Where to start!


The nurse did a finger prick test on Monday evening when I had my appointment and was diagnosed. The reading was 23 4.

To be fair I had eaten lots of high carbs that day (my usual diet- croissants, juice and a banana for breakfast, sandwich and crisps for lunch).

Anyway; have been really 100% with keeping my carbs low 119g on Tuesday, 84 yesterday.

My fasting BG this morning was 17, and 2.5 hours after breakfast (berries, yoghurt and 30g low carb/keto granola) its reading 14.5.

I know it's early days- but I'm feeling positive.

My diet before was beyond bad to be fair (I think I have binge eating disorder).
Sounds like you are seeing progress already with that post breakfast reading. Well done!
Great to see your BGs responding positively to your reduced carb load @tiptoptapper

Keep going!

Some members have found it's gentler on the body to make carb reductions in stages, so that their BG can drift down gently. Don't panic about those high readings and push to reduce them too fast, just let it happen over a gradual curve. Some people can get nerve pain or temporary eye glitches if reducing from consistently high BGs to on-target BGs too rapidly. Give your body time to adjust and adapt 🙂
Hi welcome to the forum, I have been diagnosed for less than a month and while my HbA1c was 92 at the start, I am hoping that with the lifestyle changes things are improving. My finger prick tests are showing are showing around 6.5 each morning and while some days my before and after meal measures are all nicely in the 4-7 range before food an around 7-8 afterwards, I do find that the level of work related stress can impact and send them higher than I am comfortable with.

Good luck with your own changes and I am sure that things will improve quickly. Oh and the Chocolate Muffins on the Freshwell app are nice though a little weird if you fancy a sweet treat :D