosed.
Good thread topic Carina..
for me it has to be sausage rolls, mince pies, sausage and chips from chippy and doner kebab with garlic sauce, can you see why im a diabetic 🙄 sweet wise for me its spotted dick and cherry trifle.
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Well I don't miss any cos I haven't given any up LOL.
The only thing i reallllllllly miss ... is cheesecake and banoffee pie!! :(
Chips from the fish shop with curry sauce on, White Bread, Cheddars and Aero Bar
well its been a long time since diagnosis but i loved dib dabs as a kid and havn't had them since....i can't justify a bag of sugar now lol...and i saw some halloween ones the other day and really wanted one...i suppose they would be good hypo remedy..or mabey that would be over kill lol:D🙄
I eat much the same as I did before diabetes so really don't miss anything..

But saying that I did take sugar in my coffee, I remeber my first cup without sugar I cried never thought I would enjoy a coffee ever again... But soon got used to it, now if somebody puts sugar in my coffee it tastes disgusting one swig makes me heve😱
A huge bowl of rice pudding! I did give in a couple of weeks ago and indulged but paid for it afterwards enough to remember why I don't eat it anymore. 😡😡
A little bit of what you fancy does you good , i say but everything in moderation 🙂
Just before I was diagnosed my Grandma bought me a meringue and I never got to eat it - I still think about that missed, last opportunity!
I must admit that my tastes have changed so much since diagnosis that I really don't miss a lot of the things I used to enjoy. On my Day of Indulgence I didn't really go for much in the way of sweet things, and all the fatty things I have tasted...erm...too greasy!

One thing I do miss is Lindt Lindor chocolates, or Belgian chocolates - I just wouldn't be able to stop myself from scoffing the lot so I still daren't buy them!
Alex doesnt really miss out on anything as he just has insulin for whatever foods - so not sure why some type 1's are missing out on a little treat.🙂Bev
Alex doesnt really miss out on anything as he just has insulin for whatever foods - so not sure why some type 1's are missing out on a little treat.🙂Bev

for me missing out on sweets is purley a self control thing.... as things like sherbet etc are so quick acting its hard to get insulin right to cover them... less hasle to avoid i suppose
for me missing out on sweets is purley a self control thing.... as things like sherbet etc are so quick acting its hard to get insulin right to cover them... less hasle to avoid i suppose

That's pretty much my reason too, and since my craving has considerably reduced I find I'm less tempted. I might have found it easier to give in at frst if I'd had a pump that could help me dose appropriately but I always get in a bit of a mess if I try and just bolus for a biscuit.
I eat anything fortunately.....although I have cut out bread and pasta for lunch during the week as a spike too high coz I'm sitting on my fat a*s....
Cherry Coke!!!! Sorry, but diet coke with cherry isn't the same. :-( Ice cream is probably the next but that does sneak into my errmmm, stomach, occasionally.

There are a lot of things i eat but shouldn't (or maybe not but i'm having a high blood sugar induced guilt complex at the moment) Cheddars being a point in general, infact most of them are carbohydrate related.... I've manged to get over my cravings for really naughy stuff (donuts, Dairy Milk chocolate, M&Ms...any sweet counter contents really). The whole cheesecake/banoffee pie thing is more irritating when i'm dining out, especially when dining out with my aunt. The rest of my family, when confronted with the desert menu will say "oh, i'm much to full, i couldn't possibly manage derssert!" even when lying through their teeth, but not my dad's sister.
At church this morning I was asked to fill out a menu card for when a group of us go for a Christmas lunch. I was fine till I got to the puddings and then on behalf of all of us I ticked the most inappropriate thing! White chocolate and strawberry cheesecake! No idea whether I shall eat it on the day but I don't like Christmas pud and all the other options were probably just as bad in one way or another so I thought just go for the worst one and even if I only eat 2 mouthfuls I shall enjoy what I have - after all it's Christmas!
Alex doesnt really miss out on anything as he just has insulin for whatever foods - so not sure why some type 1's are missing out on a little treat.🙂Bev

Exactly Bev, I eat whatever i want, good or bad
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