When were you diagnosed?

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diagnosed while still in the army and got pensioned out. i wasnt quite 21 and hated the fact i got diagnosed. i was away on exercise and started to lose weight and also had other stuff going wrong.
I was diagnosed right before my 15th birthday. In around the October I felt thristy one day and decided to test my urine for sugar (mum has diabetes and we had them in the house), it was positive so my mum took me to the doctor, finally in the December I went to the childrens day ward for a GTT and then in the Febuary day before my brithday I was told I had diabetes.

My diabetes (MODY) is a slow onset type of diabetes so it was developing a few months/years before my first symptoms.
In the past I've had very low levels of B12 and iron a few times. Usually I knew it was happening if I got tired quickly and sometimes dizzy. I was also very thirsty most of the time, but I never told my doctor. I was used to it, so thought that was just me.
Blood got tested, turned out I had diabetes. Diagnosed in October 2004.

At first my doctor didn't want to give me medication, but my dietrician told her to get me pills immediately, since my diet was fine. Had been for years and still is.
So when I went to London to see the Moody Blues in the Royal Albert Hall I was on pills for only a short time. Was really weird...it makes me remember the month at least.
I was on a great holiaday in Italy all paid for by the inlaws! Half board as well, ate loads of pasta didn't drink too much, but by the end of it I could barely see past 4 foot away so driving home from airport was a bit scary! Took the docs a further 4 weeks to tell me what I decided as soon as I got home!
I was in hospital for thyroidectomy, needed steroid infusions afterwards to save my eyes. Started to feel really ill while still in hospital and it took them over a week to diagnose. My eyes are fine now, would hate to lose them.
I was in hospital for thyroidectomy, needed steroid infusions afterwards to save my eyes. Started to feel really ill while still in hospital and it took them over a week to diagnose. My eyes are fine now, would hate to lose them.

Goodness Heike, that would have been awful! Glad to hear you got through it OK.
Folks I have read all your notes and they scare me because I had absolutely no symptoms. Routine health check picked me out with type two.
I was working nights and kept feeling tired and always peeing then drinking, very grumpy and snapped at work friends, sweating and when I ate something all the symptoms always went away. I told my aunt what was happening to me (who has diabetes as well) said she thoughts that I needed to see the Dr. I went and had tests done and a week later Doc phoned me to see her straight away, thats when she told me I had type2 put me on metformin, that was in Jan 1990. I had been feeling unwell since 1988 when I was going through a very hard and very stressfull divorse so I had had diabetes for nearly 2 years without knowing it. The Doc told me that the stress had brought out the diabetes early in me. My grandmother my mum my aunt all have diabetes so it is no wonder that I have it as well, just hope that my granddaughters don't get it.
Still on the metformin and now 5 jabs a day as well. Feel like a pin cushoin sometimes🙂
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I was very ill after having a Hysterectomy 3 years ago age 42! I got over the op no problem but started feeling very unwell in myself! Looking back I was always thirsty! I had a dry mouth constant thrush & terrible headaches all the time. I then started loosing weight & lost almost 3 stone! For the first time in my life I was a size 6/8 & thought it was great, never dreaming for one moment that it could be Diabetes! After 3 trips to the doctors seeing 3 different ones I finally had some blood & urine tests & got the dreaded phone call from the surgery to say that they thought that I may be Type 2. I was sent to the hospital to have a tolerence test where my readings where 18 on a fasting test & 30+ after! I was then told to control it with diet, I lost more weight! Then put on Metformin & gliclazides (sp?) which made me feel very sick & made very little difference! Finally when my readings were mainly over 20+ a diabetic Nurse from my Dr's was very worried about me & made me an emergency appt & I was sent straight to the Hospital & put on Insulin & Diagnosed as Type 1. The rest is history as they say! I'm now on 3 x Novorapid & 1 x Levemir & still waiting for a Daphne Course which has a years wait!

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