Where do you wear yours?

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Hi Laura I wear mine in my jeans pocket. I have worn jeans or black trousers for work ever since getting my pump and I really miss wearing skirts and dresses! I did go through I phase where I would wear a SPIbelt with the pump in as a belt around skirts but it looked too lumpy, and I like to wear figure-hugging tops over my skirts and it looked awful, so I stopped doing it. I also tried wearing the garter that Medtronic provides but it kept slipping down and it was uncomfortable. I've been thinking for a while now, it would be cool if someone designed some stretchy cotton short shorts to wear under skirts and dresses, with a pocket high up on the front of the thigh for the pump to go in, maybe like a phone sock. That would mean that the pump would be really secure and would not be noticeable. I did try to make some shorts of my own but I couldn't find a pair of shorts the right length to put a pocket on the front of and still be short enough to wear under some of my shorter skirts. And when I stitched the pocket on it looked really messy :( If you feel like designing a pair I would pay any amount!
Hi Laura I wear mine in my jeans pocket. I have worn jeans or black trousers for work ever since getting my pump and I really miss wearing skirts and dresses! I did go through I phase where I would wear a SPIbelt with the pump in as a belt around skirts but it looked too lumpy, and I like to wear figure-hugging tops over my skirts and it looked awful, so I stopped doing it. I also tried wearing the garter that Medtronic provides but it kept slipping down and it was uncomfortable. I've been thinking for a while now, it would be cool if someone designed some stretchy cotton short shorts to wear under skirts and dresses, with a pocket high up on the front of the thigh for the pump to go in, maybe like a phone sock. That would mean that the pump would be really secure and would not be noticeable. I did try to make some shorts of my own but I couldn't find a pair of shorts the right length to put a pocket on the front of and still be short enough to wear under some of my shorter skirts. And when I stitched the pocket on it looked really messy :( If you feel like designing a pair I would pay any amount!

I hadn't thought of shorts but might have a look at that

My pump garter is proving fun at the minute!
Am just a bit worried about having my pump accessible to go through security at court so I don't think a garter would work.
How about sewing a patch pocket on a pair of cycle shorts? They should be snug and short enough to wear under a skirt.
I tried lycra cycle shorts but I found after I had sewed the pocket on that when wearing them the pocket would not stretch with the lycra and they became tight and uncomfortable and holes started to appear round the stitching. Perhaps I should try fabric glue. Although this might restrict the fabric in the same way and might not be as secure. Hmmm I might have to have a look at that...
Try using fabric with some 'give' in it, and/or use gathering to make the pocket a bit more roomy.
How about sewing a patch pocket on a pair of cycle shorts? They should be snug and short enough to wear under a skirt.

Can you not just make a pocket for the skirt? If your needlework skills are not up to that then see if you can find someone local to you who can do it for you.
Also have you tried puting the pump on your waist band so it's facing inwards?
Try using fabric with some 'give' in it, and/or use gathering to make the pocket a bit more roomy.

Good idea LeeLee, I might try this 🙂

@ Sue, sewing a pocket onto my skirts is a good idea, thanks 🙂 But not so good for dresses.
When I first started pumping mine was always on the side of my trousers until I realised it could clip onto the bra... 4 years later that is where mine still is! Not noticeable and very comfy! 🙂
I have a soft "belt" and hang my pump off that if I'm wearing a dress with a big enough skirt or I wear hold ups and it stays nicely in the sticky bit at the top. I've also heard that people sew a children's sock inside the skirt to hold the pump - haven't tried it yet but that's the plan for my wedding dress when I finally find one I like!
marier i used to wear an elasticated belt provided by Roche around my leg (around my stomach was too risky for catching the set itself) during the night but stopped about 2 years ago and just have it next to me in bed now. I do sometimes wak up and find it underneath me but whether its the durability of the thing or the memory foam mattress i have, it's never done it any damage and i really don't even know it's there any more 🙂
I got a bra pouch from Roach and a few other pouches one for round my thigh one for on a belt one for round my neck and one for on my pocket, but like the bra one best the clip broke phoned them and they sent me a new one. I like the bra pouch with the hook clip it just hangs down the side under my arm and its very cumffy. When I was wateing for the one they were sending me I hung the old pouch on my bra with a carabina clip and that did the job just as good.
When I am outdoors I wear my pump in a runner's belt which fits it perfectly and prevents the pump from moving around when I am walking.

When I sleep, I have a choice of some camera cases I purchased online which are ideal because there is no large buckle at the back to 'annoy me in bed'!! One camera case I use has a belt clip on it, a good sturdy one but the other falls off when I move about which is not good because the pump plus the weight of the camera case can cause trauma to the pump site!! Urghhh. The best ones I have are again camera cases which fit on a DD shaped belt and with these I just forget the pump is there.

Before I started pumping, I bought a few 'belt bags' but they were too large to wear in bed, the pump became very hot which was not a good idea and I could hear the pump moving when I was turning over in bed which did my head in! I have another wallet, a well known brand (rhymes with trio) which keeps the insulin cool and this is also ideal for summer.

I am also going to 'attempt' to make my own pump cases, just for the amusement really, hahaha that will be fun!
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