When were you diagnosed?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Or rather, what were you doing when you became unwell?

I was diagnosed when I was 21 after coming home from a year studying in the US, I had steadily become quite ill during the preceding couple of months but hadn't done anything about it as my medcial insurance wasn't great. Of course as soon as I came home, looking like a stick, I was dragged off very quickly to the doctors and diagnosed (bit of a nightmare with that initially but I got there in the end!)

The reason I ask is that the vast majority (I'd say 8 out of 10) of diabetics I've come across 'in real life' became ill while they were away on a holiday or similar so wondering if it is a pattern or coincidence. I wonder if there is something in having a change to routine that allows the suspected virus that causes it to take hold...?
I think with me it was a mixture of various other medical probs and anno domini.

Wondered why I was losing weight so quickly, asked for thryroid check when had INR test. The nurse, thank goodness, asked for glucose test which really got things moving.
I can't remember what was happening with me as it was 38 years ago when I 2 years old🙄
I went in for an op on an absess back in november and after recieving 2 month aftercare in the january i felt another absess on my right armpit , the nurse gave me some antibiotics but next time i went back she said you're gp would like you to have some blood tests and have a urine sample well the rest is history.. he said the absesses where a indicator of the diabetes . so thats how i found out
How I found out I was type 2 ;-(

I went to hospital for a pre operation assessment on 10 March 2009. A urine test showed high glucose in my urine and a BG test was 11.6. I saw my doctor the same day and he arranged a blood test the following Tuesday.

I got my results the next day and my HBA1c was 7.5.

On 14 April 2009 I was put on Metformin tablets after telling my doctor that I was constantly tired.

I self test my BG and I have got the readings down to between 4 and 7 :D.

wow we could be twins tez :D:D
exact same as me barr the results mine are still between 8 and 11
Went to the GP because I was peeing all day. Would have a drink and need to pee minutes later and again several times each hour. 😡

Doctor sent me for a blood test and rang me with the results earlier than I was expecting them. 😎
In early pregnancy there was glucose in my wee, which combined with family history meant they sent me for a glucose tolerance test. From memory my fasting glucose was five point something, and after I drank the evil drink it was over nine. Not too bad with hindsight! They did a HbA1C which was 8% and they shoved me on insulin straight away.

I feel really lucky that it was caught early and I never actually got ill. Though looking back I did have a lot of symptoms, including that high blood sugar exhaustion, which I hope never to feel ever again...

[Edited cos I was lying about my HbA1C.]
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I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006. I'd been backwards and forwards to my doctor with most of the classic symptoms like wieght loss always thirsty always peeing always wanting more sleep, various skin problems, slow healing wounds.

As to the how, my employer holds annual health care and well being events. I went and had all the tests because I was getting instant results and they told me to make an appointment to see my doctor, which I had to wait another two weeks for. At least this time when I went I had a sheet of tests antother professional agreed needed doing.
I don't really recall what was going in 1996 when I was five. I just have vague recollections of first blood tests and syringes.

Tom H
There are probably two sides to my diagnosis, from what I've subsequently learned. I had been out in the garden at the end of May last year and was watching some football on the telly when I was suddenly very sick - extremely unusual for me. I decided I had a stomach bug and tried to battle through it for the next three days - my weight dropped 17 pounds in that time. Finally, I decided I wasn't going to recover on my own and phoned 999, subsequently spending just over a week in hospital.

However, I think I may have had LADA. I had been gradually losing weight for about two years, feeling very lethargic a lot of the time, getting thirsty a lot etc. One of the nurses suggested that possibly my insulin production had started to decline, but the fact that I was training for half and full marathons probably meant I was just managing to use the insulin efficiently to stave off DKA. Then, I caught a virus which knocked me over the edge into DKA.

Tracing back, I think an extremely stressful period at work may have been a principle trigger for the onset.
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Hi aymes,

Although i wasnt away on holiday i had a week of work to do some christmas shopping at the beggining of December so wasnt so active as usual when i started to feel unwell. At first they thought i was type 2 so put me on tablet/diet. The next 3 weeks over Christmas i lost a stone in weight and didnt feel any better. I rang my local DN who told me to pop down took my bg level it was sky high tested for keytones and that was ++ so she sent me straight to hospital who put me straight on insulin. They told me that it was the change of routine of being off work for that week back in dec which triggered it off.
well I was in sixth form and I was just tired all the time, went to the toilet a lot and felt unbelievably thirsty!!

Basically I just ignored this for a while until it got ridiculous and my friends said I should go to the doctors.

So one day I got home and just said to my mum "Im tired, pee alot and i'm thirsty all the time... I think ive got diabetes". So she called the doctors, they told me to come in and they tested me etc, then I had to go back after hours and ended up in hospital for a few days - it was a very weird experience!
In hospital after I fell into a coma - which I was in for over two weeks - parents were told I would be alive or dead within 6 hours after I was given a huge dose of insulin! It was a week before my fifth birthday - 19th December or thereabouts! Not a good Chrimbo for Mom and Dad! I was in hospital for over a month.
It was before diabetes got so popular 🙂 - 34 years ago - I am so glad there is so much more publicity/knowledge now!
omg that is awful 😱 sounds really scary! Do you know how long you had symptoms before this happened?

Thank god diabetes is so publicised these days.
I was diagnosed a couple of weeks before my 11th birthday. I had had no energy for a long time, given up swimming and ballet and had lost loads of weight in spite of eating like a horse. I started going to the loo a lot in class, got worried so stopped drinking during the day, funnily enough I don't remember thirst until I was actually in hospital being diagnosed, drifting in and out of consciousness, and not being allowed to drink in case I needed surgery! The night before I was admitted I weighed 4 stone, the morning I was admitted I weighed 3 and a half, at which point mum called out the doctor who took one look at me and said I was diabetic. Mum had been backwards and forwards with me beofre but got told she was being neurotic and that I probably had anorexia (about which they did nothing anyway!!). Not a pleasant experience all in all! Although I do remember having fun in hospital once I was a bit more with it: wheelchair races up and down the ward, stabbing grapefruits with syringes full of water, laughing at my friends' faces as they turned pale watching me test my blood...
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i was diagnosed in 2003 when i was pregnant with my daughter, they thought it was gestational diabetes to begin with but unfortunately it just happened when i was pregnant and was nothing to do with that! they only picked it up at 28 weeks when i had a glucose load and my blood sugar was a massive 41.2 !!! they were amazed i wasnt in a coma....and so am i now....after almost being in one when i got the dreaded DKA...levels were a mere 22.....
41.2 😱😱😱 wow never seen or heard of that high before that totally amazes me like you say how you did not go in a coma baffles me x
haha is still amazes me...and also amazed that my daughter had no major side affects as they think i went through most of the pregnancy undiagnosed so my levels would have been all over the place! she is perfectly healthy although she was 5 weeks early and still a good weight of 6lb 2oz....i dread to think how big she would have been if she had gone full term!!
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