Where do you wear yours?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am designing a pump holder but wondered where people wore them?

I've seen on Facebook that women put them down their bra.

Thank you in advance for your help
In my pocket except when on motobike. Use metronic clip on to my leathers cos no pocket. That clip gets well tested at times. 🙂
Pump goes in my pocket inside a soft leather case made to measure by my local saddler.
Usually in my bra but if I'm not wearing one I have a leather case that clips onto my leggins/jeans when I'm in the house.
Hope you don't mind a non-pumper chipping in, but if the pump is using bra space, where do you put your phone and purse??
Hope you don't mind a non-pumper chipping in, but if the pump is using bra space, where do you put your phone and purse??

I did wonder that LeeLee. I don't have room for a phone so I doubt the pump will be going down there!!
Where would you like to wear it Laura ? Try looking at some of the different websites for pump accessories you may be inspired. You can get bra pouches now so no need to stuff it in you bra, esp if you are a modest cup would look a bit bulky!
Where would you like to wear it Laura ? Try looking at some of the different websites for pump accessories you may be inspired. You can get bra pouches now so no need to stuff it in you bra, esp if you are a modest cup would look a bit bulky!

Am trying to design pump pouch but wondering where most people wear them (kinda bit like a survey)
Not sure what pump you will get but the Medtronic one my daughter was given came with a clip and a belt pouch, unfortunately neither were appropriate for her age or clothing, it would pull her bottoms down with the weight, so we sewed some little pockets into her vest which still work well. I've noticed they are starting to sell these now on some sites on the internet and charge a small fortune. If you get away with it you could make yourself some extra cash ? Good luck with your research 🙂
Not sure what pump you will get but the Medtronic one my daughter was given came with a clip and a belt pouch, unfortunately neither were appropriate for her age or clothing, it would pull her bottoms down with the weight, so we sewed some little pockets into her vest which still work well. I've noticed they are starting to sell these now on some sites on the internet and charge a small fortune. If you get away with it you could make yourself some extra cash ? Good luck with your research 🙂

Thank you, I had a few ideas for where to wear to put them but not sure on how wearable they'd be.

I like my garter design but need to figure out bits & bats.

I don't know what comes with the aviva pump, I've seen what you can buy for it. Think a leg strap is ?25 & a few other sites seem expensive but would like to make some funky pouches so children can have a nice pouch that isn't 1 in thousands
I do think there is a market for it, I for one am not the greatest seamstress and would prefer a good well made accessory that didn't need the odd retouch here and there! (my poor daughter! 🙄)
I do think there is a market for it, I for one am not the greatest seamstress and would prefer a good well made accessory that didn't need the odd retouch here and there! (my poor daughter! 🙄)

Knowing me tho with a children's pouch, I'd go mad if it had trims on it & cover it with bits of pretty things (I do think I'm secretly a little person in an adults body when it comes to sparkly things)
Thank you, I had a few ideas for where to wear to put them but not sure on how wearable they'd be.

I like my garter design but need to figure out bits & bats.

I don't know what comes with the aviva pump, I've seen what you can buy for it. Think a leg strap is ?25 & a few other sites seem expensive but would like to make some funky pouches so children can have a nice pouch that isn't 1 in thousands

I have the accu chek pump, I can take some piccies tomorrow of what you get with it if you like?
I have the accu chek pump, I can take some piccies tomorrow of what you get with it if you like?

If you wouldn't mind, am just trying to think of what would be easy to make/buy especially if I nip to court with going through the scanners. I've been told that I'd have to get it out to show security :s
If you wouldn't mind, am just trying to think of what would be easy to make/buy especially if I nip to court with going through the scanners. I've been told that I'd have to get it out to show security :s

Yep no probs, I'll take some pics when I get home from work later
In my bra or pocket of jeans. In house on clip on waistband. Of pjs. When exercising on clip inside my sport bra
I used to wear it in my trousers pocket, but too often forgot about it when dropping trousers (not mooning, just changing, toilet etc! 😱)...these days I use a big safety pin to pin the pump case to the bottom edge of my bra, at the side as far back as I can reach. Pros are I don't end up yanking out cannulas any more & I can lift my top slightly to stick a tbr on quickly if I want to & it's fairly discrete (I can't do the in the bra thing - I'm a c cup & find it a) looks odd & b) is blooming uncomfortable! The con is I end up with big holes in my bra, but I'm experimenting with sewing tabs on that I can pin in to in future. Not an elegant solution but it's all I've got time for at the mo & I'm not sure I like anything bespoke for pumps that I've seen so far... 🙂 It does the job...
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